Change in America’s thinking?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Change in America’s thinking?

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  • #37218

    “He played guitar before he could walk.”

    So little Skylar, the baby genius—-does he do a good version of Zeppelin’s “I’m Gonna Crawl”?


    @stellablueee wrote:

    You should try it, since you’ve already resorted to antagonize and condescend others”

    I believe you started it with your long winded complaint.

    “I think musicians especially, need to be careful and aware of their demographics before launching an offense on their own supporters”.

    Thank the stars that lucinda can make up her own mind, and has the wisdom and courage to do so.


    First, who did I condescend or antagonize in my long-winded complaint? Did I antagonize the lucky folks who get to stay home with their kids for free because I work and pay (high) taxes? Or, was it the poor people who come out of college with no student loan debt while I spend the next decade paying mine? Maybe I antagonized people who can’t have children or those who are bitter that they waited too long? Exactly WHOM did I antagonize? Your response signifies that I apparently antagonized you, so why?

    Second, the ability to make up one’s mind does not make one informed or enlightened. Also, is the ability to make up one’s mind wise and courageous, as you stated? I never thought of it that way. Probably because it doesn’t make sense.
    Happy Friday! 🙂 🙂 🙂



    When I was just a boy at the age of three
    I fell out of my family tree
    Lost the key to life’s mystery
    And the rest of my life has been a myst’ry to me…..
    (Spider John Koerner)


    At the end of the Counting Crowes Concert this summer, after the lights were turned up Adam Durits got on the mike and started speaking: “I don’t care who you vote for, or what your politics are, but you need to get involved with your communities….. and register to vote…..” and then went on to talk about the Greybird Foundation, which the Counting Crowes started, primarily focused on Domestic Violence, HIV/Aids, and the environment. He told the audience that there were T-shirts and merchandise available at the concession stand that would support their foundation. You should have seen the long lines at the counters after the show. That was cool!!

    Get involved, help your fellow Americans who are not as well off as you, or may be but need your help anyway.


    PS: I took a year and a half off work after my twins were born to take care of them at home, but then “dumped them” into a commercial daycare and resumed my career. They are in 6th grade now and play music, read extensively, are artistic, but most of all very well behaved and responsible. They are in a few advanced classes, and score in the top few percent in most standard tests. And we don’t really even push them, we mostly let them choose what they want to do. On our photo display in our foyer alongside pictures of friends and family are also pictures of some of the wonderful daycare providers our kids (and we) loved, for a time they were a part of our family. Its just people man, and there are plenty of good ones out there. I’m glad they were there when I needed them.


    @stevarino wrote:

    PS: I took a year and a half off work after my twins were born to take care of them at home, but then “dumped them” into a commercial daycare and resumed my career. They are in 6th grade now and play music, read extensively, are artistic, but most of all very well behaved and responsible. They are in a few advanced classes, and score in the top few percent in most standard tests. And we don’t really even push them, we mostly let them choose what they want to do. On our photo display in our foyer alongside pictures of friends and family are also pictures of some of the wonderful daycare providers our kids (and we) loved, for a time they were a part of our family. Its just people man, and there are plenty of good ones out there. I’m glad they were there when I needed them.

    Amen! I agree! Some people aren’t as lucky as you and I are. My childcare provider (my sister-in-law) came to our house today to look at our Halloween decorations and spent more than an hour playing with my son. It’s about making the child feel loved and happy. Everyone has a unique situation. My husband’s first cousin is unmarried and just had twins (she was medically inseminated). Her father will be caring for the baby boys – whatever works for them. Congratulations on the great kids, Stevarino!


    @OpheliaPoet wrote:

    My husband’s first cousin is unmarried and just had twins (she was medically inseminated).

    I think I can speak for everyone here OpheliaPoet in that we really don’t need to know about your husband’s cousin’s medical insemination. That is way more information than I care to read in a thread about Lucinda’s political leanings. Way more.


    Au contraire, RDM! I think it’s fascinating and utterly pertinent. Say, does anyone care to share the results of their procto exam?


    I get an esophageal, and rectal each year. Usually the do tops down first, then bottoms up, but they switched the order this year. uuugggghhhhhh!


    Thank you so much for that, Stevarino. Folks, I apologize for my rants and petty foolishness – I’m still recovering from the RNC funfest while on the lookout for Michelle Bachmann’s thought police. If they need to talk to me I’ll be front and center at First Ave tonight cheering on Lucinda as she marches the hate machines into the sun…you go girl!


    @Rainydayman wrote:

    @OpheliaPoet wrote:

    My husband’s first cousin is unmarried and just had twins (she was medically inseminated).

    I think I can speak for everyone here OpheliaPoet in that we really don’t need to know about your husband’s cousin’s medical insemination. That is way more information than I care to read in a thread about Lucinda’s political leanings. Way more.

    Well, I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. If I had said she was unmarried and had twins and not explained that she did it by choice, then all the judgemental idiots would have piped in with their two cents worth about why she is a bad person or why the world doesn’t need kids that people will just “dump in daycare.” So, I tried to avoid all the stupidity – too late. You people never disappoint. But thank all of you who showed your maturity level – really nice.


    …..or you could have said nothing, that would have been best.


    To quote Monty Python: “And now for something completely different…”

    Vote early & often! 😉


    That’s an excellent site, Lefty–I’ve been following it all week. They say they’ll ad one new trick every day until election day, but it seems like they added a bunch today—“Joe The Lightbulb”, “Joe The Chair”

    Be sure to open the office door a few times in a row.

    But my favorite

    “Hey! Where’d Russia go??”


    This is in response to the post that started the thread-

    Though I am definitely NOT an Obama supporter, I do not think that the new protest songs will alienate anyone. They are (as I have already posted in another forum) the best kind of protest songs- very nonspecific, not mentioning any particular events or people. Which allows even me (an anti-establishment libertarian) to enjoy the tunes immensely even if Lu is shilling for an establishment cat like Obama.

    In addition, I don’t think we have to worry about Americans changing their thinking… no offense to my fellow Americans, but as long as they continue to watch tv, I don’t think that “thinking” is much of a concern.


    Thanks for bringing this topic back on track Thomas.

    I also respect those thoughts of people who think musicians shouldn’t mix politics with their music, although I personally disagree with that notion.

    I say this as I am watching Hank Williams, Jr. “stump” for Sarah Palin. I disgree with his opinions but I respect his right to be heard.

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