Copenhagen video premier

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Copenhagen video premier

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  • #48054

    Stoge–I’m not surprised of your review of the video -I actually thought it might meet with a lot more overall negativity than it did in that it was very different than what might be expected. I wasn’t sure about it myself at first but now love it. It’s obviously not a literal interpretation and I think that’s what’s cool about it. It stands as a separate thing that makes you think. A literal interpretation would have been a little redundant, and really wouldn’t have translated. We wanted something different and it definitely is.
    For what it’s worth the back story is that the guy from Squidbillies who conceived this, and considers this some of his best work, thought of the idea as he was listening to the song as he was driving to see his mother in the hospice. I was very moved by that and it gave a little different perspective on the video.

    West Words

    Thanks for always sharing the backstories, Tom. They really do shed a different light on the subject.


    I’m not sure about the video. I kind of like it, but I think the story is too long to be ‘told’ in just under 4 minutes.

    Drunken Angel

    I really like the video and the song is on constant repeat.
    Simply beautiful.

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