Chuck Prophet

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    I’m driving from N. Georgia down to Jacksonville, FL to see Chuck Prophet & Mission Express at Jack Rabbit’s. Attending the show with me will be West Words.

    I can’t wait for the show – this will be the first time I have seen Chuck w/ his full band – the only other time I have seen him live was a (great) solo show at Eddie’s Attic a couple of years ago. He doesn’t stray this far from San Francisco that often… 😉




    Chuck Prophet is playing The Mercy Lounge in Nashville on 7/19. Cool venue.
    Musiclover. Saw Jack White the last two nights. Two very different shows. Both nights great

    West Words

    Seriously, go see Chuck if you get the chance. It will change your life. The energy he conveys in live shows can’t transmit onto a record, and he is a true artist. You will be blown away. Do it. 🙂


    From Chuck’s FB page regarding a gig in Springfield, IL last Saturday night at the American Music Show:

    We were three quarters of the way through our 90 minute set in the thick 107 degree Springfield, Land of Lincoln heat, when I looked over to Kevin T. on bass and didn’t recognize him. His eyes were empty; he was like a cable TV zombie or something. Sweating like a lesbian in a guitar shop. After the show, Kevin turned to me and said, “I started feeling really cold up there…”

    Oh shit. That’s heatstroke, right? Seriously, this heat blows. I’m like, “Sun, blow me!”

    I was struggling pretty bad during the gig too, having a hard time forming recognizable words introducing the songs and the band. James was like, “Dude, I thought you were having a stroke.”

    Heatstroke shenanigans aside, the show was a blast. A hot blast. And Jans Project, John Paul Keith, and Jack Oblivion all made it happen.




    I did not know lesbians reacted that way in guitar shops. But then, why would I? 🙄


    @tonyg wrote:

    I did not know lesbians reacted that way in guitar shops. But then, why would I? 🙄

    You have to know Chuck & his way-out sense of humor, tonyg. His intent is far from wanting to offend anybody – in fact, he is actually very open-minded when it comes to social issues. For example, one of the songs on his new album Temple Beautiful, “White Nights, Big City”, is about the tragedy of the Harvey Milk & George Moscone murders & the subsequent lenient sentencing of Dan White & the riots in the Castro district that resulted. He considers it a tribute to Mr. Milk & Mr. Moscone…

    (Assuming here by your rolly-eyed emoticon that you were somehow put off by that quote – if not, “never mind”… 😉 )



    Actually, I was hoping to witness this phenomenon. 😉


    @tonyg wrote:

    Actually, I was hoping to witness this phenomenon. 😉

    Well, some of my best friends are lesbians. And, I am sure there is a guitar shop somewhere midway between us (maybe Austin, TX?) where we could all meet. If they are in, are you? 😆



    Oh ya. And this heat wave is perfect for that.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Oh ya. And this heat wave is perfect for that.

    That’ll get ’em good and sweaty before they even get into the guitar shop! Silver lining!! 😆



    GREAT show in East Atlanta at the EARL last night. Chuck & the Mission Express were on FIRE – one of the better shows I have ever seen by any band. We stood right up front for the entire show – the sound was great & Chuck was as engaging & entertaining as ever, and he & James DePrato shredded on guitar. Good, enthusiastic crowd as well – I’d estimate 250 – 300 people.

    No set list (taking notes while standing is too much of a PITA for me – sorry), but the songs I do recall him playing include:

    You Been Gone
    Would You Love Me? (Yes!)
    Doubter Out of Jesus (All Over You) (Double yes!)
    Summertime Thing
    You Did (Bomp Shooby Dooby Bomp)
    Shake Some Action (Flamin’ Groovies cover)
    Bangkok (Alex Chilton cover) (Awesome!)
    Count The Days 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (Stephanie came out front to sing this song from her album “Cry Tomorrow” by Stephanie Finch & the Company Men)

    And, from their new album, Temple Beautiful:

    Play That Song Again
    Castro Halloween
    Temple Beautiful
    Wille Mays is Up At Bat
    The Left Hand & The Right Hand
    White Night, Big City

    (Sorry, West Words, still no “I Felt Like Jesus”… 🙁 )

    Just to my right, a guy with a strong, steady arm recorded the entire show on a digital camera, complete with a lot of pan & zoom that looked like it would come out pretty cool. After the show, I got his Facebook page info from him where he said he would post a link to the video on YouTube. When he does, I will post the link here…



    Here is a video of “Temple Beautiful” from Chuck’s performance at the EARL Saturday night, shot by the guy standing to my immediate right…



    Found this audience recorded performance of Chuck.
    A full 2 hours from WXPN World Cafe in Philly May 2012

    Great to watch.



    A full half hour to enjoy of Chuck compliments of NPR Radio’s Mountain Stage.

    Back on Mountain Stage for the fifth time, Prophet was called in at the 11th hour to fill in for another performer on the eve of Hurricane Sandy. He more than rises to the occasion here, playing his distinctive brand of roots-rock

    Here is the link


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