Doug Pettibone

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    Doug can play left handed better than Stills can play right handed. No one said he was one of the greatest of all time. Pay attention!

    ive lost it

    @Tim wrote:

    Doug can play left handed better than Stills can play right handed. No one said he was one of the greatest of all time. Pay attention!

    settle down, i know how you feel about doug and parking in the rear. 😯 He is good, just not one of the “greatest in the world”.


    That’s your stupid opinion. Why don’t you go back into your cocoon or wherever you’ve been for six months and stay there this time!

    ive lost it

    that is not how cacoons work.

    Your opinion is stupid too, and is not the only one that counts. i should have guessed you were the sensitive type who can’t admit that your are wrong. see you soon timmy. 😉

    Gibson J45

    New here, but I just had to put in my 2 cents worth….Pettibone is an awesome guitarist, and I have to agree with Tim’s sentiment. I also agree with ILI. However, the 2 opinions are not comparable, and they’re both idiots for gettig into a pissing match! Yes, all the axe slingers ILI mentioned are legends, but could you imagine any of them playing with Lu and getting the same feel and tone across as Pettibone? What makes Pettibone so great is his ability and willingness to play behind Lu. He brings out the best in her without drawing attention to himself. Sometimes he leads, sometimes he hangs back, and sometimes he just plain takes over! On the technical side, he’s a master at phrasing. Nothing he does is complex, but it’s the mark of a master to do the simple thing at the exact right moment. I never get tired of listening to him (or Lu). The only “legend” guitarist I would be intereted in seeing play with Lu is Keef. He’s another master at staying in the backround while making everything happen simply.


    Hey – All this about who is the best guitarists is pretty teenage stuff isn’t it? For my money Pettibone is a great guitar player but if you disagree then fair enough.

    I shall buy all of the live CDs if and when they become available as much for the guitar playing as the singing – the secret is – its a band playing live and all the musicians should complemenet each other. Lucinda is the centrepiece but Pettibone is a one off too, my favourite of her sidemen and from a technical point of view he is certainly no slouch. People carp about the amount of guitar changes but to cover all the ground he does makes him very special and he is no slouch on pedal steel either.

    Thank God the days of prog rock guitar Olympics are long gone because they were ..well…. pretty boring weren’t they? Guiatrists will argue over such details but if you believe the song is the most important ingredient then the accompanist is vital and should be applauded for what he leaves out as much as for what he plays; Doug is a master of that and I love his playing.

    troubadour x

    mr. pettibone is good there’s no doubt but, i didn’t hear anyone mention bill frisell. if you don’t know bill, you don’t know what good phrasing and awesome tone is about. all i know for sure is , the show in greensboro was great. sure, i could have used more tunes and a little less talk but hey, if she wants to share something, i’m all ears.


    I just saw Lucinda last night in Greensboro and I gotta say, Doug Pettibone is awesome…..and he plays a mean harmonica too.

    Aussie Bob

    No doubt at all that D.P. is the best I have seen in many years of being made deaf by guitarists. The Shit hot guitarist from Wilco was standing to one side of the stage while Lucinda and band were playing the set before them at Austin City Limits( Neils?) He came out and excelled.Inspiration I think.
    The cherry red guitar D.P. was playing was a 61 SG Gibson! has some pics I took. He played 4 other guitars in a one hour set and they all screamed TALENT.


    Bob – Only five guitars in a show……….Last year in London he played the following guitars – James Trussart Steel Deville, Gibson Black Beauty Les Paul Custom, Gibson Double Cutaway Les Paul Junior, Gibson SG Custom, Gretsch DC Chet Atkins, Gretsch DC Duojet, Rickenbacker 360 12 string, Pedal Steel, Fender Stratocaster – I think he may also have played an acoustic but the details escape me.

    What a collection! What a player……………

    Aussie Bob

    Sounds like he was being a lazy bastard in Austin! I will be checking in New York and Gotenburg Sweden. If Doesn’t play at least six different guitars I will leap the barriers and fight off security and kick his ass. ( Insert ironic laugh ) Seriously I have heard Page Clapton and all of Dylan’s cohorts + many great unknown string twisters from Australia and Dougie rocks with the BEST.
    Enjoy it where you find it!
    Aussie Bob


    On the site, following the link to buy the album, has anyone bought one online? It’s just that the site doing the selling seems to have ‘invalid certificate’ on the checkout page.

    Is it really safe to order from there and if not does anyone know an alternative place to buy ‘The West Gate’ ?


    SM, I wouldn’t take a chance with his website. It seems to have been lapsed for at least a few months. There have been copies available at the shows I’ve attended this year. I would try and contact the record company at this email address to find out:


    Thanks for that, Tim 😀

    I’m hoping to go to one of the UK shows so I’ll look out for the CD then.


    i had to have it. so i took the risk and plopped the money down. ill view it as an experience. ill let you all know how it goes. he also has his myspace page with a few tracks from the recording.

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