Concord, NH 3/12/09

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Concord, NH 3/12/09

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    1. Ventura
    2. Fruits Of My Labor
    3. Drunken Angel
    4. Lake Charles
    5. Crescent City
    6. Bus To Baton Rouge
    7. Side Of The Road
    8. Overtime
    9. Blue
    10. West
    11. Little Rock Star
    12. Out Of Touch
    13. Real Love
    14. Tears Of Joy
    15. Essence
    16. Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings
    17. Come On
    18. Honey Bee
    19. Joy
    20. Righteously
    21. Unsuffer Me
    22. I Live My Life
    23. The Things I Used To Do
    24. Long Way To The Top
    2nd Encore:
    25. Angel
    26. World Without Tears
    27. For What It’s Worth

    It was a pleasure to be at the Chubb Theatre in downtown Concord, NH. Beautiful facility, nice people working there and a pristine sound. Talked with Susannah and bought more merch from her. Did not get a discount because I got one on Tuesday. She told me she’s been to Burlington once before and is looking forward to going back there today.
    The crowd at this show was great. All into the performance; not like Boston where people are taking thru the whole show! The setlist was a big change from Tuesday, and much appreciated by me! I don’t think I can recall Lucinda’s voice sounding better than it did last night; it was incredible. The band was also driven and tight. Eric did about 3/4 of the solos and seemed much more confident. He blazed some solos on Crescent City, Out Of Touch, Essence, Tears Of Joy, Unsuffer Me, etc. On Tuesday Essence & Unsuffer Me didn’t have an edge, but they certainly did last night. Chet was riffing on guitar and played alot of keyboards last night. Butch & David solid as a rock. I can not describe what Lucinda did last night accurately. I think that you had to be there. By the last two songs her voice was sounding a little raspy. That’s what happens when you let it all hang out for 2 1/2 hours. At the end of the first encore; the audience started leaving thinking the show was over. I’d say half the audience was gone. All of a sudden Lucinda comes out with her acoustic. People start running back to their seats and going crazy. Most everyone stood during the last three songs; it was really special for her and the band to come back like that with half the theatre empty.
    The whole evening was the highlight for me. But I have to mention another tremendous version of “Blue”. Her voice was reverberating off the ceiling; I’ve never heard anything like it. Lucinda looked very good and was in great spirits. I’ll leave the fashion stuff up to Bob, but I’m also hoping that he posts on the music last night.
    I was going to post 15 minutes after the show; but the hotel computer had broken down! Major bummer, but this morning it’s back up. On To Burlington!

    I did get in to edit the original!


    Great report, Tim – – your commentary is appreciated! Enjoy your night in the People’s Republic of Burlington!


    Thanks, Lefty. I told Susannah last night that I haven’t been to Burlington since I was 13. She just said, “so you haven’t been there for a real long time!” OUCH!!!
    Hopefully I can post on the show tonight from the hotel there. I’m going to have to pass the baton off to you for the Rochester show. Take Care.


    And now for the fashion report-
    Ms. Williams was dressed rather conservatively, black shirt, black leather jacket and jeans but an incredibly sultry look. With the dark hair almost a goth look, I really liked it.
    I can honestly say that was one of the best shows I’ve seen. A REALLY*REALLY* GOOD SHOW. And I see quite a bit of live music.
    Like Tim said above I can’t put my finger on it, what made it so good; possibly because the acoustics were so good and the crowd was so patient, I dunno, it just worked. I only wish I had a video of the whole show.
    It seemed everyone was in a good mood, LW smiling, even dancing more!
    And the band is really gelling, a huge difference from Tuesday. I’m not sure if it was a change in Eric’s S. guitars, or style of playing, but they are dialing it in.
    I brought someone for their first show, I was hoping she’d like it; I wasn’t sure if she’d like the slower stuff, she was really impressed and wants to go tonight to VT. She commented how much better it was seeing her live than the TV appearances of CD’s.
    Personal Highlights were Crescent City, Side of the Road, Angel (very moving), and I Live my Life.
    Another thing I really like about these show, they always mix up the setlists it up quite a bit. There were 9 songs I’ve never seen live before. As I said before, I try to support live music whenever I can; LW is by far one of the best live acts going.
    And the ushers and workers at the theatre were really nice…


    @Tim wrote:

    Thanks, Lefty. I told Susannah last night that I haven’t been to Burlington since I was 13. She just said, “so you haven’t been there for a real long time!” OUCH!!!
    Hopefully I can post on the show tonight from the hotel there. I’m going to have to pass the baton off to you for the Rochester show. Take Care.

    Ut-oh, you set yourself up, Tim, with that line about teenagerdom. Ouch indeed. I’ve never been to Vermont, but I can relate to the [conscious or subconscious] masochism behind such a conversation-starter, having done a fair amount of babbling by the merch booth of late myself.

    Great report, worthy of Paul Revere from those parts, I daresay. Tour debuts I think of “Bus to Baton Rouge,” “West,” and “World Without Tears.” Wonder what prompted her to return to the Buffalo Springfield “political” closer. At any rate, here’s hoping people’s second visit to Burlington tonight proves fruitful.


    Great reports boys. Super song list too.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Great reports boys. Super song list too.

    Indeed – thank you. I’m particularly jealous of “Blue”. I was hoping to hear that in Atlanta but, alas, it did not happen. There is a story behind it all, but I’ll save that for another time…



    Great to see your report, Bob. I thought we saw something special last night. Stoger, I guess I asked for it, but I’m going to be seeing Susannah again tonight for sure! I’m up here in Burlington; just got back from a ride downtown and by Lake Champlain. Like Lefty said, it is definetely a Republic. The drivers don’t have anything on the pedestrians’ here, they just walk right in front of you at every intersection.
    As far as closing with “For What It’s Worth”. Just before “World Without Tears”, Lucinda talked about hearing on the news that they caught terrorists in Amsterdam. She wondered what the world is coming to when in such a peaceful country that this is happening. She mentioned that they had to go to Australia and maybe Europe after this. She said, “What do we do? Do we cancel the tours? I think everyone just has to be brave.” So she played “WWT”. After that she conferred with the band, came to the mike and said she wanted to end the evening on a more positve note. Hence, FWIW.


    Nice add-on info, Tim. If Lu stops touring, then the terrorists win (or something to that effect).


    Thanks, Tim, yes. Hopefully, an operative hotel computer tonight means a prompt setlist post. We appreciate it.


    Just to clear the air, stoger, I will be the perfect gentleman around Susannah on Saturday night. Strictly business will be going down at that merchandise table (I’m too preoccupied with Erika W. anyway). If I mention you, Tim, Bob & TNT, do I get a discount on top of the discount?!

    Look forward to your report, Tim!


    If I mention you, Tim, Bob & TNT, do I get a discount on top of the discount?!

    if you mention Stoger, i think she adds a surcharge! 😆

    thanks for all the reports and details guys — keep ’em coming. (Nice to hear good things about the band too.)


    @Lefty wrote:

    If I mention you, Tim, Bob & TNT, do I get a discount on top of the discount?!

    I’m afraid if you mention my name at the merch table, Lefty, the only thing you’ll get is a questioning look coupled w/ a confused, “Who?”… 😳



    Bus to Baton Rouge on the setlist – awesome!! She doesn’t play that one often.

    Her lyrics about the honey suckles that were used for switches when we were bad, the front room all being closed off, the company couch covered in plastic, the lamp with the seashore on the shade that turned around and gently rock the waves. When she sings this, I can clearly see the driveway covered in tiny white seashells.

    Hopefully she makes it to this part of the country this summer after her down under tour.


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