Columbus Show

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  • #29476

    Can’t wait LU in Columbus in 2 days.

    Disco Stu

    Would you believe it, I’m going to Columbus on business (actually, just getting ready to leave for the airport now) and will be there on Wednesday…but I’m flying back Wednesday night, so no Lucinda show for me. I’ll see her in Madison, but it would’ve been nice to squeeze in another show. Oh well.


    Disco Stu: This is the stuff of which sick [Thurs] days are made. . . . But I guess it would be odd to fulfill the business trip then call in the following weekday. Botulism outbreak in Ohio maybe? The effects just beginning to be felt prior to your Wed. boarding time, subsiding during the evening, then flaring up again about 11:01, post-venue “curfew?” Naah, probably wouldn’t work. Speaking of Madison, it’s general admission but with chairs at the Orpheum? I’m a bit confused about that.


    Disco Stu….Stoger is right call off sick, I planned a vacation day for Thursday. This is my first Lucinda show and I’m sooooo ready to party… hell I may need Friday off to.
    My best friend came up from Mississippi for this show, she could have seen her in Nashville, but it’s just not the same without me!
    I just know Lu is gonna ROCK THE HOUSE if not we will….

    Disco Stu

    LOL…yes, I definitely would’ve considered a sick day if my stupid flight hadn’t been Wednesday night. Oh well.

    As for Madison, yes, it’s GA seated. As I understand it, the Orpheum is a theatre with fixed seating; I’m a little surprised it’s GA, but that might be kind of nice. She played a GA seated show at the Barrymore here a couple years ago and the thing I like about GA with seats is that not everyone rushes to the front. I saw Steve Earle at a GA seated show this year, also at the Barrymore, and was maybe 100th in the building, but got a 2nd row center seat; a bunch of people in the front of the line either headed for the front of the balcony or picked seats a few rows back…guess they don’t like being right up front. Worked great for me, though.

    I’ll still show up early just to be safe, though. 😉

    (And I just found out this morning that a trip I was supposed to go on next week has been canceled, so I’m considering a run down to Chicago for Friday’s show. Don’t know if I’ll actually do it, but it’s a possibility. I’m just not sure if the setlists are varying enough to make back-to-back shows worth it.)

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