Columbus review

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Columbus review

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  • #29482

    Last night’s show:


    Thanks, Tim. I kept getting distracted by the shimmering weight loss ads to right of copy as I worked my way through this mediocre review. Still, a partial setlist could be fathomed, “Bone of Contention” a nice surprise (maybe that was done solo again?). The name Pete Doherty was new to me vis-a-vis “Little Rock Star.” Every little angle on this great tour helps. Nashville, anyone?


    Enjoy the show tomorrow Stoger!


    @stoger wrote:

    Thanks, Tim. I kept getting distracted by the shimmering weight loss ads to right of copy as I worked my way through this mediocre review. Still, a partial setlist could be fathomed, “Bone of Contention” a nice surprise (maybe that was done solo again?). The name Pete Doherty was new to me vis-a-vis “Little Rock Star.” Every little angle on this great tour helps. Nashville, anyone?

    No, “Bone of Contention” was not done solo. Lu did these songs as part of her encore. She announced she had a protest EP ready for release. She also did Buffalo Springfield’s “For What Its Worth” that had the entire crowd (it seemed) singing along. It gave me goosebumps. Very spiritual.

    I’m not sure where this critic was coming from. The show did NOT have a lull in it whatsoever from beginning to end. Lucinda loved that venue, she said it several times, and she was feeding off the energy of a GA show. It showed. The sound was fantastic. Perfect. I even heard sound check standing outside the doors as I stood in line, that was incredible as well, and that was standing from outside.


    @stoger wrote:

    I kept getting distracted by the shimmering weight loss ads to right of copy

    Check out Firefox with the Ad Block Plus free plug-in. No more ads! :mrgreen:



    Hey Lafayette. I was looking for you at the show last night since I thought you might be there, but never found you. I was down front standing second behind the rail huggers a little to the right of where Lucinda was standing for much of the show, although I kept going back to join my three first time Lucinda concert friends that I brought with me. They stayed on the lower floor about 20 feet from the stage. But they totally enjoyed the show, one of whom didn’t know a single Lucinda Williams song until last night.

    I agree with your statement that “The show did NOT have a lull in it whatsoever from beginning to end” including the Buick Six Warm-up. The two women we brought were outside smoking, but when they heard Doug and Chet begin Led Zeplin’s “Black Dog” they came inside to see what was smoking on the stage. They were also thrilled to finally hear Buick Six do their only vocal performance with Neil Young’s “Cinnamon Girl”. That was awesome. I just got her new album the night before, and “Well Well Well” was instantly one of my favorites, so it was great that she played that one last night since I’ve never seen it on any of her previous set lists. She must have known I liked it. It was great to finally see her finish up with the A/C D/C cover which she omitted at JCMs show this summer in Cincinnati.

    It WAS a great show and Lucinda likes the General Admission format with everyone up front so close to her. They only had a dozen small tables with a few chairs each against the upper floor railing, everything else was standing/dancing room only, and no chairs at all on the “pit” floor. There were no restarts, tantrums, lighting issues, or fights, although she did refer to her lyrics cheat sheets once, but I didn’t notice it other than that. I occasionally looked backward at the audience, and found it unusual how everyone was smiling so big, like they were having more fun than they were allowed. Hopefully someone can submit a set list, but it started out with the usual, Real Love and Tears of Joy, and included all the new album songs she’s been playing but she mixed in quite a few older songs that weren’t on her recent set lists. I love Stills’ and Young’s early work in The Buffalo Springfield, so it was awesome when they started “There’s something happening here, what it is ain’t exacly clear…”. I can’t wait for the live album.


    I did not write down a setlist and so these are definitely out of order and probably missing a few, but here were (at least some) of the songs played in Columbus:

    Can’t Let Go
    Steal Your Love
    Out of Touch
    Real Love
    Tears of Joy
    Little Rock Star
    Well Well Well
    It’s A Long Way To the Top
    I Just Wanted To See You So Bad
    Real Live Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings
    Sweet Side
    World Without Tears
    Bone of Contention
    Marching the Hate Machines (Into the Sun)
    For What It’s Worth

    I want to say she played Honey Bee too but I can’t remember for sure?!

    (edited to add: I don’t know what show the newspaper reviewer went to, but I don’t think it was the same one I did. I haven’t seen Lucinda live before but I thought it was an absolutely terrific show and she honestly seemed to be enjoying herself.)


    Welcome to our Friendly Forum, rr.

    Nice to see IJWTSYSB played. Hey, that’s an oldie, isn’t it? 😉


    Yes I was thrilled when she started “I Just Wanted to See You So Bad” (IJWTSYSB) the opener for my first and all time favote Lucinda Williams Album. I picked up the T with that album’s artwork on the front. I swear it felt like she was playing all my favorite songs, customizing her show just for me. And rrnora, she did play Honeybee, reading down your list you did a pretty good job, but it seems a few songs short of her 2 hour performance, but your memory is obviously better than mine.


    Yes, I was at the show and I would be one of those rail huggers :D. I was right beside the sweet lady that insisted on enjoying Lu in her own way, which was holding onto that rail hard and bumping me consistently as her head bobbed back and forth from side to side through the first half of the show until I backed up a bit for about 10 minutes. She was too sweet for me to ask her to stop so I just dealt with it. It did stop, finally, when I didn’t return those 80’s bump moves.

    Oh, and the fist fight that broke out during “Bone of Contention”, that was right behind me as well. The two young girls that were screaming in our ears up to Lu that they loved her. The song had such momentum and that fist fight was somewhat distracting. If those young ladies visit this board, peace, I know it was your passion for Lu that was behind the craziness. Either that or I’m just too d*mn old.

    Aside from all that, I could not have picked a better night to go see Lu. It was amazing and very memorable to me on so many levels and I would put up with 2 young girls fighting and the bumping and grinding again to see her at that venue, you could tell she liked it that much.


    Dang! Two fist fights at two Lu shows in as many weeks?!?! What’s up with that? 😕 😯


    Disco Stu

    I Just Wanted To See You So Bad? I was in Columbus on Wednesday but couldn’t make the show, and she pulled out I Just Wanted To See You So Bad? Argh!


    Disco Stu – Yeah I was totally enjoying it when she started IJWTSYSB. And like I said I think Well Well Well was a first, or at least uncommon song from her new album which I think along with “The Knowing” are my two favorites. Not to dismiss Real Love or Honeybee whichshe has been playing a while and I’ve heard before, but it was good to find yet more great material on her new album.

    Lafayette – You must have been just a few feet away from me. I’m guessing it was the two young girls dancing intimately with one another in a lesbianesque way just to my left and someone near them eventually didn’t appreciate it. Was it a chick fight? I must have been getting a beer because they were just to my left most of the night. Sorry to hear about your bumping and grinding experience. I kind of enjoyed being able to walk almost right to the stage anytime I wanted. For much of the concert I was probably just 10 feet away from the band. You were even closer. Glad to hear you enjoyed the show anyway, I know I did.

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