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  • #28866

    I keep reading posts that mention that Lucinda wanted to play longer but “there is a curfew”. She knows the curfew is there. If she really wanted to play longer she would get out on stage earlier. I’ve been to shows where there has been a 45 minute wait between the end of the opening act & Lucinda coming on stage. She shouldn’t use that as an excuse.


    Well, I can only speak to the show I saw, but there was about a 20-minute wait between the opening act and Lucinda, which I thought was excellent.

    As for concert length, I think the generally accepted length for an “arena” show like this is that a show should be AT LEAST 90 minutes long. Anything beyond that is a nice bonus. She played for about 100 minutes last night, so, yeah, I’d love to have heard more, but I got what I paid for, and 1) it’s a long tour and 2) she’s not as young as she used to be. I don’t think consistent 2-3 hour shows would be easy on anyone. There’s a reason there’s only one Springsteen.

    I guess what I’m trying to say here is, I was more than satisfied.

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    I think the long wait could be attributed to the long line at Charlie Louvin’s table. She was giving time for the fans to meet with him and get autographs. Yeah there was a bit of a wait but there was still a long concert. I don’t think she would start later if she thought she was going to have to shorten the concert.


    I agree with you, Diss. She has been touring extensively since early March. The average show has been 1 3/4 hours long, which is a good length. I don’t think her voice would hold up if she did 2 or 2 1/2 shows every night. It looks like she is going to continue at least into October.
    If the curfew is 11PM and she comes onstage at 9:15, she knows she’s not going to be playing any longer than that.


    The last 2 times I’ve seen Lu over here in London she’s come on late – much later than her scheduled start time. It’s not just a problem as regards the curfew, but lots of people travel in from outside London and have to get trains back and are forced to leave before the end of the show to get home.


    I don’t mind if she starts late or has a curfew that cuts her off early as long as she does her usual great show. What seems strange to me – if she knows in advance about the curfew – why does she seem so surprised at being cut off? Is she acting? Does she think she’ll just get to play a bit longer? I can’t imagine she likes abrupt endings. So when she’s suddenly told she’s done, and seems surprised, I personally would like to think of her as the genuine gal that I think she is…

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