Chuck Prophet

FORUM Forums Other Topics Singers and Songwriters Chuck Prophet

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  • #30226

    I have tickets to see Chuck Prophet at Eddie’s Attic in Decatur (just east of Atlanta) next month. A certain other Friendly Forum member will be in town & attending the show with me. A warm-up as it were to our perhaps attending a certain show together the following month on the other side of the continent… 😉

    I am really looking forward to the show, as I have never seen Mr. Prophet live before!



    I’m really surprised that Lafayette has had more than 24 hours to respond to your post tntracy, so I’m doing my duty from Lafayette’s favorite radio station WNKU

    Here’s Chuck in the studio.

    West Words

    OMG, you are going to have a great time! Chuck puts on an awesome show, and his wonderful wife, Stephanie Finch, sings like a bird. (sorry, couldn’t resist…) I saw Chuck for the first time when he opened for Lucinda in Towson, MD – I think on the Essence tour. I remember getting back to my hotel that night, and seeing on the news the Pennsylvania miners getting rescued.

    My jaw dropped when he started playing, I couldn’t believe I’d never heard of him before, and such great energy. Wish he could tour with Lu again.

    If I wasn’t worried about losing my job, I’d be there, too. Please tell him Sandy from Florida says “hi”!

    Hmmmm…July 22nd…and it is driveable…hmmmm….maybe…. 😀


    @West Words wrote:

    I saw Chuck for the first time when he opened for Lucinda in Towson, MD

    Here is a photo memory for you West Words.
    Chuck jamming with Doug P.and Lu on Lu’s song “Atonement” from Towson July 27, 2002.[attachment=0:1ihh4awk]Chuck, Doug & Lu Towson, MD 2002.jpg[/attachment:1ihh4awk]

    Chuck has been touring extensively in Europe this year.
    Here is a link to his full live concert April 9, 2010 at the Maze in Nottingham, UK which you can listen to (or download)
    Check out from the set list one of the intro’s #10 , wherein, 8 years after his Essence tour he comments on Lucinda’s love life.
    Here is the link.
    Great musician, tntracy sounds like you are in for a treat at Eddie’s Attic.

    West Words

    Thanks for the pic and link, lwj. Now I’m thinking about not only going to the Decatur show, but Raleigh as well. He is that good! Great musician, great energy, great entertainer. It always befuddles me that such incredible artists can remain so obscure. And then a guilty part of me is glad because it means I can get tickets to the shows… Whenever I have those thoughts, I get hit by lightning for being selfish… but y’all know what I mean…


    tnt, surely Sandy’s testimonial will nudge a particular someone to join you (and maybe her!) for Chuck Prophet!


    @Lafayette wrote:

    tnt, surely Sandy’s testimonial will nudge a particular someone to join you (and maybe her!) for Chuck Prophet!

    Y’all c’mon! The more the merrier!!! 😀



    the archive comes through again….

    West Words

    Remembering a couple other Chuck Prophet and the Mission Express shows I saw –

    One in Greenville, SC, in a location that was set up and had chairs that made you feel like you were at a PTA meeting. It was weird, but apparently I still managed to have fun. At the end of their set, Chuck and Stephanie came out with a Rubbermaid tub full of CDs to sell at the merchandise table. Usually bashful me said, “Give those to me, I’ll sell them. You sign autographs and take pictures with the fans.” I really just soooo wanted these incredibly talented and genuinely nice artists to achieve some degree of commercial success. They must have thought who the bleep does this chick think she is? But anyway, they complied and I sold a bunch of CDs, and I made one of my friends from work help me. She said that I was getting a bit carried away, with sales pitches like “your life isn’t complete with this CD”. I meant it when I said it though, and none of the customers said no…they were probably afraid to… His “No Other Love” is a masterpiece like “Car Wheels”.

    Then another time, somehow I found out about an acoustic living room concert where a New Jersey lawyer booked Chuck to play at his home, and then sold tickets at $50 a pop to pay for it. That was kind of weird because most of the guests were his friends, but it was cool, and he was a good guy even if he was a lawyer.

    Wonder if a certain someone might consider a living room concert for her hardcore followers? 😀


    Wow – that “living room show” sounds awesome, WW… :mrgreen: If Lu ever wanted to do one in Atlanta, might I suggest “Hotel Tracy”? 😉 😀 😆 In fact, if it works out for Lu, the week of July 19th, we will have TWO other Friendly Forum members staying here! ❗

    I just got an e-mail from Eddie’s Attic saying that the show time for Chuck has been moved up to 7:30 PM due to the addition of Caitlin Crosby as the opening act.

    Anyone ever seen her live? ❓



    @tntracy wrote:

    might I suggest “Hotel Tracy“? 😉 :

    Do you give out reward miles :lol:[attachment=0:e33dtkgz]mc_world.JPG[/attachment:e33dtkgz]

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