Fan Review

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Fan Review

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  • #29478

    Got to give an immediate gut reaction to the new album.


    For an ole Gretschman like me it’s so great to hear all those different guitar textures and some real Rock N Roll. I hope none of it is ironic because I like it rough and Lu sounds like she does too. AC/DC – Fantastic.

    Stand out tracks for me are Jailhouse Tears, If Wishes Were Horses, Real Love and Honey Bee. Congratulations on the sound of the record – Hats off to the Producers Eric and Tom. Nice songs and some real balance in their moods – love all the gut bucket Blues and some of that sweet n sour country even more.

    Dare a say it’s a return to form. Also I hope its alright to say how nice it is to hear Lucinda sounding so physically well again.

    Thank you.

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