Funny story about a record of mine…

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    Ever since i downloaded the rough trade album i’ve loved it, but also felt that it was somewhat short and ended a little weird. You see, i’ve had that cd in my car for atleast a year and use to play it over and over. Only thing is i downloaded it.

    So then just some weeks ago i bought the Austin city limits dvd, and the one track that stood out the most was Side of the road, and i was like, WOW, what a great track, why isnt it on any studio album!???!?!

    So, time went and i ordered the Rough trade original vinyl from the internet, and what a surprise – It’s on it! Even better, there’s a live version on the passionate kisses EP!!!

    See, my album that i had for a year ended with Crescent City, and i was baffled i got like 3 more songs, for free, and they were all so great! 3 totally new lucinda tracks for me, just me, a true gift! I was feeling blessed and have been ever since, so very very very happy that it is actually on the album, i hardly can believe it even now as i play it… 😆

    I just want to hug the guy who put the album on the internet with minus 3 songs, at first i loved the album, and then i got 3 more songs. Gotta love the internet!


    Maybe your download was interrupted when you got the record the first time?


    Marc, if you want a different perspective on the full Rough Trade album, consider Lucinda’s live performance at the El Rey in Los Angeles on September 10, 2007.
    You can order it solo for $22.50 or as a package for $75.00 for all 5 CD’s in the West,East,North, South Tour 2007.
    I bought all 5 and it’s great including live stage banter by Lu.
    Look at the bottom of the HOME page of this web site for details as follows:

    GET The Lucinda Live Album CD Series!
    Having developed a rabid fan base over the years it is fitting that Lucinda Williams decided to record a series of concerts in Los Angeles and New York City direct to her fans. These live in concert recordings, recorded over 5 nights in each city, capture each album (World Without Tears, Essence, Car Wheels, Sweet Old World, and Lucinda Williams) in their entirety exactly as it went down each night. Each show is available individually in limited run or as bundles from each city.
    Order your copy while supplies last.

    Also Marc if you have any more Euro Kroners left, get the 2nd DVD from Austin City Limits.



    Ah, already got the second dvd, they’re both great. Are they good these live albums? Any encores off other records? I kinda only buy vinyl and download illegaly these days and i guess i aint gonna find that album so i think i’m gonna have to pass on it… but it sure is tempting!


    @Marc_Bolan wrote:

    and download illegaly

    Probably not the best thing to admit here in the Friendly Forum, given that Lu’s husband & manager reads pretty much everything posted… 😉



    Haha, no worries, i can take the flak if someone will. I’ve just bought all of her releases on vinyl and the two dvd’s, got car wheels on cd. At least here in sweden it’s just a fact of life, people download illegaly, at least 30 percent of the swedish population does. Never mind, that’s off topic. ^^


    At least here in sweden it’s just a fact of life, people download illegaly, at least 30 percent of the swedish population does.

    everybody does.

    the beautiful thing is that you and I proceeded to buy those releases eventually. for me the whole process of getting clean took 2,5 years – and i’m still missing a couple of cds. no shame in getting to know stuff. shame in loving stuff and not being righteous, though.

    btw, ‘side of the road’ looks more and more to be the LW’s masterpiece in my opinion. i mean, this is a heartwrenching and immensely relatable song and i was discussing it with a friend that went to amsterdam for her master’s and left her boyfriend of 4 years, also my friend, behind in rio. so you see.


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    At least here in sweden it’s just a fact of life, people download illegaly, at least 30 percent of the swedish population does.

    btw, ‘side of the road’ looks more and more to be the LW’s masterpiece in my opinion. i mean, this is a heartwrenching and immensely relatable song and i was discussing it with a friend that went to amsterdam for her master’s and left her boyfriend of 4 years, also my friend, behind in rio. so you see.

    Oh yeah, i think everyone can relate to it, even though everyone wasn’t at Lucinda’s point of view. I know i can. It’s really touching. and she’s made it so beautiful. I truly think it is if not her best song ever, at least the best on LW.


    @Marc_Bolan wrote:

    and download illegaly these days

    Funny thing is, I became a fan because of Napster. Heard a song on an obscure station, looked it up and the rest is history. (thanks a lot Lars)

    I have a rule on pirated music, I’ll listen and if I like it I’ll buy it. And share with my friends with the same caveat. The silver lining in pirated music is more people will hear the music, especially with artists that are not getting exposure on the mainstream stations.
    Of course this was all before sat radio…


    The silver lining in pirated music is more people will hear the music, especially with artists that are not getting exposure on the mainstream stations.

    precisely. it’s a win-win thing. and you’re american (i guess), and that makes things easier for you (esp. regarding exposure on the mainstream stations). it’s harder for someone living in sweden and a bit more for someone in brazil and a bit more for someone in, say, sierra leone.


    Aye, artists like Lucinda gets zero coverage here… Aint never heard of her here and nobody i know knows her, except one friend that originally comes from Houston, TX. Of course she’s heard of LU! 😀

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