El Rey; Thursday

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows El Rey; Thursday

  • This topic has 27 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Tim.
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    sorry for the misinformation about the cd/thanks sweet side
    i thought i’d quoted a reliable source, but i should know by now to check for myself.
    i know i’m sounding greedy, but sonic youth and springsteen in new york??? like lucinda said last night, they should be arrested they’re having so much fun…
    no wonder everyone is grinning ear to ear on stage, it’s a love fest!


    I thought last night was a lot of fun but nowhere near as special as Wednesday was – which seems to be the general consensus of people posting here so far, other than MT who was one of the few already “in the know” about Greg Dulli. I loved Are You Down and Unsuffer Me, as well as the “other” Jackson. But for me Wednesday was a truly special evening, one of the best I’ve ever seen after many many Lucinda shows. (And after all those, the two best for me were both at the El Rey, this one and 12/18/03.)

    Would love to meet others from here at the upcoming shows. I have tix for all 5 of course but it looks like I won’t be able to make Monday’s.

    The other really fascinating thing about last night’s show was Lucinda’s comment about Gurf. I think she may not have intended to let it slip that she invited him to be a guest at one of the shows (she said she hasn’t heard from him yet). Boy would it be special to see them reunite on stage after all these years. I am a huge Doug Pettibone fan, but I would love to see Gurf play a few songs with her too.

    Loved the comment about Honeybee sounding like something the Heartless Bastards might have cooked up. I really enjoyed HB at the Ventura show last year. Lu always seems to come with great opening acts, much more so than almost anyone else. HoneyBee in this arrangement is really fun to experience!


    I noticed that poster “My Sweet Side” expressed interest in a ticket for Sat night at the El Rey.

    I might have one.

    If stiill needed – happy to let it go at face value.

    you can email me at leigh@plays411.com


    i think i know of an extra for tonight too, if needed.
    the right/pettibone corner of the stage is a good meeting place inside, if anyone wants to hang there.

    i’m rested and ready! (doh, it’s only the 7am hour, guess i’d best be patient)
    everyone that was at both shows does say that wednesday’s show ruled. the cd’s seem to indicate this as well, but she’s set the bar very high…
    whoo hoo! tonight’s gonna kick butt!!!! (hope i don’t wear myself out by tonight, hahahaha)


    I’m filled with anticipation for tonight. I’ll be in my usual spot, upfront near the gunslinging DP.


    I liked Wednesday’s show better, but that does not take away from Thursday’s performance. I thought the Essence portion of the show was great. Just too many guests in the 2nd set. I’d like to hear more Lucinda. Really looking forward to tonight. I think it could be a late night tonight. From what I’ve heard Jim Lauderdale & Steve Earle will be there. They both played & worked on “Car Wheels”. I was a bit disappointed on Thursday that Jim wasn’t featured more. He sang backing vocals off & on, but did no songs of his own. He’s been a real good singer & songwriter for years. Can’t wait for tonight!


    I may be wrong but I doubt very much that Gurf would ever want to get on stage with Lucinda again. We’ll see though.


    @Tim wrote:

    I may be wrong but I doubt very much that Gurf would ever want to get on stage with Lucinda again. We’ll see though.

    what exactly is the fall out there? does it have to do with the rerecording of Car Wheels?


    i’ll be in the same place. i hope to get in line early to hurry up and wait.
    front stage right/pettibone side. if there’s enough of us, we can hold space for people who want to wander and then come back.
    i’m petitioning to get greg leisz up there with doug.


    I was a bit disappointed on Thursday that Jim wasn’t featured more. He sang backing vocals off & on, but did no songs of his own. He’s been a real good singer & songwriter for years. Can’t wait for tonight!

    wish i’d posted that jim lauderdale did a showcase for industry people at the mint last night about 6, i didn’t go.
    sorry tim…
    i really hope you’re right about steve and jim. hope greg shows up.


    Thats okay, Stella, I probably wouldn’t have made it either. It’ll be good to see him up on stage and hear him tonight. He toured with Lucinda pretty much all the way thru her Car Wheels tour in ’98-’99. He certainly knows the songs; let’s hope that he is featured more tonight.


    The mic that Jim Lauderdale was using didn’t seem to be working very well. I couldn’t hear him even on the few occasions when he was singing. I hope they fix that this time (or he moves closer, not sure what the cause was).

    I probably won’t be able to get there until just about show time but I’ll try to make my way to right front to see the “forum gang!”


    I don’t think it was a mic problem. I just felt that he held back out of respect for Lucinda; & didn’t want to overpower her. But let’s hope that Lu or someone is going to tell him it’s alright to let it go.

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