Carrie Rodriguez on "Tears Of Joy"?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Carrie Rodriguez on "Tears Of Joy"?

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    I noticed that Carrie is credited towards the end of the liner notes, but not on any of the individual songs. To me, that sounds like her beautiful voice singing harmony on the choruses of Tears Of Joy. Does anybody have any info on this? Thanks in advance. Also like Doug Pettibone’s harmony vocals on the choruses of If Wishes Were Horses.

    Inside Job

    It’s not Carrie. There were a lot of different combinations of singers that were tried on TOJ and some of the other songs but in the end most of them didn’t quite work. Without looking at the liner notes I believe Kristin Mooney is the only other voice that is on TOJ.


    Which song, then, if any, does Carrie sing on, IJ? None?


    I heard an interview with Carrie a few weeks back and I think she said that she “played” on a track. That voice on Tears Of Joy though sounds just like her. I thought maybe rather than an oversight, her name may have been left off because of a management/record label reason.

    Inside Job

    I don’t think she ended up on anything. The night she was there was almost hootenanny night–we had several of the singers there including Charlie and Jim L. and we were trying different combinations on different songs. In the end less was more. Carrie did try fiddle parts on a couple of songs including Well Well Well and Long Way but they didn’t end up being used.


    One other note – Lucinda added vocals to “Mask Of Moses” on Carrie’s new album.

    Inside Job

    Yes -she did that the same day

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