Buffalo 11/06/2011

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Buffalo 11/06/2011

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  • #30953

    Happy to report, THEY KILLED. More later from LWj…

    Can’t Let Go
    Drunken Angel
    Lake Charles
    Stowaway in Your Heart
    Sidewalks of the City 🙂
    Copenhagen (LWj pleaser)
    World without Tears
    Born to be Loved
    Tryin’ to Get to Heaven (Dylanfreak Lefty sez Ms. Williams is owning this Bob song)
    Sweet Side
    Those 3 Days
    Seeing Black
    Unsuffer Me
    Changed the Locks
    – band intro –
    Honey Bee
    – – – – –
    Ain’t My Cross to Bear
    For What It’s Worth

    West Words

    Thanks, Lefty, sounds like another great show! I missed Seeing Black yet again… aaaarrrgggh!!

    Here is a review from someone who also appreciated the show – http://www.buffalonews.com/entertainment/gusto/music/concert-reviews/article623092.ece. Lu is compared to both Tom Waits and Keith Richards, and Blake is the Messiah. Sounds like the rest of us missed a really, really good one! 🙂


    As Lefty reported it was a killer show.
    Y’all note how Lefty added a smily next to “Sidewalks of the City” ( a song Lu only recently dug out of her extensive archive). My new cell wasn’t programmed for roaming in the US so I almost missed meeting the former moderator of the FF. I was in the long line on the Main St. Buffalo sidewalk waiting for the doors to open when I heard my name from a gentleman about 4 or 5 up in the lineup talking on his cell. Turns out it was Lefty, otherwise I would not have met him.(So we were blessed)

    The Town Ballroom was close to a perfect venue with 3 tiered levels of standing room, superb acoustics, huge bar,and friendly staff.
    Lefty and I introduced ourselves to Eileen the new merch. gal, and yes, stoger she remembers you. It’s unbelievable that she and the other 10 in the band/crew travelled all night from Lebanon, NH in the bus to shuffle off to Buffalo.

    Buick 6 came on about 7:50 with a 1/2 hour crowd pleaser and Blake outdid himself on “Surfing USA”

    As per most of the other shows recently, Lu opened with the great Randy Weeks song and set the pace for a great mix of songs.
    The crowd really got a kick out of Lu’s introduction to Copenhagen with the Squidbillies animated video connection.
    Butch lost a couple of sticks during the blistering Joy ( a song Lu relates to the Occupy movement.)
    All in all a great setlist mix and here’s a HQ video of the Buffalo Springfield closing song to get a feel of the atmosphere.(Much better than my pics)

    Again it was great to meet Lefty.


    Even though baseball season is officially over, WW, to use some of that parlance, Lu & Crew “went yard” last night — crushed it out of the park; touched all the bases. My frame of reference for Live Lucinda is much smaller than many of you FF road warriors’, but I have not heard her in better voice.

    stoger: is my use of an apostrophe after “warriors” OK by you? 🙂


    Ditto on meeting you, LWj — a pleasure. Let’s do it again!

    Yes, indeed — during the latter stages of the show, Butch’s playing was, in a word, FEROCIOUS 8)


    Great reports kids!

    I think you’re going to get a demerit from Stoger, Lefty. But I’m rooting for ya.


    Perfect content, grammar, AND punctuation, guys. Good to be remembered by Eileen too. LWJ, obviously the venue wasn’t located across from the stateside equivalent of Fran’s (apostrophe needed?), or else you and Lefty would have hooked up there. Lefty, I guess no author reading preceded this particular Lu show. Still, glad you boys got together in Lu bliss. . .


    @stoger wrote:

    Perfect content, grammar, AND punctuation, guys. Good to be remembered by Eileen too. LWJ, obviously the venue wasn’t located across from the stateside equivalent of Fran’s (apostrophe needed?), or else you and Lefty would have hooked up there. Lefty, I guess no author reading preceded this particular Lu show. Still, glad you boys got together in Lu bliss. . .

    Fran’s is the correct spelling stoger. No, we didn’t meet up for dinner but Lefty and I had plenty of time for author reading including talking about our favorite gal from Lake Charles plus that Erika gal of the HB’s.
    As I was parking my car, three ladies from Toronto (all Lu fans) just parked their car and asked me if $ was required in the meters and I said no. They were attending the concert and asked me if I knew a place to eat pre-concert and I told them about Laughlin’s Beef & Barrel 2 blocks away.( a place I was going to suggest to meet Lefty if it wasn’t for the phone problem.) So the ladies asked me to show the way and I sat down with them at the pub for a beer.

    For you stoger, a nice pic of Eileen.[attachment=0:3gu813f1]tn_Eillen-the merch gal.JPG[/attachment:3gu813f1]



    Thank you for the validation, Prof. stoger!
    I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the vivacious presence of Eileen last night, a worthy successor to the legend that is Susannah.
    Oh, and by the way, LWj & I both agree: Blake = Monster


    ooh, the blessed t-shirts. is that the only one? blessed x6?

    FOLKS. why is it not on sale on the site??!!


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    ooh, the blessed t-shirts. is that the only one? blessed x6?

    FOLKS. why is it not on sale on the site??!!

    punchdrunklove, here’s my full picture from Buffalo of the t-shirts available.
    I agree the store on this web site needs a refresh.[attachment=0:lyjp73lf]Lu’s T’s Buffalo.JPG[/attachment:lyjp73lf]



    @Lefty wrote:

    Thank you for the validation, Prof. stoger!
    I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the vivacious presence of Eileen last night, a worthy successor to the legend that is Susannah.
    Oh, and by the way, LWj & I both agree: Blake = Monster

    The swag is in capable post-Susannah, post-Matt hands, I’d say.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    ooh, the blessed t-shirts. is that the only one? blessed x6?

    FOLKS. why is it not on sale on the site??!!

    punchdrunklove, here’s my full picture from Buffalo of the t-shirts available.
    I agree the store on this web site needs a refresh.[attachment=0:1a80irut]Lu’s T’s Buffalo.JPG[/attachment:1a80irut]


    that 1st t-shirt on the 2nd row (above the red devil one), what is that?


    eileen and susannah are the ones responsible for selling stuff?

    well, here’s a thought: I’LL BE PERFECT FOR THE JOB IN EUROPE 2012. HIRE ME.


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    @LWjetta wrote:

    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    ooh, the blessed t-shirts. is that the only one? blessed x6?

    FOLKS. why is it not on sale on the site??!!

    punchdrunklove, here’s my full picture from Buffalo of the t-shirts available.
    I agree the store on this web site needs a refresh.[attachment=0:28n5hgol]Lu’s T’s Buffalo.JPG[/attachment:28n5hgol]


    that 1st t-shirt on the 2nd row (above the red devil one), what is that?

    It’s the opening line from “Blue” Go find a Jukebox and see what a Quarter will do.
    pdl, right click on the image and save it in your pics and you can enlarge it for viewing.


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