Bloomington (tomorrow night!!)

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Bloomington (tomorrow night!!)

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  • #45848

    Wow!! Lucinda was sure right about the room sounding great. Just an amazing show, so personal and so purely focused on her amazing sounds!! Thanks for the set list too. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of rockers she played, too!


    Great photo from Bloomington. courtesy of Over the Rhine.
    [attachment=0:1sc4x171]Lu, Karin and Linford Bloomington, IN.jpg[/attachment:1sc4x171]



    Such a pleasant surprise to see OTR make a guest appearance with Lu. She loves them and knowing that made it extra special.

    I was able to tape “Undamned,” ever so nonchanlantly as we were instructed not to tape or take photos. The lights, from viewing on my camera, have Lu washed out somewhat with spotlight, however, I will video up as soon as I catch up from 2 wonderful nights of Lu shows and 3 days and 3 wonderful nights spending with friends. I have a lot of video from the Nelsonville show.


    Karin & Linford (Over the Rhine) were invited to perform with Lucinda tonight in Bloomington, they joined her for four songs, including “Undamned” as a part of the encore.

    Lucinda delivered a stunning solo acoustic set, just her and her Gibson, pulling heavily from her upcoming (next tuesday) release “Blessed.” but she also mixed in many from her catalog, including a “Sweet Old World” that had many a tear rollin’.


    Bill –Really great photos –thank you for these.


    Wow, thanks for the shots. We were upstairs, so appreciate this closeup perspective!

    As for getting to hear some of the older tunes, I’m especially thankful for Lucinda playing “Side of the Road”, which had somehow fell out of my mental Lucinda loop. That one just kills me, it’ll yank a tear out every damned time!


    I called my favorite NPR station today, you know, the one I gush about all the time, to let my favorite music host know he missed an Over The Rhine appearance in Btown. He thought it was very cool, and of course, true to form, got on the air and chatted up the OTR appearance with Lu. He played an OTR song followed by a Steve Earle song, and then several songs later, he played “Changed The Locks” but I missed it as I was in and out running errands. Music playlists are very helpful on that score.

    Now, I’m hoping to hear a “Blessed” song tomorrow. 33 minutes until it’s official. Happy Early “Blessed” release day!

    West Words

    GREAT photos, Bill! Thank you for sharing. 🙂


    “Undamned” (from the Long Surrender) with Over The Rhine. Lucinda and Karin are both “washed” out by spotlights, but nonetheless, it’s on tape.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Bill –Really great photos –thank you for these.

    Tom, thank you.

    (I was there w/K&L, there are a few more pics @
    and also, some from when Lu dropped in for OtR’s set @ The Troubadour last November @

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