Carrie Rodriguez

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    Going to see Carrie Rodriguez perform this Friday night at a private venue / house concert here in Atlanta. I am really looking forward to it – it’ll be my first time seeing her perform live…



    Fantastic. You have found quite the venue. Looking forward to your report.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Fantastic. You have found quite the venue. Looking forward to your report.

    We have indeed, Lafayette – quite fortunate to have “stumbled” upon this little jewel of a private venue. Tonight’s the show – looking forward to it!



    Last night’s show was simply delightful! Carrie showcased her immense talents very effectively on the venue’s tiny stage. Carrie performed with her guitarist (I think his name is Ben Kyle, but I could easily be mistaken). She did not perform her cover of Lu’s “Steal Your Love”, but she did play “Seven Angels On A Bicycle”, “Never Gonna Be Your Bride”, “’50s French Movie”, “I Started Loving You Again” (w/ some fond words for Merle Haggard) & “Rex’s Blues” (she started off her set with this with a nod to Townes Van Zant), among others.

    I chatted with her a bit after her set & she signed a copy of Love And Circumstance I purchased at the merch “table” (more like an old overnight case stuffed with CDs sitting next to the stage – in fact, you can see it to the far right in the first photo). Paul_from_losangeles, I told her I was a friend of yours which immediately brought a smile of recognition to her face. She mentioned that she has not seen you in a while, and asked me to tell you to come see her soon – I think she said she will be playing in LA in February, but you can check her show schedule on her Web site to verify…

    Here are some photos I took – sorry for the quality (or lack thereof) – I am still getting used to my new iPhone 5’s camera! 😉


    P.S. The owner of the home / venue is big-time into “outsider” & African-American folk art – I love the sign above the stage: “MAN NAME EDDIE – DOG NAME BAD”… 8)


    Great photos, Tom.
    I was curious about the venue so Carrie’s web site lead me to “Grocery on Home”[attachment=0:27mr3t4y]Grocery on Home.jpg[/attachment:27mr3t4y]
    A converted grocery store / home for the proprietors- BYOB venue with a pass the hat collection for the artists.How did you find out about this show ?
    I much prefer these smaller venues over a 20,000 seat arena etc.and have found a few in my neck of the woods.
    Carrie did tour earlier this year to western Canada.
    I always enjoy your reviews.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    I was curious about the venue so Carrie’s web site lead me to “Grocery on Home”

    Grocery on Home is indeed the name of the venue, LWJ.

    I found out about the show from the owner of the home / venue, whom I am friends with on Facebook. Besides Carrie Rodriguez, in the past several months we have seen Pieta Brown & Bo Ramsey there, as well as Angela Easterling.

    I agree with you regarding the smaller venues. The Grocery certainly fits that bill, and then some. It has a very warm, inviting atmosphere & is all about the love of great music. Sarah & I are fortunate to have been able to discover it, make friends with the owner, and see some great live music there…



    Carrie Rodriguez To Be Honored By City Of Austin With An Official Carrie Rodriguez Day!

    Carrie Rodriguez has had a day named in her honor by her home city of Austin, Texas. The City has proclaimed January 17, 2013 to be forever known as Carrie Rodriguez Day. The City of Austin’s proclamation is in recognition of Carrie’s “work in advancing Austin as the ‘Live Music Capital of the World’.”

    Carrie will perform one song for the City’s Mayor and Council members on Thursday, January 17 during the City Council’s meeting where there will be an official proclamation of Carrie Rodriguez Day. The meeting will be open to the public and will air live on local TV Channel 6 from 5:30pm (CST) as well as being available to watch via a live stream at Please check the website for further broadcasting and streaming information.


    From The New Yorker magazine [Feb 11/Feb 18 issue]
    Carrie On

    Carrie Rodriguez first came to public notice as a result of her duet records with Chip Taylor, but she’s been a thriving solo artist for a while now. She release her debut album, “Seven Angels on a Bicycle,” in 2006, and recently put out her fifth, “Give Me All You Got.” Along the way, Rodriguez — who plays Rockwood Music Hall on Feb. 6 — has broadened her sound. It’s still founded in country-folk and showcases her skilled fiddling, but her arrangements have ventured to the border of pop music without quite crossing it. “Whiskey Runs Thicker Than Blood,” one of the strongest songs on her new album, is a nearly perfect mid-tempo shuffle with pedal steel sparkling on the surface. And “Brooklyn” cannily celebrates both her adopted home and the pleasures of occasionally escaping it. What is most impressive about Rodriguez’s singing is something unexpected: her diction, which can be slurred with emotion one moment and crisply analytical the next. She creates beautiful music that is always slyly smart, which in turn makes it more beautiful.

    — Ben Greenman, Critic’s Notebook


    Big disappointment that Carrie’s show scheduled for tonight (Tuesday, March 5, 2013) at the Largo in Los Angeles has been cancelled by the venue. Carrie’s Facebook listing indicates the Largo cancelled for inadequate advance ticket sales. The Largo’s E-Mail attributes the cancellation to scheduling conflicts. Whatever the reason, I am not pleased. I enjoyed Carrie’s show last month in New York City, and I was looking forward to tonight’s show.


    paul_from_losangeles, Carrie just posted this on Facebook:

    Update for Los Angeles: Howdy friends. Just wanted to let you know for anyone who was planning on coming to Largo tonight, our new friend Tom McDaniel has organized a last minute concert for us TOMORROW in Huntington Beach at the Huntington Beach Art Center. I realize it’s a bit of a drive, but if it can fit into your schedule, we would sure love to see your shining faces there! Xo, Carrie



    Thanks, Tom, for the heads-up about Huntington Beach. I did just see Carrie’s note on Facebook.


    WOO HOO!! Just ordered tickets to see Carrie at Eddie’s Attic on June 13th! 8)



    Tom: note that Carrie’s website lists “Grocery on Home” for the following night, June 14.


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    Tom: note that Carrie’s website lists “Grocery on Home” for the following night, June 14.

    Yeah Paul, I noticed that – but, thanks for the heads up.

    Unfortunately, we do not go there for concerts any more (long story that I will not delve into here). Therefore, I was really thankful when I saw that she is playing at Eddie’s Attic as well while in town (last time, she played at the Grocery only)… 😉


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