Fillmore 1- March 3

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Fillmore 1- March 3

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  • #31674

    Setlist: (I believe; to be confirmed)
    Something Wicked This Way Comes
    Real Live Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings
    Drunken Angel
    Those Three Days
    I Lost It
    West Memphis
    Side of the Road
    (trio, no drums)
    Cold Day in Hell
    Are You Down
    (great extended instrumental outtro)
    Come On
    (with political rant during song)
    Unsuffer Me
    Honey Bee
    Hot Blood
    I Live My Life
    (Fats Domino cover)
    Get Right With God
    Encore 2:
    Rockin’ in the Free World
    (Neil Young cover)


    Attta boy Mike!


    How did night two fare?


    From T.O:
    A very big sigh of relief. In all the years of being the night before the first Fillmore show was hands down the scariest ever. At about 430 AM the fire alarm on our floor (the 15th) went off. Lucinda was sleeping and actually didn’t even wake up at first. After going out into the hallway to see what was going on and trying to call the from desk to now avail and after seeing people fleeing down the stairs I finally decided I had to wake her up. We proceeded to to make the stairs down as fast as we could until we got to the 5th floor -just as I turned to say something to her she slipped and went head first down the final half flight of stairs. A moment of true terror as I saw her eyes waver slightly. She stayed down for a couple minutes and then said “I think I’m ok” she very carefully got up and we went back up to the room as the alarm had now stopped and other people were heading back up. Lucinda was really hurting but again said she was ok and just wanted togo get back in bed. The next morning she said she felt like she had been in a car accident. She had some bad pain in her left ribcage -especially when she took a deep breath. She was worried about singing that night. After sleeping most of the day she was ready to give it a shot.
    Once the adrenalin kicked in she was fine and the momentum of the show and great Fillmore crowd just carried her through. A very memorable night.
    Oh yeah the official story from the hotel was that a homeless person set off the alarm. I don’t really understand why a homeless person would go up 15 floors and then set off an alarm—and also how did he get past the security guard- so I’m not sure I buy the story but at this point I guess it doesn’t really matter.
    Damn she is tough.


    Tough, Heck Yeah. Explains what I thought was a wardrobe malfunction on Friday. Lu was holding her left side, which I thought broken ribs or injury? No, must be a garment situation. Let the record reflect, not just a folk singer, One Bad Ass Rocker!!!! Hope you are feeling better. Hotel fires, scary and confusing, had the pleasure of one a few years ago.

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