Cox Capitol Theatre, Macon GA, 07.28.2011

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Cox Capitol Theatre, Macon GA, 07.28.2011

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  • #47731

    Here is a picture of the interior of the Cox Capitol Theatre:

    And here is the gig poster for the show last night:

    Now, mind you, the tables on the floor last night were packed in quite a bit tighter than those pictured (but not overly so). But we had tons of room at our table back by the soundboard! 😉



    And, here is an article from last year about the Rev. Pearly Brown being inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. The archive photo accompanying the article is not dated, but judging from the cars in the background, it was taken after the time Lu’s Dad would take her to see him perform on the streets of Macon…



    @hyacinth_girl wrote:

    AH! That makes sense! Thanks for clearing that up — and for the set list, too. I forgot about that Fats Domino cover.

    No problem, hyacith_girl – you’re most welcome! And, sorry I did not get to meet you last night, what with you sitting right behind me! 😉



    Thanks for the great write up Tom! Reading your review was like living the night over again!
    I told everyone that the Atlanta show was a special night and right after the show I told them that this show was as good (or not better) than Atlanta. Thanks for verifying my perception!
    Car Wheels and Hot Blood were on fire!
    Nice seeing you again-


    Were you wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt? If so, I definitely sat right behind you — and I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you, too! 🙂

    Thank you for the link to Rev. Pearly Brown — I can’t wait to check his work out.


    @hyacinth_girl wrote:

    Were you wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt?




    @tntracy wrote:

    @Lafayette wrote:

    “He’s God” is actually “God Don’t Never Change.”

    Change duly noted here & at… 😉

    @Lafayette wrote:

    I loved this song so much

    Did you hear my voice (song) mail? :mrgreen:


    Yes, Tom, I finally listened to my voicemail — the entire song! What a wonderful surprise — wish I had heard the phone ring.I love concert calls! Thanks a bunch.


    I keep checking YouTube, but so far no uploads from the Macon show. What I wouldn’t give to relive a few choice moments! “Not My Cross to Bear” comes to mind, but really this was one of the best Lucinda shows I’ve ever seen, so to hit “replay” on any of it would be a treat.

    I’ll also be keeping an eye out for more shows at the Cox Capitol. It’s an incredible and intimate venue, a welcome addition to central Georgia. Thanks for playing here, Lucinda!


    @su_gar wrote:

    I keep checking YouTube, but so far no uploads from the Macon show. What I wouldn’t give to relive a few choice moments! “Not My Cross to Bear” comes to mind, but really this was one of the best Lucinda shows I’ve ever seen, so to hit “replay” on any of it would be a treat.

    I’ll also be keeping an eye out for more shows at the Cox Capitol. It’s an incredible and intimate venue, a welcome addition to central Georgia. Thanks for playing here, Lucinda!

    You said it, su. . .:keep us cyber-shy types informed of any YouTube morsels and we’ll come out of the cave and link right up.

    Marty Stuart and The Fabulous Superlatives was an impressive announcement by way of a future Cox show. Likely, former Lucinda guitarist Kenny Vaughn will be on stage for that one.

    As for “central Georgia” venues, how about Lucinda herself on the grounds of Andalusia, Flannery O’Connor’s former home in Milledgeville? In light of Lu having mentioned “chasing peacocks” round that farmhouse as a child, I say bring her back lo these decades later for an Andalusia fundraiser!


    As for “central Georgia” venues, how about Lucinda herself on the grounds of Andalusia, Flannery O’Connor’s former home in Milledgeville? In light of Lu having mentioned “chasing peacocks” round that farmhouse as a child, I say bring her back lo these decades later for an Andalusia fundraiser!

    Don’t tease me, Stoger! That would be too good to be true. I know that the current director at Andalusia is a musician himself, so he could possibly go for something like that…. We can daydream, can’t we?


    Craig Amason rocks, and I’ve spoken vaguely to him about this possibility, sugar. Heaven on earth (but maybe book it in a month other than July?)


    @stoger wrote:

    @su_gar wrote:

    As for “central Georgia” venues, how about Lucinda herself on the grounds of Andalusia, Flannery O’Connor’s former home in Milledgeville? In light of Lu having mentioned “chasing peacocks” round that farmhouse as a child, I say bring her back lo these decades later for an Andalusia fundraiser!

    How about South Ga.. After all Savannah is the proud birth place of Ms O’Connor!! And we LOVE Lucinda!!


    @dariusjag wrote:

    Nice seeing you again-

    And you as well!



    Here is a simply outstanding Blog/Review written by a poet on her trip to Macon to see Lu.
    Entitled” “I don’t want nothin’ if I have to fake it”: On not meeting Lucinda Williams.
    An excerpt”

    “This is really your first real concert? Like, really?”
    “Honey, what have you been doing with your life?”
    I looked at the woman’s t-shirt: pale blue with the word “blessed” printed over and over in one of those handwriting fonts. It’s a word I’ve often railed against, a Southernism which, to me, tends to smack of insincerity. It’s a word whose meaning has been transformed for me over the past few months. It’s the title of Lucinda Williams’ new album, and it’s nearly impossible to listen to the title track without realizing that “blessed” can be more than sincere: “We were blessed by the girl selling roses / Who showed us how to live / We were blessed by the neglected child / Who knew how to forgive.”
    The best answer I had for her was the most honest: “I don’t know.” She shook her head, then leaned forward. “Honey,” she said, “This is going to completely change your life.”

    And so began my first real concert experience: Lucinda Williams playing at the Cox Capital Theater in Macon, Georgia. Earlier that day, I’d filled the cats’ bowls, bought a Diet Coke and a tank of gas, and driven the two hours across Georgia highways. I drove to the theater in a building storm, risking the rain to take surreptitious shots of the tour bus parked outside. I had no idea what to expect from a “real” concert, and certainly didn’t expect hard questions — or the transcendent experience which followed them, when Lucinda Williams performed.

    Read on and enjoy her very creative writing along with some nice pics.



    I was doing a search the other evening on Lu on twitter and Emmabo’s tweets had the magic keywords “Lucinda Williams.” I pulled it up the night of the Macon show. Another professor in the ranks and if there is truth in her “about me” she is a self-described poet as well. She lives in Georgetown, KY so I’m guessing she is a professor at the University of Kentucky. Great blog — and she linked to it on her twitter feed.

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