Doug & Lu @ Tift Merritt show in LA

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Doug & Lu @ Tift Merritt show in LA

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    Hey everybody… I’m just a lurker round here mostly, ‘cos I spend the rest of my time it seems over with the good folks at
    ‘Shug’ on the Tift message boards has just posted up a nice review of the recent LA show Tift played at The Troubadour on April 17th.
    Doug sat in on pedal steel, and electric guitar for Tift’s set and Lucinda hung out too watching the show. Read the report from Shug in this thread here…

    Some highlights…
    @Shug wrote:

    Yep, it was great to have Pettibone in the band for the night. He added more of a subtle layer of pedal steel atmospherics ala Daniel Lanois than twangy weepy countrified pedal steel, so it wasn’t a real attention grabber, but his playing definitely made the sound more full and lush, especially on the soulful Another Country and Morning Is My Destination. He played some electric guitar (mostly rhythm), too, and it worked really well with what Scott was playing. My Heart Is Free was especially rocking with three electric guitars and Jay and Scott just KILLING on bass and lead guitar respectively!

    @Shug wrote:

    As was mentioned, Doug Pettibone sat in for this show, he had played with the band earlier in the day on Morning Becomes Eclectic on KCRW. He played some subtle pedal steel on about half the songs and rhythm guitar on the others. He may have taken a solo on one song, but for the most part was just adding a fullness to the overall sound rather than really stepping out. He was just learning most of the songs that day, so it would’ve been hard for him to really lay into these songs, even if that’s what he was trying to do, and I think the vibe of these songs and this tour called for the restraint that he appropriately displayed.

    @Shug wrote:

    Lucinda Williams was there to hear the show and afterward I ended up right next to her at the bar and I got to chat with her for awhile, which was a thrill for me, as I’ve been listening to her for 20 years and really love her music and had never met her before. She was quite sad from the recent deaths of Danny Federici and Chris Gaffney, so it was a bit hard to see her bummed out, but it was quite a thrill to be standing around with Tift and Lucinda, just chatting about music and LA and stuff like that.

    P, L & R

    ps you may or may not know that Doug adds his excellent playing to several songs on Tift’s new album ‘Another Country’ which she recorded last year in LA, while she rented a cool house in Laurel Canyon.

    edit: Sorry Tim 😳 didn’t spot your post about the LA show etc before I posted mine… here’s Tim’s post


    I got a chance to chat with Doug before the show and he told me that they have finished the next Lucinda record, but that is probably not news to everyone here.

    I didn’t know he used to tour with Steve Poltz and Jewel. He said they had alot of fun when they played together, and I can imagine, given Steve’s sense of humor.


    Thanks for the post, Shug.


    yeah thanks Shug

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