Evanston III Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Evanston III Setlist

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    1 Blessed [minor coughing interludes, finishes strong]
    2 W Without Tears
    3 People Talkin’
    4 West Memphis
    5 Drunken A
    6 Jackson
    7 Blue
    8 Cold Day in Hell[with a sense that Northerners might need a gloss on this perhaps Southern expression]
    9 If My Love Could Kill [Lu flashes back to Terry Gross’ radio show where she once played “Pineola” and “Sweet Old World,” though Gross noted they were downers]
    10 Doors of H
    11 Are You Down
    12 Burning Bridges
    13 Seeing Black
    14 Changed the Locks
    16 Essence
    17 Righteously
    18 Joy
    19 You Gotta Move
    20 Honeybee
    21 Get Right with God

    I may have missed one in the Doors/Are Y Down portion, but Tom or “backstreets” or “ddinj” or “westwords” can help, perhaps. “Burning B” and Seeing Black” back to back nearly did me in, emotionally and rockingly. My my.


    Good report Mr. S.


    stoger, as always, you nailed the set list! It’s amazing that I always have to compare my scribbled list to your memory!


    I meant to add that, despite the coughing during Blessed last night, that Lu’s voice sounded great the last few nights!


    Last night was extra special. Jackson was dedicated to our own Stoger/Mr S/Professor. The dedication from the stage was to Roger a Poet and Creative Writing Professor from Jackson TN. The song was played beautifully for a beautiful- soulful person. Happy New Year. May we all continue to meet in 2017.


    You scored Mr. S!!


    From Tom:
    A few hours before the show Lucinda asked me if anyone was ripping her apart after the “challenges” of the previous night’s show. I said “no, actually there was a ton of support” -and a lot of it from people who weren’t even at the show. I knew she was determined to have a great show. When she started singing Blessed and then turned away from the mic and started coughing I was in the back thinking “oh no this can’t be happening”. To say I was on edge at that moment was putting it mild-and I knew she was too. The band did a great job of just continuing the song and she she stepped back up and started singing I could hear the nervousness in her voice and with each line she was getting her legs back under and as the song built to it’s crescendo the feeling of support in the room just built along with it. As the song ended I knew she felt completely lifted up by the response. It was a pretty remarkable moment which she acknowledged by saying “wow I have the best fans, my fans are my friends”. Her connection with her audience is a truly unique thing and I think it has even grown over these last couple of years as we have played more of these multi-night runs in small intimate rooms. On certain nights the audience almost becomes a participant in the show -when Lu might start to wobble a little on the high wire they are there saying “It’s ok, if you fall we’ll catch you”. It’s a truly amazing thing to see.
    After the show she had a big smile on her face and she said “did I redeem myself?” I said “yeah honey, I think you did”


    How wonderful the nod Lu gave to you, stoger!

    I so love the way Lu embraces her many fans. It’s a rarity.

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