Big Sur Friday June 29

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Big Sur Friday June 29

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    Yikes. It’s over 500 miles. 8 hours early out to be plenty of time to get in trouble.

    Nothing but crickets on the Kate Wolf front. You may have to report on that show too when you get to Redding.

    stoger wrote:
    Ballads indeed. Despite the false start, “When I Look at the World” was lovely. Did anybody catch the word at the end of the phrase “I’ve been a total ___” near the beginning of the song? Sounds like “rat” (!) but I couldn’t tell for sure from youtube. That glory/story business is a great gospelish hook in the chorus.

    stoger, my ears detect “Ive been a total wreck”



    Yes- it is wreck


    Just a small addendum to all of the above reports. The show went so well that Lucinda has been asked to do this show on an annual or semi-annual basis. I could definitely see that happening -a really great time was had and what a great little bookstore right there on site. I’m sure Prof. Stoger would’ve enjoyed it. Of course I couldn’t resist buying more books, just what I need-here is what I walked out with:

    Quiet Days In Olichy – Henry Miller (based on the resident recommendations)
    Distant Star – Roberto Bolano
    The Judges Of The Secret Court -subtitled A Novel About John Wilkes Booth –David Stacton
    Woolgathering — Patti Smith
    White Riot, Punk Rock And The Politics Of Race–edited by Stephen Duncombe and Maxwell Tremblay


    Great news Tom. I don’t know if you experienced this but all of the library staff and volunteers were extremely nice and helpful and generally happy to see all of us Lu-natics. The two folks who waited on us hand and foot were two young married kids, to each other no less, who worked the show for no pay and could not have been nicer. Magnus was also a helluva guy. I vote “yes” to an annual show.

    I think Grumpymama would also like to return but for a different reason. 😆


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    Thanx, tonyg, for posting the setlist. I attended this show last night, and I’ll post a few observations.

    1. Doug’s guitar work for this show was magnificent, especially on Pineola and Out of Touch. Duo shows with Lucinda and Doug are really special moments.

    2. The outdoor venue was beautiful, with huge, wide, tall trees surrounding the stage, and colored stage-lights highlighting the trees.

    3. The weather was surprisingly tranquil, for a June evening near the coast–no wind, no fog, just a dropping temperature from the 70’s to the 50’s–the temperature was well managed by the audience members, who applied their clothing layers like a hip commercial for North Face.

    4. My one mild complaint: when a venue specifies no outside food or drinks, that usually means the venue plans to sell food and drink, and doesn’t want competition from the audience supplies. However, the library last night only sold beer and wine–no food. Fortunately, I had a granola bar in my pocket (to eat after my wine), but it seemed like a poor policy. A few experienced souls did have plastic containers with food, and no one seemed to check.

    5. If you attend another show at this venue, bring a flashlight. The experienced audience members did have flashlights. There are no lights at the portable outhouses, and the insides are totally dark after sunset. Also, the outside road has no street lights, so walking back to my parked rental car on the dark road with no traffic and no lights was a bit creepy.

    Perhaps, I’ll add more later. For now, time to fight for breakfast at Embassy Suites in Seaside, near Monterey.

    Exactly my thoughts. We rode out on the motorcycle Friday morning from the Yosemite area. Rolling up on the venue the parking was sparse, but there were spots to be found. The folks running the show/fans alike were kind and welcoming. The sculptures sprinkled around the venue added an extra touch of ambiance and interest: Simply a beautiful experience. I doubt I will see a performance so raw, genius and visceral anytime in the near future and I cannot really recall a concert like this before.

    If anyone knows of a recorded version of this performance, whether soundboard or audience, I would love to get a copy.


    MelindaL check earlier in this thread. A Youtube link was posted to 16 songs video’d by an audience member. They are excellent.


    deep sigh…….. knew it would be great, glad I might get another chance 😀


    @LWjetta wrote:

    @stoger wrote:

    Ballads indeed. Despite the false start, “When I Look at the World” was lovely. Did anybody catch the word at the end of the phrase “I’ve been a total ___” near the beginning of the song? Sounds like “rat” (!) but I couldn’t tell for sure from youtube. That glory/story business is a great gospelish hook in the chorus.

    stoger, my ears detect “Ive been a total wreck”


    Ha ha, guess I just yearned for some rodent imagery in a new Lu song. Clearly neither my ears nor my brain cells are up to par. Thanks to lwj and to Tom (also for the recommended reading).

    What’s all this implication about grumpymama having ulterior motives re: a Lu concert?


    I think you are going to have to ask her.


    A great blog report from Big Sur complete with videos, photos and set list.
    I’m guessing it was written by the same person mez that posted the video link which almost covered the entire concert.

    Here’s an excerpt.
    Aside from the old favorites, it was a particular thrill to be blessed with the debut of not one, but two new songs: “When I Look At The World”, (above), and “Bitter Memory”, (below). Lucinda mentioned a clutch of twenty songs ready to go, so it would appear that a new album will be in the offing in the not too distant future.

    So Tom O , any hints on a new album and what’s the status on Lost Highway ?



    (Those looking for TO’s post about new songs / label / record plans that he originally posted here, can now find it split into a new topic here per his suggestion…)


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