Free in-store Show and Free Beer in Austin Jan.14, 2014

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Free in-store Show and Free Beer in Austin Jan.14, 2014

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    5:00 p.m. @ Waterloo Records to promote the S/T re-re-release.



    Good man, my Canadian: among you, Lafayette, and westwords, we have this Lone Star State thing covered.


    Did someone say “free beer”? :mrgreen:


    @tonyg wrote:

    Did someone say “free beer”? :mrgreen:

    I believe Southwest flies directly between LAX and Austin, cheaply. I believe TonyG works weekdays only. I believe weekend golf lessons are suspended during the winter months, even in CA. I believe. . .


    Correct on all counts, good sir. 💡


    Wowza ! So cool Lu is doing an In-Store!! Even better our favorite road warrior will be in attendance. 8)

    Somewhere, there has to be some Cabernet…


    Whole Foods is diagonally across the street from Waterloo. Lots of Cabernet…

    Be aware that typical Waterloo 5 PM in-store performances have an entrance line starting at 4 PM, with priority wristbands for those purchasing the featured media earlier that day. It might be naive to arrive at 5 without a priority wristband, and expect prompt entrance and a good viewing point.

    dr winston oboogie

    You lucky,lucky people….sorry guys would love to be there but just a tad too far for me….

    I am sure you will all have a great time, and remember to give Lucinda my love.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Correct on all counts, good sir. 💡

    But as Lafayette pointed out to me, this event is [Those] 3 days after the ACL thing. I got my 14’s mixed up, year and date. Still, they give vacation days in Simi Valley, no?


    They do but I am going to use a couple at holiday time and I am going to take some time off later in January to see some Tim Flannery shows around San Francisco. I’m quite busy you know. 8)


    A full house according to reports at Waterloo Records, I’m sure stoger will be along shortly with his usual comprehensive reporting.
    But, in the meantime folks, we got a NEW song “Somewhere This Way Comes”, which, I believe this was originally called “Something Wicked This Way Comes”
    Love it, Lu is accompanied by local Austin guitarist Brad Rice.



    The word “Wicked” is still very much in the song title, lafayette.

    Brad Rice has worked with Son Volt and others; he is a North Carolina native living in Austin now. I think he’s produced some notables too.

    Especially nice to meet DDinNJ from this Forum, and her husband.

    1 Passionate Kisses [solo, while Rice frantically tunes and finishes setting up on stage]
    2 I Just Wanted to See You so Bad
    3 Side of the Road
    4 Crescent City
    5 Something Wicked this Way Comes
    6 Nothin’ in Ramblin
    7 Joy [which proved both “blistering” and “stripped down,” as Lu announced just prior to it]
    8 Changed the Locks

    A pretty generous amount of songs for an in-store, no? People were turned away; people were lined up outside and at least got their stuff signed afterwards, if not able to be indoors during. Lu signed for almost an hour afterwards. She conceded it might be sounding “jangly” on the tiny Waterloo stage but then smilingly opined “I think I’m doing pretty well for the late afternoon.” I had a good perch, but we were sardines. I couldn’t even get to the free beer post, though I noticed Tom Overby strolled in right after Lu and made a bee (pun intended) line for it, scoring a plastic cupful immediately. Now that’s management.


    You got screwed out of the free beer!! ❗


    Just got back to NJ. The event was Wonderful. Yes, packed in like sardines, but so well worth it. Stoger is correct, no one was turned away, everyone who wanted something signed, got it and the super nice people at Waterloo took photos to keep the line moving. Lucinda was extremely gracious and sounded great. Stoger, it was great meeting you and thank you for the introductions.


    I bet you were wanting wine, anyway, right, stoger?

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