Fayettevile, AR – May 1st

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Fayettevile, AR – May 1st

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    @ParkerCA wrote:

    Got this notice today:

    Due to the extreme cold expected on May 1, the Lucinda Williams and Billy Joe Shaver concert has been moved from The AMP at the Northwest Arkansas Mall to The Fayetteville Town Center on the Fayetteville Square

    Well, “extreme” is a relative term (see Minneapolis Dakota Club from Feb.), but OK. Guess this doesn’t affect the potential sale of my ticket, since I can’t make the trip 🙁


    Just about ready to head over to Fayetteville. It is raining like crazy here right now. No hail though!


    You go, man: Report, please. Maybe you can coax a recap out of someone who was in Memphis also?


    Will do! Also found the hail! I don’t think I got any damage though.


    The show was great! The staff dealing with seating, not so much. I will elaborate on that tomorrow.

    I just wanted to see u so bad
    Car wheels
    The nights too long
    People Talkin
    Concrete and Barbedwire
    Well well well
    Crescent City
    Lake Charles (acoustic)
    Ugly Truth (with Blake)
    Born to be loved
    Too Cool To Be Forgotten 
    Steal Your Love
    Changed the locks
    Honey Bee

    Encore (Lucinda comes out and announces
    Death of Osama Bin Laden)
    For What It’s Worth


    Arrived in Fayetteville around 6pm through the wind, rain and hail. The room where Lucinda played looked like
    a convention meeting room in a hotel. Really glad the powers that be moved the show, with the weather, there was no way it could have been outside.

    My friend and I bought lawn seats. The tickets were 17 bucks and we planned on bringing our own chairs. I figured you could not bring your own chairs in the building. We found a table and figured on standing. No big deal. About 15 minutes before the show began, more chairs were brought out and placed in the back. The Staff told people standing that we could sit, so we did. Well, somewhere there was a communication breakdown between staff. Right after Shaver left the stage “CHIEF STAFFER” came up and demanded to see my ticket. I showed him and he said, “You need to get up, you are Lawn, you don’t get a chair.” He wasn’t quiet about it and it was a little embarrassing. I wasn’t trying to “sneek” a seat, there were seats, and we were told we could sit. This guy was a complete jerk and there was no reason to be.

    Ok, enough ranting, back to the show…

    Billy Joe Shaver took the stage about 7:15. Billy Joe played for about an hour and the crowd really responded well to him. Shaver is an amazing songwriter. Go see him if you have the chance, you will be happy you did.

    Lucinda came on about 9:15-9:30. I was still pissed at “Chief Staffer” so I wasn’t paying too much attention. 👿
    Despite the room looking like a conference room, the sound was great. The band was great and Blake sounded AMAZING. He really breathes fresh life into some of the songs, especially “Steal Your Love”.

    about 20 minutes before encore whispers of Osama Bin Laden being killed were circulating in my area of the room. My buddy and I were on our iphones trying to get the latest. Lucinda played “Honeybee” and came back and announced the news. I’m not sure if people thought she was joking or what but from where I was sitting it sounded like unsure applause. Lucinda assured them the news was true and said how fitting the next song was, Blessed. Then a rocking version of Joy (fitting for the news we just received) and then a fantastic version of Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth”. So cool I was at a Lucinda show when this news happened.

    Overall, great show. Looking forward to Cains next Tuesday. NOBODY sits at Cains, so there wont be any “Chief Staffers”! lol


    Great report, Parker–I’ll even forgive you for going to the Iphone during a Lucinda set. Did you meet anyone who had been to Memphis?

    “The Night’s Too Long” and “Well Well Well” as Blake/tour debuts: sweet.

    Conference room, hunh? If I had to swallow a ticket for one show, this might have been the right choice–though I paid a good deal more than 17 bucks. Hope those with “premium” seats got at least a close, seated spot. Your description of the venue sounds like where the Americana Conference Awards Show was held before it got moved down the street to the Ryman; even Jim Lauderdale as emcee couldn’t enliven the proceedings at the original site.

    Those security guys must have gotten transferred from Humphrey’s San Diego and/or Lincoln Rococco Theatre. Been there, got treated like that. . .

    Here’s hoping OK treats you better. . .


    I did not meet anyone that went to the Memphis show. I asked a couple people, but they had not went.
    Yeah, the venue did not have that rock vibe. More Senior prom. lol

    I’m sure the Cains people will be a little more polite.


    Concert review and some excellent photos.



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