Chicago Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Chicago Setlist

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  • #29531

    [no sense wasting any time posting it. . .]

    1 Real Love
    2 I Just Wanted to See You So Bad
    3 Tears of Joy
    4 Something About What Happens When We Talk
    5 Circles & X’s
    6 Jailhouse Tears [with some mike/feedback issues early on]
    7 Pineola
    8 Well Well Well
    9 Can’t Let Go [with the lights going off on stage during the instrumental lead-in]
    10 Out of Touch
    11 Little Rock Star
    12 Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings
    13 Changed the Locks
    14 Honeybee
    15 Unsuffer Me
    16 Joy
    17 Come On
    18 Are You Down
    19 For What It’s Worth [yeah, I’ll take that one 40 years after, in Chicago. . . Lucinda also reveals that the upcoming EP featuring this is called “Lu in ’08”]
    20 It’s a Long Way to the Top

    Larger crowd, groovin’ Lu. The buzz around the merch booth is that the “experiment” of the live webcast from Minneapolis produced lower numbers of people tuning in than expected. Still, I can’t bring myself to plow through the 70-some (and counting) feedback posts about this on the Forum. I enjoyed it and applaud it–still, live Lu trumps all technology.


    According to the setlist on stage, the first song in encore should be “Happy Woman Blues”; but Lucinda decided to change it to “Are you down” when she got on stage again.


    Great, great show. One of the best I’ve seen from her, in fact.

    I really feel like Unsuffer Me was the best performance/most chilling moment of the night.

    Great sound, great setlist and great vocals. Wouldn’t change a thing from last night.


    @stoger wrote:

    Still, I can’t bring myself to plow through the 70-some (and counting) feedback posts about this on the Forum.

    Really no need to, stoger – at least not the first 4 1/2 pages worth. Those are all just pointless “chat” posts by some of us while we were listening to the show. Silly stuff, really, like trying to guess the songs coming up in the second set, etc.


    Disco Stu

    The buzz around the merch booth is that the “experiment” of the live webcast from Minneapolis produced lower numbers of people tuning in than expected.

    That’s really too bad. I’m sure a lot of work went into it and if not many people tune in it’s hard to justify, but I for one thought it was a great idea and very well executed, the problems with the feed toward the end notwithstanding. I’d love to get to enjoy a similar webcast again in the future.

    I’m very much crossing my fingers for a similar setlist tonight; I Just Wanted To See You So Bad is the song I’ve wanted to see for a long time now. If Wishes Were Horses would thrill me, too. It’s almost time to head over to the Orpheum and get in line; I’ll post the setlist tonight if no one else does before me.


    went to the show, not the best Lu show I’ve seen, she forgot the words to one song, but hey “it’s rock n roll”. I really enjoyed the stuff from ” Little Honey”. The band did not seem real tight, maybe a little let down from the Minn. show. Still Lu is one of my favorite perfomers and did like the show. Doug Pettibone…. what can I say, the man is awesome. The buick 6 opener was cool, I liked their version of “white kitten”, and also cinamon girl. Would love to see Lu play Bonnaroo, maybe get a pettion going?


    @Disco Stu wrote:

    I’d love to get to enjoy a similar webcast again in the future.

    I’ll second that. 😉


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