Bardot Hollywood Show Feb 14th?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Bardot Hollywood Show Feb 14th?

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    I’m going to aim for 8:30.


    I sent an email to find out when doors open but something tells me it’s 8 pm. Given who is performing tonight, an early arrival seems prudent.

    This place looks like a good candidate for a pre show eat and drink session. It is across the street at the south end of the block.

    Dillon’s Irish Pub & Grill
    6263 Hollywood Blvd
    Los Angeles, CA


    I’ll be at Dillon’s and look for you. Thanks! Caroline


    Look for the most handsome guy there. That’s not me.


    : )


    @tonyg wrote:

    I sent an email to find out when doors open but something tells me it’s 8 pm. Given who is performing tonight, an early arrival seems prudent.

    This place looks like a good candidate for a pre show eat and drink session. It is across the street at the south end of the block.

    Dillon’s Irish Pub & Grill
    6263 Hollywood Blvd
    Los Angeles, CA

    But will it match West Hollywood’s Cantina spot for ambience, Tony? I wish Cawane a Happy Valentine’s Day (gender-specific greeting there) and all of you males like Tony and Paul the luck of the Irish as you have a life treat tonight. Reports, please.


    Thx Stoger, there will be reports for sure.

    I don’t think anyone will ever be as happy to see us as they were at the Cantina. We will try tonight though.


    I heard back from the club. Doors are at 9 pm.


    Great show tonight. Intimate venue. Great crowd. Reports and more tomorrow.

    The setlist:

    Born To Be Loved
    Convince Me
    Out of Touch
    Seeing Black
    Honey Bee
    I Live My Life

    West Words


    We want to hear the scoopage! 😀

    Sounds like a great show. 8)


    Thanks, Tony, for posting the setlist. And thanks to you and Caroline for company and drinks before and during the show.

    Some notes about the show:

    The venue: The Bardot is very pretty, and seems quite enjoyable for dinner and casual drinks. Also, the staff is extremely nice, especially the doorman, who was quite courteous and helpful in organizing the priority entry for folks (like us) who arrived early, and took his suggestion for off-site drinks at the nearby “W” hotel. That said, the venue is not enjoyable for standing to see a music show. The people with dinner reservations had comfortable, if crowded, seating. Everyone else had to stand in awkward locations, carved out among the ropes, tables, aisles, balconies, and stairways. We were fortunate for priority entry from the doorman, and got an adequate standing location at the extreme stage-right: in fact, Lucinda and the band had to move right past us to access the stage.

    The music and band: Lucinda played the 10 songs per Tony’s setlist, backed by David, Butch, and Val. For the last 4 songs, they were joined by “a new guitarist”, rumored to be “the new guitarist”. Tony may have his name for a later post. Lucinda spoke his name while facing forward, and I was at stage-right, with earplugs, and I did not accurately hear his name. He certainly played well, and seemed very personable, talking with the guitar-tech, standing at my side.

    Added notes: I noticed our friend Kevin was back at the soundboard. Also, Eric, a previous tour manager, was managing the stage production. I don’t know if Kevin and Eric are continuing for the tour.

    In summary, a very good evening of mellow people and music. The venue could use some restructuring for standing shows.

    West Words

    Thanks, Paul! 🙂


    Blake Mills is the new fella. More later.


    Anyway, the night got started when Etienne and I arrived at the venue around 7:15 and found about 20 people in line already. We took a chance and walked down to Hollywood and Vine and had dinner and a beer at Dillons. I had my eyes open for Paul and Caroline, not expecting Paul to show up early, and not knowing what Caroline looked like. We managed to meet up anyway and the 4 of us hoofed it back to Bardot around 8:15. 2 people in line now. We chatted with the doorman who was most pleasant and told us the earlier line was the dinner line and we would not be allowed in until 9, and encouraged us to go have more drinks and he would make sure we got in if it got busy. Skeptically, we went back down to Hollywood Blvd. and had expensive cocktails in the plush bar of the Hotel W. We went back to Bardot about 8:50 and there were at least 100 people in line; the line stretched for about a block and we went “uh oh”. As luck would have it, the nice doorman saw us immediately and put us in our own special top secret line, for ultra cool people, and put admission bracelets on us. So there. We had a nice visit with our famed Webmasta who was out on the sidewalk with his assistant, filming and interviewing people. Webmasta told us about the plans for a web presence for “Blessed”. They are going all out for this one. At 9 pm we were practically the first ones in.

    Once in it was clear this was going to be an intimate performance; the stage took up half the space and the so called VIPs took up most of the rest. The 4 of us shoe horned into a corner at the far right of the stage, next to David, and the guitar tech. Val was at the other end of the stage with LW and Butch in the middle. The show started at 10:15 and ended at precisely 11:15. Lucinda looked fabulous and was in great spirits. She even laughed it off when she flubbed a line in Buttercup, I think. The crowd was pretty regular looking. The Hollywood hipsters were waiting in the wings to take our spaces for the next band.

    I tried to take pictures but I did not have a clear line of sight to LW. There were people in the front of the stage sitting in comfy couches and chairs and LW was practically in their laps, but we mostly saw the side of her head. I thought we had it bad, then I turned around to see Tom O. was about 10 feet behind us, probably the worst spot in the house to see the show from. So there.

    Blake Mills joined the band for the last 3 songs (4 per Paul). He is a young tall skinny fella. I don’t know much about him. He did a good job. We chit chatted with Tom after the show. He was very excited about the show and said Blake was only 24 and they were very happy to meet him.

    So basically we had a great time. The place was cool and everyone who worked there was super nice. Why they let people smoke in there, I have no idea. My eyes were burning and it was hard to breathe. Some people just haven’t gotten the memo about how bad smoking is. To cope with this, I had to have drinks.

    The website was well represented between the 4 of us and Webmasta, and Tom of course. If Grumpymama made it, we were sorry to not meet her. I hope everyone has fun on the tour which starts in a few days.

    West Words

    Thanks, Tony! 🙂

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