FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows BEACON THEATER-NYC

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    In its “Goings On About Town” listings, The New Yorker wastes few words plugging tomorrow night:

    The singer-songwriter Lucinda Williams, the daughter of the poet Miller Williams, has refined her craft over the years: her lyrics have become ever more compressed, her song structures more elemental. She’s one of the great voices of American music.


    Hey Visions……… Good post ! Seen my share of late ending shows too, so I guess it’s up to the performer/manager to make that financial decision… that sounds like what it comes down to.
    Well Lucinda has always been more tuned into her fans than most artists. She’s never had that overblown rock star ego that many other less talented people carry around. So here’s hoping Lu and Co. sort thru this issue and do the right thing…… and that is to just play whatever she wants to play without concern for time, Beacon “curfew”, or potential OT costs. I’m sure if she looks at the big picture, we’ll get the normal LW show.
    I did see a Neil Young show many years back at the Beacon where Neil played 80-85 minutes and left. Everyone was kind of in shock as we expected more even when he walked off.Neil had been playing closer to 2.5 hours on tours the previous years.Although the performance was very good, almost everyone leaving the theater was disapointed and pissed and didn’t know what to make of it. Whatever the reasons didn’t matter.People laid out good $ to see a guy who usualy gave 2-2.5 hours, so there was a clear expectation as to what was reasonable and noone found 80 minutes to be reasonable.To this day,some of my friends who went to that show have never bought a Neil Young ticket again ! People in New York tend to be less forgiving of a situation like that.I guess becasue we have so many opportunities
    to see so many artists perform here that people don’t feel a need to spend their $ on what they consider
    I’ll even buy a couple of T-shirts ! So pleeeeeeeeeease play a full show ! šŸ™‚

    West Words

    Blake, I LOVE the idea of no stage walk off for the encore. How about a Wayne’s World move to indicate the end of the main set? šŸ˜‰

    I am on a very hot, crowded train on my way to the Montclair show tonight. Apparently , a little band by the name of U2 is playing at the Meadowlands tonight.

    Bet Lu and Crew outrocks them.:)


    Blake, to your first point, that ~10 song set at Bardot Hollywood was up high on my list and after surviving many marathon deadshows, quality not quantity.

    West Words

    The renovated Beacon Theatre was magnificent, the band sounded great, and Lu’s voice was flawless.

    Set list:

    1. Can’t Let Go
    2. Car Wheels on a Gravel Road – “Thanks for braving the heat to come out”. The heat index in the city was about 105 degrees; the heat index in the subway was 127 degrees. I was extraordinarily grateful this was an inside air-conditioned show!
    3. Buttercup
    4. Right In Time
    5. I Lost It
    6. Little Angel, Little Brother – duet with Amos Lee. “Son of a bitch, I love this man!! His voice…oohhh… Amos Lee…. we’ve been doing this song every night… There aren’t too many younger people who can sing like that. He’s got that soul…”
    7. Born To Be Loved
    8. Blue
    9. Hot Blood – “I think it’s time. We’re gonna kick it up a little bit here now.”
    10. Still I Long For Your Kiss – “I had a little help on this song from my friend, the late songwriter, Duane Jarvis.”
    11. Essence – “I was doing an interview the other day, and the guy said he’d heard another journalist call me ‘The Rock ‘n Roll Poet Laureate of Pain’. I thought that was pretty cool.”
    12. Changed The Locks
    13. Joy
    14. Honey Bee

    Encore: (quick turnaround)

    15: Blessed – solo start, band walked on
    16. Get Right With God – “Love, peace, and revolution. Don’t give up the fight. People’s rights!”

    Great show, and it was a pleasure to meet Grumpymama. She didn’t seem grumpy to me at all. šŸ˜€


    Outstanding and very timely reporting West Words.

    I’m taking the liberty of posting your pic from FB of the sold out marquee.
    Seating capacity of the Beacon is approx. 2,800
    Great street view.[attachment=0:8n0c2m9j]Beacon NYC sold out.jpg[/attachment:8n0c2m9j]



    ” Son Of A Bitch I love this man! ” — Music to my ears.


    The show at the Beacon last night was great. Excellent song selection, with a good mix of slower numbers, blues, and all-out rockers. Lucinda was in excellent voice; her blues singing, which in one number reminded me of the blues’ roots in field hollers, was extraordinary. “You were born to be loved” was absolutely gorgeous, full of soul, and the band’s playing was wonderfully sensitive. The versatile new guitarist is terrific, I think the best since Gurf Morlix back in the 80s. And the encore of “Get Right with God” was a knockout — Lu sang her ass off! Re Amos Lee: I was surprised how many people, mostly the younger crowd, came for him. I first saw him open for Dylan years ago and he bored me to tears. Musical Sominex. But last night I enjoyed the part of his set I caught, and he sang with tenderness and soul when he joined Lucinda for “Little Angel.”


    why not change the order and have LW come out first…

    I feel badly when an opener ‘loses’ the audience and they are trying to be polite but really just want to see the main act.

    a quote form the NJ show:

    ‘Amos Lee got a lot of time, finished around 9:15. Got a good reaction from the crowd, but for me an ok’ish band, and he got kind of tiresome for me. No real desire to see him again…’

    I am sure he is a fine performer, but not the reason I am going.
    I saw her play GreenField Balloon fest a couple years back, and even with a dozen other different bands playing she played longer than some of the sets from this tour.


    @West Words wrote:

    I am on a very hot, crowded train on my way to the Montclair show tonight. Apparently , a little band by the name of U2 is playing at the Meadowlands tonight.

    Bet Lu and Crew outrocks them.:)

    I was at that U2 show. Waited more than a year to see this show because it was postponed due to Bono’s back surgery. Totally worth the wait. What a amazing show! Won’t say one out rocks they other. I think both Lucinda and U2 are great, in totally different ways.


    $75 bucks for 70 mins……not good enough I’m afraid.
    Lu and the Band sounded great BTW……. “Change the Locks” a real highlight among a very average setlist.
    Whats with “Honey Bee”? So many other options why does she continue to play it?

    West Words

    haunted wrote:

    I was at that U2 show. Waited more than a year to see this show because it was postponed due to Bono’s back surgery. Totally worth the wait. What a amazing show! Won’t say one out rocks they other. I think both Lucinda and U2 are great, in totally different ways.

    Haunted – absolutely no diss against U2 intended! I just love the little club shows so much more than humongous stadium shows,… and I guess I am a little biased toward Lu… and selfishly glad that she doesn’t play the big arenas…

    Glad you enjoyed a great show! xo šŸ™‚


    Interesting discussion about set length. I saw the Wolf Trap show. Iā€™m a long-time fan but this was my first Lucinda concert (donā€™t usually have the $$$).

    The downside: I confess to being disappointed by a short set, especially since Amos Lee (who I didnā€™t really care for) played 90 minutes while Lu and the band played only about 75 minutes. It seems odd that the opening act got more time than the headliner. But it was hot and humid as hell in an outdoor venue, so I kind of understood; theyā€™re working hard up there. I kept thinkingā€¦ā€œIf you think it`s easy doin` one night stands / Try playinā€™ in a rock and roll bandā€¦ā€ ;o)

    The upside: they played a solid show despite the nasty conditions. It was great to finally see Lucinda live after all these years. The scaled-back band was solid and Blake stole the show on some songs adding a whole other level of sound to already great songsā€”sometimes with steel-guitar-like atmosphere, sometimes with edgy garage-band rockinā€™ and amazing leads. Unsuffer Me, in particular, sent chills down my spine. Awesome.

    I realized the weather created an odd situation at Wolf Trap so we bit the bullet and got tickets to the Richmond showā€¦indoors this timeā€¦and hopefully with AC! Itā€™s a much smaller venue, too. Looking forward to it.

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