Buffalo, NY 11/06/2011 Meet Up

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Buffalo, NY 11/06/2011 Meet Up

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  • #30907

    Lefty wrote: ” Landed my Buffalo ticket, LWj. See you there.”

    stoger wrote: ” I’m going low-tech guys: I’m sneaking in one of those stubby pencils used at putt-putt courses to record scores.”

    stoger, does this mean you are bringing the pencil to Buffalo ? If so I won’t have to bring my pen or mini recorder to capture a set list.Would be great to see you again.
    Lefty, how will I recognize you ? Wearing same blue and pink shirt Susannah told me you allegedly were wearing at The East Harrow Ballroom in Rochester, NY Mar. 2009? 😆

    PM me if you guys or anyone else attending want to get together for pre-concert drinks/dinner.



    She told me Lefty was “bald” too, lwj. No Buffalo for me. But do report for us.


    @stoger wrote:

    She told me Lefty was “bald” too, lwj.

    I’m sure that a young woman of Susannah’s tender age probably thinks all us old, Lu-obsessed men look alike… 😆



    A bald guy? That ought to narrow it down.

    Susannah must have been impressed to remember his wardrobe and comment on it. 😀


    As stoger knows, I bear a striking resemblance to Justin Timberlake… 😆
    I’ve actually traded in that pink’n’blue shirt for a silver’n’purple mesh tank-top!
    LWj: I’ll pm you with my cell #

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