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  • #31610

    My copy arrived yesterday and I have to say, sonically it is fabulous. Wonderful production.

    A huge sonic palette to wrap around some great songs that tackle some difficult themes.

    Once I am more familiar with the record I will give a full assessment but the early signs are signalling, CLASSIC.


    Here is a fun fact for all y’all: My favorite song to date is Foolishness. Runer-up, When I look At The World. So 2 facts really. 😀


    @tonyg wrote:

    Here is a fun fact for all y’all: My favorite song to date is Foolishness. Runer-up, When I look At The World. So 2 facts really. 😀

    Foolishness is indeed a great song. East Side of Town is wonderful, reminds me, in feel of some of her early work. There are a good number of truly fine songs to enjoy. It is quite simply a wonderful piece of work, from the writing, to the singing, to the playing and with the production. I for one could not be happier.


    @tonyg: fun fact is doubled, Foolishness is my favorite song too 🙂 speaking about foolishness: I made a calculation today. Result: since release in Germany last Friday I spent one and a half day, 36 hours (at least), listening to Down Where… bored? Not one single second. My friends tend to laugh at me, but hey, they do not know what joy is going on up there where honesty meets experience (or so)!


    What’s interesting about this record, among other things, is for someone who is happily married and the long dark days of misery are over, Lu spends much of the record ripping people new assholes, or saying how everything has turned to shit. It does make for good music. 😀

    P.S. Note I got 2 more naughty words past the censor.

    dr winston oboogie

    Still introducing myself to this masterpiece, each day I like a different track more than the last, ,Lucinda has a habit of doing that to you.
    There just seems to be a whole togetherness about the whole project, and everyone pulling in the same direction with the same goal.

    Still very early days, but the solo on Cold Day In Hell is like the coldest beer on the hottest summer day,, it just hits the spot.
    Loved West Memphis from first listen and nothing has changed, ,my kind of music, and if you do not find yourself grooving to it, I am afraid
    you are dead already. As I said still early days and I am sure things will move as I take every chance to listen as often as possible, cause Lucinda`s music just grows and it something which you never tire of.

    Thank you so much and hopefully it will not be too long before we get the chance to see this live.

    p.s. entered the UK album chatrs at Number23 this week, really amazing considering how little airtime Lucinda gets here.


    I share your sentiments, Doc.
    To use a couple of sports cliches: Ms. Williams has found another gear and taken it to the next level. 😀


    DWTSMTB topping the AMA play list chart for the past three weeks! 8)

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