Bardot Hollywood Show Feb 14th?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Bardot Hollywood Show Feb 14th?

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  • #45371

    And I forgot to mention West Words joined us by telephone.


    What, telephonic hook-up for West Words? Maybe I should have provided my own cell number. Anyway, 6 out of the first 7 songs were from the new record, sweet: Bet she through “Out of Touch” in there just to see if Butch could break some sticks. Paul, I can tell by your tone how crushed you were that Lu and band had to walk just past you to get to stage. Tony, keep that alcohol/nicotine balance going, will you? Wish I had been there–if for no other reason to further the “regular looking” majority quotient up front. Hope to have reports from cawane and etienne also. Good times, vicariously.

    West Words

    Stoger, I was being a pest!! “Where are you now?” “Are you in line yet?” “Where are your seats?” “What song?” Cawane was very accommodating and patient with me, and everyone – especially the boys – submitted to several pics so that I could see what was happening. 🙂

    I am ashamed to say however, that for the first time ever, I fell asleep during a Lucinda show… 😳 😉


    You can catch a glimpse of Blake Mills in this video.
    I Live My Life is the song.



    Great find LW. Here is a review of the show from the LA Times.

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