B’ham + Atlanta = Perfection

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  • #29696

    What a Lu weekend! Hometown B’ham show Friday and a short drive to ATL Saturday for two unforgettable nights.

    It’s always special when Lu comes to the beautiful Alabama Theater in my town. Got tickets the moment they went on sale and got four front row seats. I prefer the standing room floor but it was perfect for this seated theater. Started the night at a bar down the block from the theater where we met several tickets holders with our same idea. Lu coming over the sound system and cold beer got us pumped and ready. The rainy weather made umbrellas necessary but it was a short walk to the theater so what the heck. Got there just as B6 had started, downed a Maker’s Mark and water in the ornate lobby, chatted with some friends, and headed down front.

    Took a couple with us who just happen to lead a locally popular band that covers “Can’t Let Go” and they couldn’t have been more excited to hear it come out third in the set list. The security guy who sat in front of me with his back to the stage was a real stickler. Near the end of the show we moved the six feet up to the stage but he had a piss fit every time we touched the stage itself. Stand back 12″ – OK. Touch it – here he comes.

    It was a great 24 song set which all of you have already seen. One personal highlight was the Hank Williams cover of “Cold Cold Heart”. Just beautiful. A four song encore ends the show after which we end up with a set list and drum stick with “Lu Tour 2009” written on it. Thanks, Butch. Headed back out into the rain for the short dive home – exhausted. Little did I know (until Tntracy tells me Saturday night) that Lu, Tom, and tag-alongs drove all over downtown B’ham after the show looking for decent food and drink. Man, I could have been all over that with some great choices. Next time, you guys, next time.

    Headed out to Atlanta about noon Saturday. Got to the Tabernacle to see no one in line yet so we checked our stuff into our Holiday Inn room across the street. The convenient location is unbeatable. Finally got to meet Tntracy, Sarah, and Stoger outside the Tabernacle before the show for some very interesting stories and conversation. Doors open and here we go to the edge of the stage and stake our claim in front of the mic stand. Another great set list with eleven songs not played the night before in B’ham. THAT’S why you go to multiple shows. A double encore night with “Angel” and “Little Rock Star” closing out. A great crowd with definitely a different feel than the night before. We were lucky enough to end up with another set list which was hard to keep dry standing out on the rain at the rear of the venue afterward waiting for a Lu contact. That never happened, but wife Kathy got the set list to someone who got it to Lu who signed it “For Randy and Kathy, Love, Lucinda”. Suitable for framing, as they say.

    Sorry to opt out of the early breakfast Tom, Sarah, Roger, Cindy, but we were wet, cold, and way too sober to tolerate it anymore. We regret we left our umbrellas under our seats at the Alabama Theater the night before. Another walk by the bus for one last chance (failed again) and we called it a night.


    PS. Tntracy – Chet’s harmonica was on Drunken Angel.


    Thanks for the eyewitness report, RR. And, welcome to our Friendly Forum.


    Hey Railroad – glad you posted up with your thoughts about last night’s show. Welcome…



    Here is the set list I referenced.
    Thanks, Lu, for a real treasure.


    [attachment=0:1qw7lnjf]Setlist 4.jpg[/attachment:1qw7lnjf]

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