Australia shows soon? Maybe in 2014?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Australia shows soon? Maybe in 2014?

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  • #31431

    Hi all

    Hope this is posted in the right section …

    Is there a chance of shows in Australia soon? I’m wondering if Lucinda and band might be doing some shows in April 2014 in conjunction with the annaul Byron Bay Bluesfest again. There’s some further artists to be announced …

    Hope it’s the mighty Lucinda!

    Anyone able to enlighten me?

    Thanks a lot.


    New Jersey Nick

    Is this my buddy Luke from Melbourne? Just a shot in the dark, Australia being a big country and all.


    Sorry mate, it’s actually Brett from Sydney.

    ‘Luke’ (my son’s name) is my LW non de plume. Can’t remember why I used it, think I mucked up initial registering.

    Hope someone can enlighten me about Australian shows.

    Being in NJ you’re well placed indeed to see some top shows I imagine.


    New Jersey Nick

    Oh well, it was worth a shot. Cheers!


    Luke- We are looking into Australia for next year. The last couple times we have over in April and played shows around the Byron Bay Blues fest. The only problem with that is that’s what everyone does and as Byron has grown it means more people touring over there at the same time. We may still do that but we are looking into other options so we can come over when there’s not so many others all there at the same time.


    Thanks Tom for taking the time to reply.

    Hope you do make it down here after all – I’ll be at LW shows with bells on (and several thousand others too just quietly).

    PS thanks to site moderators for running this forum .. and Nick if I bump into a bloke called Luke from Melbourne I’ll ask if he knows you!

    All the best


    Heck, please don’t tour Sep/Oct time 2014 – our little family is making a once in our lifetime trip to the US. A must-do for us is at least one Lucinda show on her home soil, if not a few more. We’ve seen her the last 2 times in NZ, and hubby insists (lucky bugger saw her while he was at a conference in the US) it was a much better experience in the US.

    It’s pretty bloody hard trying to plan a huge trip like that, when show dates aren’t announced until much closer to the time. We’d really like to make the most of seeing some of fave country muso’s. I’m worried they’ll all plan out of the country tours when we decide to go over.


    Hi Tom

    Any word on Australian shows any time soon?



    PS loved the re-mastered LW album … it absolutely barrels out of the speakers! Looking forward to the new abum too.

    All the best

    @TOverby wrote:

    Luke- We are looking into Australia for next year. The last couple times we have over in April and played shows around the Byron Bay Blues fest. The only problem with that is that’s what everyone does and as Byron has grown it means more people touring over there at the same time. We may still do that but we are looking into other options so we can come over when there’s not so many others all there at the same time.


    Australia will be in 2015 -probably first half of the year.

    dr winston oboogie

    Great news TomO, I like I like….

    Did you know that Scotland is on the way home from Australia… 😉


    Thanks Tom look forward to it … put me down for Sydney and Melbourne.

    To Dr W. O’Boogie … mate having flown from UK/Europe and back to Oz, it’s almost enough to kill a brown dog!

    Don’t put the mockers on LW trip to Australia for god’s sake!


    dr winston oboogie


    That was certainly not my aim, I really hoe you get your dates down under, I know we have done very well recently here and Lucinda has come across the pond to see us often in the last few years, but as always we are ready for her again, and I just thought they might come home via us…….PLEASE..

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