Big Sur Friday June 29

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Big Sur Friday June 29

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    It’s close enough to the show to open a new topic on it. The Miller Library is supposed to be a Big Sur Mecca for people who are much groovier than us. Might be some hipsters too. I gather Henry Miller lived in Big Sur for quite a while and the site of his library is the site of great serenity and such. At least until we get there.

    Things I know: Parking sucks, there will be beer and wine sold there but no food. No bringing in food or drinks. It could get nippy after dark. There is restaurant very close by called Nepenthe that is supposed to be where the ultra cool people go and there are views of the ocean and such. I will be there before the show. Doors at 6, music at 7.

    Things I don’t know: Everything else.

    Who else is going? πŸ˜€


    Excellent pre-show report! :mrgreen:


    I’m just trying to add value where I can. πŸ˜‰


    @tonyg wrote:

    It’s close enough to the show to open a new topic on it. The Miller Library is supposed to be a Big Sur Mecca for people who are much groovier than us. Might be some hipsters too. I gather Henry Miller lived in Big Sur for quite a while and the site of his library is the site of great serenity and such. At least until we get there.

    Things I know: Parking sucks, there will be beer and wine sold there but no food. No bringing in food or drinks. It could get nippy after dark. There is restaurant very close by called Nepenthe that is supposed to be where the ultra cool people go and there are views of the ocean and such. I will be there before the show. Doors at 6, music at 7.

    Things I don’t know: Everything else.

    Who else is going? πŸ˜€

    Unfortunately not me, but what’s with all the “we/us” (implied square) vs. “the ultra cool” crowd, tongyg? A false dichotomy, wouldn’t you say? Surely you, grumpy mama, etc. outhipstered the Chickfest crowd, or at least held your own? With paulfromlosangeles in the picture, as I remember, I’d say old Hank Miller himself might come up short on the beat-ometer next week. Groovy.


    Thx for the vote of confidence Stoger. We will hold our heads high.


    Tony, it’s a very lovely venue. You’ll be serenaded in the tall trees, and behind the performer they have this wall of candles, it’s incredible. I wish I could go but work says no. That is where I’d live if I found a million dollars. πŸ™‚


    i’m looking forward to it Stella.


    Lucky you and looking forward to show report(s)!

    West Words

    β€œI’ve been writing up a storm lately,” she says. β€œThe song I wrote last night is a pretty ballad about when people say, β€˜There will always be a place in my heart for you.’ I took that idea and turned it into a song.”

    On Friday at the Henry Miller Library, Williams – accompanied by guitarist Doug Pettibone – says she’ll probably play the tune in addition to a few other new ones.

    You lucky dogs who are going to this show. Can’t wait to hear the new songs, or at least hear about them. πŸ™‚


    Great report. I am getting psyched up about my first trip to Big Sur and seeing Lu and Doug as a duo.

    In no way am I worried about driving 6 hours up the coast with a toothache and abcess from my root canal and taking mega pills on an hourly basis. Let’s just get that settled right now. Not worried. At all.


    P.S. And a complete lack of sleep all week. No worries.


    Godspeed, sir!


    Godspeed twice over. Hipness and oral cavity pain are not mutually exclusive.


    Thx all. Killer show. In my top ten. Remarks when I get home.

    Side of the Road
    I don’t know how you’re living
    World without tears
    When I look at the world (new song)
    Ugly truth
    Lake Charles
    Bitter Memory (new song)
    People Talking
    Crescent City (abandoned after numerous aborts)
    Well Well Well
    Jailhouse Tears
    Out of Touch
    Down the Big Road Blues
    Changed the Locks
    Honey Bee

    I Ain’t got no home in this world anymore
    Hard time killing floor blues
    Get right with god


    Thanx, tonyg, for posting the setlist. I attended this show last night, and I’ll post a few observations.

    1. Doug’s guitar work for this show was magnificent, especially on Pineola and Out of Touch. Duo shows with Lucinda and Doug are really special moments.

    2. The outdoor venue was beautiful, with huge, wide, tall trees surrounding the stage, and colored stage-lights highlighting the trees.

    3. The weather was surprisingly tranquil, for a June evening near the coast–no wind, no fog, just a dropping temperature from the 70’s to the 50’s–the temperature was well managed by the audience members, who applied their clothing layers like a hip commercial for North Face.

    4. My one mild complaint: when a venue specifies no outside food or drinks, that usually means the venue plans to sell food and drink, and doesn’t want competition from the audience supplies. However, the library last night only sold beer and wine–no food. Fortunately, I had a granola bar in my pocket (to eat after my wine), but it seemed like a poor policy. A few experienced souls did have plastic containers with food, and no one seemed to check.

    5. If you attend another show at this venue, bring a flashlight. The experienced audience members did have flashlights. There are no lights at the portable outhouses, and the insides are totally dark after sunset. Also, the outside road has no street lights, so walking back to my parked rental car on the dark road with no traffic and no lights was a bit creepy.

    Perhaps, I’ll add more later. For now, time to fight for breakfast at Embassy Suites in Seaside, near Monterey.


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    Thanx, tonyg, for posting the setlist. I attended this show last night, and I’ll post a few observations.

    1. Doug’s guitar work for this show was magnificent, especially on Pineola and Out of Touch. Duo shows with Lucinda and Doug are really special moments.

    2. The outdoor venue was beautiful, with huge, wide, tall trees surrounding the stage, and colored stage-lights highlighting the trees.

    3. The weather was surprisingly tranquil, for a June evening near the coast–no wind, no fog, just a dropping temperature from the 70’s to the 50’s–the temperature was well managed by the audience members, who applied their clothing layers like a hip commercial for North Face.

    4. My one mild complaint: when a venue specifies no outside food or drinks, that usually means the venue plans to sell food and drink, and doesn’t want competition from the audience supplies. However, the library last night only sold beer and wine–no food. Fortunately, I had a granola bar in my pocket (to eat after my wine), but it seemed like a poor policy. A few experienced souls did have plastic containers with food, and no one seemed to check.

    5. If you attend another show at this venue, bring a flashlight. The experienced audience members did have flashlights. There are no lights at the portable outhouses, and the insides are totally dark after sunset. Also, the outside road has no street lights, so walking back to my parked rental car on the dark road with no traffic and no lights was a bit creepy.

    Perhaps, I’ll add more later. For now, time to fight for breakfast at Embassy Suites in Seaside, near Monterey.

    Excellent work, you two. I’d love some elaboration on the nature of “Bitter Memory” and “When I Look at the World,”–and assume both are going to adapt well to a rhythm section format. Guess that backing was needed for “Crescent City” to come off. . .

    Paul, don’t forget candles and your Whole Food purchases next time. And enjoy that weather vicariously for me; it hit 103 in west TN yesterday.

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