Australia / NZ Blessed Tour April 2012

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Australia / NZ Blessed Tour April 2012

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    As Lucinda and the crew are heading down under this week I thought I would remind T.Overby of his blog he did under his “secret” Inside Job identity.
    Here’s an excerpt from the 2009 Little Honey Australia / NZ tour.
    Inside Job blog by Inside Job on Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:38 am
    I have long been considering doing a blog/journal to maybe offer up a little different perspective outside of the usual info etc. but it’s been one of those things that has remained on the to do list. I really wanted to so do it during the making of Little Honey because there were some good backstories that happened during the recording that didn’t really get told, but it just didn’t happen. Now that we are down here in a country where its already tomorrow I thought it might be a good time to take a take a trial run –and it’s a good way to kill some time. For now I’ll call it the Inside Job blog. Feedback welcome:

    Would be great Tom O. for a repeat blog.
    Have a safe and great trip and we are looking forward to reports on newbie Stuart Mathis.



    I’m going to see Lu on Monday night here in Melbourne. I saw both shows last time round, and they were v special. So happy that she’s coming out here again so soon after. My only hope is that she play Pineola (or perhaps Everything Has Changed). I’ll report after the show.

    PS – A blog sounds like a brilliant idea!


    No pressure whatsoever, TO! 😉


    Can’t wait for your report darkhorse!


    Here’s an article from The Age newspaper in Melbourne, AU
    Gotta love the opening paragraph.

    LUCINDA WILLIAMS may well have received a little note on her kindergarten report along the lines of ”Lucinda is an intelligent girl, funny too, but she doesn’t play well with other children”. Fast forward 50-odd years and little has changed, at least when it comes to her songwriting.

    Now, read on.



    A new interview with Lucinda from Undercover FM in Australia.

    Check this excerpt.

    SB: That would be very exciting, can I ask you about the band you are bringing out? Is it pretty much the regular lineup?

    LW: Well there’s a little bit of something different and it’s really exciting. I’ve got my rhythm section that I’ve been with for a few years now, Butch Norton on drums, David Sutton on bass, then Doug Pettibone is back in the band, you know, he was touring with Marianne Faithfull and various people, so he’s doing it and we got another guy who’s also playing guitar, the guitar player from the Wallflowers, Stuart Mathis. Yeah, we had rehearsals and it sounds so amazing, everybody’s really excited about it.

    Tom O. had reported that Doug would be back for London, UK shows in November.
    From Doug’s Facebook page.

    Heading to Puerto Rico today with Draco and the boys until Sunday. Then, I’m off to Australia and New Zealand with Lucinda. So excited about the weeks ahead.

    Stoger, you probabably knew about this all along. 😆

    Here’s the full interview.



    No, lwj, my Pettibone family sources have dried up seemingly, nor of course would I have seen Doug’s Facebook page. But more power to the expanded band. Forty songs is a start 😀 How’d you like that segue from rehearsing to packing which Lu provided in the interview? I bet her mind is more on the latter these days, as the boys bring Mathis up to speed. Wish I could go Down Under by early autumn time there. . .


    @stoger wrote:

    No, lwj, my Pettibone family sources have dried up seemingly, nor of course would I have seen Doug’s Facebook page. But more power to the expanded band. Forty songs is a start 😀 How’d you like that segue from rehearsing to packing which Lu provided in the interview? I bet her mind is more on the latter these days, as the boys bring Mathis up to speed. Wish I could go Down Under by early autumn time there. . .

    Yes stoger, talk about a smooth transistion from rehearsal to packing.
    I sure hope Doug brings along his pedal steel.
    Seems like Buick 6 is almost fully back. But wait, where’s the Chet ?



    A recent facebook post proclaimed Lu, TO, band and crew had touched down safely in the Land of Oz. Looking forward to reports!


    Doug was in Puerto Rico backing Draco Rosa and Ruben Blades last night. He is probably on his way to OZ, unless there is another show tonite.


    be careful in sydney. their murderous metropolitan police killed a 21yo brazilian student over a package of cookies a few weeks back with an electric shock gun. and there’s no proof that he actually stole it.

    imagine that, leaving rio to be murdered in sydney, aguarbly the “”””civilized”””” version of south america’s crowning work of art.


    but i can’t wait to see the youtube videos from the tour. apparently the australian/kiwi crowds are less zombied and overly motionless than the european counterparts.


    Ok – so last night’s show. I’m at work so this’ll have to be a quick response for now.

    The set list was a crowd pleaser; it was diverse and covered a lot of ground. Highlights for me were: Pineola (second song!), Lake Charles (Lu solo), Copenhagen, Unsuffer Me, Crescent City (I was there with my sister and it’s her favourite Lu song, close to being mine too) and Hard Time Killing Floor Blues.

    Stuart Mathis was playing guitar (no Doug). From where we were sitting we struggled to hear him a bit for the first few songs but the sound improved a lot and his playing was brilliant. It is a really stripped back sound from her last tour, and works really well. Mathis would bring something different and special to her next album if he plays guitar on it, I reckon. The rhythm section was tight as hell.

    Lu looked well but said before she started the encore that she was a bit nervous but the crowd’s reaction to the show seemed to reassured her, and that she was really digging Mathis’ playing.

    Was great to see Lu out here again. All my friends that went said had a great night.


    Great report darkhorse!


    I went to the Melbourne show last night. WOW. I was so impressed by the absolute musicianship of the whole show.
    No one on stage was there for their own ego, they were there because they love what they do. This showed so clearly in the music, and their perfomances were joyful, soulful and so fine.
    The songlist included many favourites, some new/old songs, and showed the great depth of Lucinda’s songwriting, her ability to reinterpret classic songs and her love of music, history and her connectedness. I’m not sure how long the performance went for – I got so lost in the music, and no, I don’t have a song list memorised for the show.(edit – Tom Overby has posted one, while I was writing this! See his post in Melbourne 4/2) It was like a journey through life, with all the complexities, the beauty and the sorrow. Lucinda Williams writes like no other, and she notices so much of what we take for granted, she holds these things up to us and says look at how amazing this image is, she paints with words, and she paints such honesty with her words. Sometimes her lyrics can make you a little uncomfortable, and that is a good thing – complacency is another word for mediocrity.
    It rained hard at the end of some great blues, as if the weather in Melbourne was saying Hey, I like your blues to Lucinda.The venue was the Palais Theatre, which has great acoustics, and the mix last night took full advantage of these.

    Lucinda, you were amazing, as was your band. And yes, we know about lovable losers here too, I am a Tigers supporter 😆
    I am off to Byron on Thursday for the Bluesfest, so I will see Lucinda and the band again. I will write more then.

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