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    Sexy song of the day is the running theme of following blog with “Passionate Kisses” crowned as such.

    My question pertains to the music video included in the blog. I love this video! How many official videos has Lucinda released over the years?



    Actually none. Or one if you count the PK video -in some ways you could say it it is official but it was done before MTV etc. really took hold so nothing was ever done with it. I have no idea how the blog even got ahold of it. I had never seen it before.
    Lucinda told me that the gila monster was her idea. πŸ’‘ πŸ˜€


    @TOverby wrote:

    Lucinda told me that the gila monster was her idea. πŸ’‘ πŸ˜€

    Great trivia stuff! I’m always fascinated with video story boards.

    Something tells me, had Lucinda shot that video in the here and now, she wouldn’t have used a gila monster. πŸ˜€

    16 comments on PK, all positve, were left on YouTube, this one just recently, and gets two thumbs up from me.

    “My heart is bonkin’ so hardο»Ώ right now”………

    I’m going to have to use that line with my husband πŸ˜‰


    I’m not so sure about that –when I was asking her about the video last night, I mentioned the lizard and she said “that’s not a lizard that’s an iguana, that was my idea,isn’t that cool?” (I actually had it wrong when I said gila monster earlier)
    Anyway I think the fact that she has never made an official video is pretty interesting and kind of amazing– you would be hard pressed to find another artist of her stature that has never made one. The reasons are numerous, but it didn’t help that she only put out 2 small label records between 1980 and 1997 which covered most of MTV’s heyday. After 1999 or so MTV began devoting much less time to videos and their playlists tightened up to mostly Top 40 or major acts who would make $500k-1 million dollar videos. She also had her own issues with making a video and when she got somewhat beyond that she had a very ill fated meeting with a then big name movie director. Now it makes for a good story –the short version is that the video was to be for one of the songs on Car Wheels so she flew to NY with her then bass playing boyfriend for the meeting with the director. The meeting started off badly when the director, who was not a good match, began drinking heavily and pitching some embarrassingly bad ideas. The meeting ended with the director getting trashed and making some very inappropriate advances to Lucinda when the boyfriend went to the men’s room.
    Pretty classic story.
    That experience didn’t help any with he hesitancies she had to making a video so it just never happened. It has been talked about with the last two records but LH didn’t really feel there was a reason to make one that will justify the costs.
    I think she will probably do something around the next record – it has been talked about from time to time, and she wants to do something really creative, so it may finally happen.


    Thanks, Tom, very interesting stuff.

    I hope Lucinda told the director to f*ck off on her way out the door.

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