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  • #31246
    New Jersey Nick

    Remember, I’m a noob. And remember also, there is no such thing as a stupid question.

    Anyway, are there any biographies on Ms. Williams? Or at least a link or two to some good articles about her life?

    I guess I can google it, but I figure you guys know best and could guide me.

    Thanks in advance.


    Nick -Welcome to the forum -great bunch of people in here. I’m Lu’s mgr. To answer your question Lu hasn’t done a biography yet but it is being discussed. It’s funny that you ask about a place to go to read old articles because 2 days ago I discovered this amazing site called Rock’s Backpages-
    It has the most amazing collection of music writing i’ve ever seen. You can search on individual artists and it will bring up a ton of articles going way back. It’s a really great site and might be exactly what your looking for. If you’re looking for pur biographical info I would suggest Lu’s Wikipedia page. Last time I was there it was all pretty accurate. There is also some similar bio info at

    New Jersey Nick

    @TOverby wrote:

    Nick -Welcome to the forum -great bunch of people in here. I’m Lu’s mgr. To answer your question Lu hasn’t done a biography yet but it is being discussed. It’s funny that you ask about a place to go to read old articles because 2 days ago I discovered this amazing site called Rock’s Backpages-
    It has the most amazing collection of music writing i’ve ever seen. You can search on individual artists and it will bring up a ton of articles going way back. It’s a really great site and might be exactly what your looking for. If you’re looking for pur biographical info I would suggest Lu’s Wikipedia page. Last time I was there it was all pretty accurate. There is also some similar bio info at

    Thank you so much for the link. I’ll be sure to check it out. I love memoirs and biographies.

    Lucinda is an an amazing lyricist and I’m curious as to what experiences were behind the songs. Specifically, songs like Sweet Old World and Greenville.

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