Discovering Lucinda

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  • #29318
    Rob Marchment

    I was waiting in an airport in the Uk for the return of my wife from Italy when I happened upon a music store. I saw the cover of ‘West’ on display. An inner voice said ‘just buy it!’ I nearly didn’t – I’ve bought some musical ‘dead-ends’ recently and was reluctant to do it again. But the voice kept going and so I did. Am I so glad I listened! How great is this lady’s voice / lyrics / music…. I am glad to be here in this new world.

    Thanks Lucinda!



    Wait’ll you hear all the earlier albums, Rob. You won’t be disappointed.
    Welcome to our Friendly Forum. 🙂


    As Lefty says, her older albums have some wonderful work on them. I would recommend in order the following CDs:

    Lucinda Williams self titled album is no longer available – get the live version here on the web site from NY or LA, they are both very good.

    Car Wheel’s on a Gravel Road of course her Grammy winning work

    Sweet Old World which – came between those two

    dr winston oboogie


    Glad you have “seen the light”, I have said often on here that Lucinda does not get the exposure she deserves here in the UK, only Bob Harris and Johnnie Wlker really, and my mission is to convert at least one person each week.
    Go through the back catalogue and you will not be disappointed, the words and music will penetrate your soul like few others can, enjoy and hopefully we can have live shows in Europe to look forward to soon.

    Rob Marchment

    Thanks for all your feedback – it sounds like I have quite a journey before me! Even my brother said he had three albums of Lucinda and that her Dad was / is a poet …. you just never know!

    Well, I’d better get listening!



    Yes, Miller Williams is an English Professor, Author, and Poet. I remember him reading some of his work at Clinton’s Inaugural Address.

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