Belly Up 09 January 2013

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Belly Up 09 January 2013

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  • #31267

    I’m gonna do the honors on starting this thread since it’s less than a week out and I’m still riding high off of that Jackshit/Baked Potato show. I haven’t booked a cot to sleep on yet and may end up relying on the kindness of strangers if I can’t secure the RV.

    Can’t wait ’til Wednesday…


    Can’t wait either GrumpyMama. Some of your friends and strangers are staying at the Holiday Inn Express. 😀


    @GrumpyMama wrote:

    I’m gonna do the honors on starting this thread since it’s less than a week out and I’m still riding high off of that Jackshit/Baked Potato show. I haven’t booked a cot to sleep on yet and may end up relying on the kindness of strangers if I can’t secure the RV.

    Can’t wait ’til Wednesday…

    OK, the first thing that needs to be said is that I’ve been trying to reply to grumpy for three damn days. The second thing is that please no sentimental “Welcome to our Friendly Forum” messages be directed my way. I’m “stoger” reregistered, using a BOGUS email account. BOGUS. For 72 hours, the Forum has let me look but not post under the “stoger” dispensation. Every time I tried a post, or test-post, it didn’t go through and I got a red-letter message saying I was a “Known Spammer” and so on. This was true whether I tried from my office desktop, a Kinko’s, a public library, whatever. So fuck it: I probably won’t use this nomorepiglatin handle/account much, and will probably go back to what I did before 2007, i.e., send my reports on individual shows via email to selected people. I think I can still get pm’s on my “true” (i.e., “spam” to the honchos here) account, but probably can’t reply to them. Whatever.

    Oh, Grumpy Mama: great Tennessee Williams allusion above: See you at the Holiday Inn Express of Solana Beach.!

    Signed, A Forum User with Several Hundred legit. postings under his belt


    So you’re the spammer! I didn’t get the Tennessee Williams thing. See you Wednesday. 😀


    Oh my… 😳



    Stogie– I will see what’s going on with your access and get it fixed. Always email me when something like this happens. That goes for anyone else who may be having issues.


    Man… A fun gig that I am dying to be at…
    Have a blast!!

    Hang in there stoger.. your reports are the second best thing about this forum!!

    (the first being the show postings..)


    @nomorepiglatin wrote:

    So fuck it:[/quote]<---Censor filter doesn't work, either. 😆 Hope you are back soon, stoger! One more day! Looking forward to reports.


    Testing 1 2 3


    @stoger wrote:

    Testing 1 2 3

    Whew hoo: Pig Latin once more! Thanks to my friends here who took my profane ire in good stride, and thanks to some figure named “Chris” who emailed me a half hour after I posted that rant, telling me I was back in business as “stoger.” Sweet relief. As TOverby knows, I’m a pretty mellow guy unless I don’t get to post-to-my-Lu. And now, to fathom these multiple accounts.. .


    Welcome back. 😆


    Welcome back, stoger! *ducks for cover in case welcoming comments aren’t welcomed 😆 *


    @tonyg wrote:

    Welcome back. 😆

    Ha ha: I forgot my “piglatinnomore” password, so let’s hope no copious pm’s are piling up there.

    Tony, “the kindness of strangers” is a Blanche DuBois line from Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire (I think).

    Anyway, looking forward to discussing 20th century American Drama and other topics with you in that rental car over the next couple of days. . .


    Fun night. Good show. The set list:

    Lake Charles
    Side of the Road
    World Without Tears
    Happy Woman Blues
    Bitter Memory
    Stowaway in Your Heart
    The Nights Too Long
    Bus to Baton Rouge
    Don’t Know How You’re Living
    Sweet Side
    Ugly Truth
    Make The World Go Away
    Concrete and Barbed Wire
    Something Wicked This Way Comes
    I Lost It
    Still I Long For Your Kiss
    Changed The Locks
    Honey Bee

    This Old Guitar
    Nothin in Ramblin

    Remarks when I get home tomorrow afternoon.


    I just wanted to affirm here that I know nothing of off-shore funds or football tickets.

    The show? Oh yeah. Well done, Tony. I’ll add to your addendum in good time.

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