Essence, and then … which CDs?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Essence, and then … which CDs?

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    Not being independently wealthy, I can’t just run out and buy every CD. Since I just in the last 2 months or so began to fall in love with Lucinda’s music through Essence (I had it for a couple years, but … had not listened enough at the right times, to really groove with it).

    So, what say you fans? Wither shall I go next, knowing that very likely I will at some point in the next couple years, own them all?


    Ramblin ** (did not listen to it very much 😳 )
    lucinda williams (ed + bonus track) ***** Hardly recommended

    Happy woman blues *** Recommended

    sweet old world ***** Hardly recommended

    Car wheels deluxe edition *****Hardly recommended :first album bought in 1998 (old edition without bonus & sold) thanks to the sticker that say a link between Neil young & shery crow, the name of the producer Roy bittan…(i used to be a sheryl crow fan @ her beginnings 😳 ),wot a surprise when i saw the name of steve earle (still a fan 8) ) …
    did this purchase by chance & @ first listening fell in love with her songs 8) :it’s wot i was searching for many years through us music…

    Essence *** Recommended

    world without tears ** did not enjoy this album @ the beginning , sold it & re bought it 2 years later 😆
    Live @ the fillmore *** Recommended

    West * tracks that works fine on stage 🙂


    Essence was also the first album I bought of Lucinda’s. (after hearing her version of “Cold, Cold Heart” from the Hank Williams tribute album).

    The next album I would buy is “Car Wheels On A Gravel Road” and then:

    -Lucinda Williams (+ Bonus Tracks)
    -World Without Tears
    -Sweet Old World
    -Live at the Fillmore

    -Happy Woman Blues
    (the last two are ok, but I don’t listen to them nearly as much as the top albums)


    This would be the order I’d recommend:

    1 ) West (for being the latest release, and IMO a very, very fine album; amongst her best…)

    2 ) World Without Tears (for being MY fave Lu album when it first came out and for other reasons…)

    3 ) Car Wheels On A Gravel Road (for most likely being her most popular album so far, and that was for a reason…)

    4 ) Live at the Fillmore (for being her only official live album, so far… unless you count the recent releases of the L.A. and of the NY shows!)

    5 ) Lucinda Williams (the famous “Rough Trade album”…)

    6 ) Sweet Old World

    7 ) Happy Woman Blues

    8 ) Ramblin


    Snaggletooth, where do u put ESSENCE on ur list? 😆


    these lists are a great place for me to start … much appreciated!


    @joe_from_paris wrote:

    Snaggletooth, where do u put ESSENCE on ur list? 😆

    Of course I left Essence off because that’s the one scabrous1 already does have!

    If I had to include it in my list it would either be #3 before the Cars Wheels album or #4 after that… I guess most likely it would share the #3 place with Car Wheels!


    ok, I just wanted to know where u rank it among all 😉


    For a very long time my favourite was always the first album I ever heard by her. In fact I discovered it when I borrowed it from the public library in our small, sleepy town in Normandy. It blew my mind and is World Without Tears. I had to stop listening to it though because it made me cry too often.

    Since the concert in Paris last Friday it’s Live @ the Fillmore. Shame we couldn’t get a Live @ the Trabendo! Also East has finally worked it’s way towards the top of the list.


    I mean West not East. I do this all the time…




    I was going to add my own personal order of recommendation…but I can’t better the one posted by Snaggletooth so I’ll just refer you back to that!


    it looks like that u ,guys seems to enjoy more Lu @ her last period.

    i’ve just listened to 2 “home made” compilations of Lu during my ride with my car (only 1 track from record Ramblin:jambalaya & one for WEST:fancy funeral for my 2 compilations…) & as far as i am concerned, i have to admit that i am among people that enjoy MORE LU in CAr wheels’ s phasis & before.

    it reminds me that i forgot to ask for some country tunes when she played in paris 😥 (Louisiana Man, one night stand …)


    I’m not sure if she ever plays anything from her first two albums besides “I Lost It” and “Disgusted”. It would be interesting to hear her play more songs from those albums.


    i’d say get Car Wheels and then World Without Tears asap. see if you can get the Special Edition of Car Wheels cheap, maybe even used to get that live show bonus disk. then i would wait on the reissues and see what bonuses may come with them. (i like her self-tiltled album next best mostly because of the live bonus tracks)

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