El Rey; Thursday

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows El Rey; Thursday

  • This topic has 27 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Tim.
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    It was another great night last night in LA. Lucinda & the band came on again at 9:15. They had Jim Lauderdale on stage with them when the curtain opened. He has done alot of singing with Lucinda on her albums & tours over the years. Started out with a beautiful version of “Lonely Girls” with Doug making his pedal steel cry. The whole album sounded great and again it was about 80 minutes long. Again, there were a number of missteps with Lucinda stopping songs, “Steal Your Love” she stopped two times. (Didn’t like the tempo; but then said that she skipped sound check & it was her fault.) I loved “I Envy The Wind”, “Reason To Cry”, “Bus To Baton Rouge”, “Out Of Touch”, “Blue” & “Essence”.
    After a 20 minute break they started with “Right In Time” which rocked. I didn’t enjoy the 2nd set as much as last night. Only two songs from West: “Are You Alright? & a tremendous version of “Unsuffer Me”. Tim Easton came out & they did another good version of “People Talkin'”, and then one of his songs. Greg Dulli was another guest and they did a duet on the country song, “Jackson”(Not Lucinda’s Jackson). They did another song which I don’t remember. Mike Stinson was another guest who did one of his songs that was real nice. Lucinda did the Fats Dominoe song “I Live MY Life” for the 2nd night in a row. I would have rather heard about 50 other of her own songs than this again. “Honey Bee” sounded great again last night.
    All in all, it was another festive night with people packed in at the theatre. Got to listen to some of the recording of the album set on the drive back, and the sound of the CD was awesome. They again left the stage at 12:15.


    Thanks for checking in with us, Tim. “Keep those cards & letters coming!”


    Here’s a review:



    Chet Lyster did not play last night, Tim?


    I’m sorry Lefty, Chet did play with the band again last night. He helps fill out the sound. I thought that he played more keyboard than he did the previous night. I think he’s a valuable addition.


    Maybe Chet could do for Lu what Larry Campbell used to do for Dylan…


    Thanks, Tim for posting the spelling of Greg Dulli. I spent 10 minutes Googling for “Greg Dooley”, and could not find a singer. Thursday was another marvelous show, especially the 3rd take of “Steal Your Love”. I also enjoyed meeting stellablueee, our heroine from Wednesday’s thread. I did scribble a setlist for the second set, so I’ll attempt it here–it’s a bit complicated, so chime in with corrections.

    1. Are You Alright?
    2. Right In Time
    3. Drunken Angel

    Tim Easton on stage:

    4. People Talkin’ (with Tim Easton)
    5. Back to the Pain (Tim’s song with Lucinda backup vocal)

    Tim Easton exits; Greg Dulli on stage:

    6. Jackson (Greg and Lucinda singing the Johnny Cash/June Carter Cash song–NOT Lucinda’s Jackson, as Tim noted)
    7. Tell Everyone (Greg’s song with Lucinda backup)
    8. Real Love (Lucinda singing her unreleased song, with Greg backup)

    Greg Dulli exits.

    9. Honeybee

    Mike Stinson on stage:

    10. Cross Your Mind (I scribbled “Slip My Mind”, but “Cross Your Mind” is on Mike’s “Last Fool at the Bar” album)–Mike singing his song, with Lucinda backup.

    Mike Stinson exits.

    11. Unsuffer Me
    12. Marching the Hate Machines Into the Sun
    13. I Live My Life.

    Disco Stu

    Wow…I’d give body parts to see Lucinda doing the Jackson duet. Hopefully either the second sets from each night will be included in a release, or somebody taped them and will share…these sets sound just as essential as the album sets!


    Greg Dulli was the driving force in The Afghan Whigs and his current line up is the Twilight Singers. I flipped out when Lucinda announced him and I saw him coming to the stage.

    For me to see two of my current favorite musicians sharing the stage was something that I will remember for a long, long time. Before last night, I had seen two shows at the El Rey. One was Lucinda. The other was The Twilight Singers.

    I’m hoping for Paul Westerberg to show up one night and do “Real Life Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings”.

    Oh, “Honeybee”? Does it remind anyone of something The Heartless Bastards might come up with?


    lucinda’s interview is starting right now on KCRW

    i don’t know what the odds of this are…but on my way in to the show, i met MT…who ended up being my lucky charm…(altho, i did feel a bit dumb when he gently mentioned that i mighta gone to kinko’s to print a copy of my ticket for the weds show. after getting over that, it was all good) AND…he must have been precognizant, as he schooled me about the twiglight singers before the show, then greg dulli gave MT a good dose of shock awe and made his night.

    then during the intermission, in blabbing away i met paul who was gracious and kind. thanks to both of you for making my evening eventful.
    plus MT helped me reconnect with an old friend that he just happened to be chatting with…lots of synchronicity happening for me last night, thanks again.

    i do wish we were able to get the second sets, but i know for a fact that they were recorded, so they’ll show up on DIME eventually…and the last three songs of world without tears is missing from what i’ve been told (i haven’t listened to it yet)

    there were so many highlights, but i envy the wind and unsuffer me might have been favorites as lucinda put so much into them.

    and three more shows! whoo hoo…who knows who’ll show up………


    When I heard Honey Bee in Utica, “Joan Jett” was the first name that popped into my head, MT. The next time I hear HB, I’ll have to keep the Bastards in mind…one of my favorite groups of the last couple of years. 8)

    My Sweet Side

    Hey Gang, the last two nights of shows have been great. Just wanted to chime in and let stellablueee know that ALL songs from WORLD WITHOUT TEARS are on the concert CD it is just that the packaging cuts off the last three song titles on the printed sleeve.

    Can’t wait to see more shows in the next couple of days. Still have to find a ticket for Saturday night though as that one filled up before I got there. If any of you have a spare and a friend who can’t make it please hit me up and I will happily reimburse you for it.

    The shows have been AMAZING! Today’s printed Variety has a great review of the first night’s show. Pick up a copy and look for it. I’d copy it here but I haven’t been able to find it online.


    My Sweet Side,

    Here’s the Variety review:

    Incidentally, I’m coming in town for the Saturday and Sunday shows. Never having attended a show at The El Rey, can anyone suggest the best spots for the show? How are the sightlines and acoustics? What time are folks turning up to get in line?

    My Sweet Side


    Thanks for posting the Variety review link.

    The El Rey is one of the best small venues in town. It only holds about 750 people. I’ve stood at the stage and I’ve stood at the back and I’ve never had a problem with sightlines and sound there. There have also been some open chairs along the walls available if you prefer not to be standing the whole night. The back bar can be noisy but it has been “well behaved” for Lu’s last two shows. Otherwise you really can’t go wrong in the El Rey. Dress in short sleeves though as it can get warm with all those LW fan bodies congregating together.

    My Sweet Side

    Doors open at 8 p.m. and the show starts at 9 p.m. The line up outside the El Rey has been starting around 7 p.m. or so.

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