FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows AUGUST SHOWS

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  • #43681

    @TOverby wrote:

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I am stunned and reaching out Lucinda’s agent immediately.

    Thanks, Tom…



    I am completely f***ing incensed that this has happened and I have reached out to Lucinda’s agent who was equally upset. This is going to be addressed-and addressed seriously. I will post any updates as I get them, but I have to be honest here and say hold off on buying tickets until I get a response from the venue. I can’t believe I am actually saying that but this just outrageous and it just can’t continue to go down this way.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Additional info on venue below. Lots of rules, with one in particular I found amusing. Apparently, for hip hop shows..”pants must be worn.” Yes, you may color me naive.

    I’ve been to a show at the Ventura Theater – I saw Lu there, with the Heartless Bastards opening, in October, 2006. (Lefty, that’s the *first* time I met Erica… :mrgreen: ). These fees aside, it actually is a cool, old theater converted into music venue. I loved it.

    Here was another “posted” rule:

    Just for the record, all in attendance that I saw both kept on their pants as well as abstained from crowd surfing (although I do believe stoger was sorely tempted to participate in the latter… 😆 ).


    West Words

    Hey Tom,

    I am not certain about this, but I think I remember hearing that Humphrey’s San Diego uses some strong-arm tactics on fans. I believe that in order to get the best seats in the first two sections, you have to buy a minimum of 2 tickets plus get a hotel room, so that the total cost for 2 tickets ends up being $500-$600… I think that the closest seats regular schmucks like most of us can get are in the third section of seats, probably around $70 a pop with fees. Paul, is this what you were referring to in your post about Humphrey’s, and/or can you add any insights?

    Sincerely not trying to be a Negative Nellie, just relaying info I’ve heard.

    Thanks all,


    FWIW West Words, I have also heard negative things about Humphreys, in this case related to the “over zealousness” of the security staff there…

    Still planning on going to the show there & see for myself, however. Hopefully, I won’t end up in the pokey… 😯 😕

    But, if I do, at least it IS the last night of the tour! 😆


    West Words

    Just to clarify, to get the best tickets at Humphreys, Ticketmaster sells a package with 2 tickets + a night’s hotel, looking to be about $400/night.

    Here is an example just pulled from Ticketmaster site (see bottom for total cost) –

    Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo
    Humphreys Concerts By the Bay, San Diego, CA
    Wed, Jul 28, 2010 08:00 PM

    Section SECB2
    Row 3
    Seats 115-116


    TypeLexus Premium Room Ticket (Must Buy 2)
    Ticket PriceUS $249.50 x 2 Price Details Convenience ChargeUS $21.85 x 2
    SUBTOTALUS $542.70


    Thanks for the info, WW. There is NO WAY i would spend that kind of money to stay one night in any hotel! We have a reservation at the Holiday Inn San Diego Bayside which is less than 2 miles from Humphrey’s, and it cost us only $60 plus 15,000 Holiday Inn Priority Club points (I have a Priority Club VISA that gets me points on everything I buy that we always use for “Lu trips”. In Long Beach, we are also staying at a Holiday Inn that is 2 miles from the RMS Queen Mary & has a free shuttle to the ship – for FREE w/ 15,000 points… 😉 ).

    While I am sure the Holiday Inn is not as nice as the hotel at Humphrey’s, I betcha we sleep just as well! 😀

    Looks like we’ll be in the third section with all the rest of the riff-raff! 😆 😆 😆



    I have some comments on recent posts. I want to state very carefully that these are solely my opinions. I don’t want to be scolded for reducing ticket sales, or depriving folks of a good evening of music.

    1. I have deleted my prior comments on Humphrey’s. Let’s just say I don’t like the seating arrangements.

    2. I have attended several shows (including Lucinda) at the Ventura Theater, and I genuinely enjoyed the venue. They provide single, unattached chairs which can be moved around the upper tiers at your pleasure. You can walk among the bars, drop your chair around the perimeter, and be quite relaxed, watching the show, albeit from a moderate distance. Obviously, down front, it can be quite crowded near the performer, but that’s your choice where to stand. I saw no problem with clothing, but I wasn’t attending a show with clothing restrictions.

    3. I have read some disturbing reports about oppressive security at the Roseland Theater in Portland. Perhaps, SamishSeaMike can comment.


    Doesn’t sound entirely pleasant at Humphrey’s, paul_from_losangeles, but, at least in my case, you aren’t reducing ticket sales! I’ll still go, because I love seeing Lu perform that much and, in order to justify the trip across the country, I want to see more than 1 or 2 shows. Thank you for your honesty…


    P.S. Are the “prestige” seats up front for hotel guests the same crowded, plastic chairs? If so, I am amazed that folks who pay $400 for a hotel room would tolerate such “accommodations”! 😯


    I understand that the plastic chairs are not ideal but beyond that it has been my overall impression that it is a great setting for a show being right on the water etc. This is the third time Lucinda will have played there since I have been with her and the feedback that I have received about the venue has always been mostly positive. I have not heard of any complaints about security at any of our other shows -both of which ended up pretty “energetic”. I have spoken with other artists who enjoy playing there, and I know Lucinda always has. If we felt it was not a good place to watch or play a show we wouldn’t continue to play it.


    @TOverby wrote:

    I am completely f***ing incensed that this has happened and I have reached out to Lucinda’s agent who was equally upset. This is going to be addressed-and addressed seriously. I will post any updates as I get them, but I have to be honest here and say hold off on buying tickets until I get a response from the venue. I can’t believe I am actually saying that but this just outrageous and it just can’t continue to go down this way.

    Thanks, Tom O: I’ll “hold off” for now, but you know I’m down with attending the show, in a plastic chair or otherwise. And yes, Tom T: crowd surfing is always a sore temptation, though not so much out-and-out pants-abandonment.

    West Words

    Ditto! 😀

    at least in my case, you aren’t reducing ticket sales! I’ll still go, because I love seeing Lu perform that much and, in order to justify the trip across the country, I want to see more than 1 or 2 shows. Thank you for your honesty…



    And thanks for your perspective as well, Tom O. Sarah & I will definitely see for ourselves – we, along with West Words, will be there “with bells on”! I, for one, am also looking forward to visiting San Diego for the first time since I stopped by there in February, 1982 after being discharged from the U.S. Army. I was discharged at Ft. Lewis (south of Seattle, WA), bought a 2 week “Ameripass” on Greyhound, and took my time going down the West Coast from Tacoma, WA, to San Diego (before a marathon trip from there home to Atlanta). I had some experiences for the ages, which will remain unmentioned here in our “Friendly Forum”… 😉



    @TOverby wrote:

    I am completely f***ing incensed that this has happened and I have reached out to Lucinda’s agent who was equally upset. This is going to be addressed-and addressed seriously. I will post any updates as I get them, but I have to be honest here and say hold off on buying tickets until I get a response from the venue. I can’t believe I am actually saying that but this just outrageous and it just can’t continue to go down this way.

    Thanks for addressing the situation, TO!


    Hey Mr. Stoger -the “hold off” was in reference to the Ventura show not the SD show. I sent you an email also.

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