Atlanta Botanical Gardens July 25, 2008

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Atlanta Botanical Gardens July 25, 2008

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    Tom, I think I understand your reasoning; but because someone is emotional or passionate does not give them the right to conduct themselves like that. I can say I’ve seen four so-called meltdowns in the last year or so and they’re getting uglier and uglier. She’s acting like a petulant child, but because she’s “emotional” that makes it okay? It’s time for her to get her act together; she just went out on tour. I think she’s under alot of pressure right now. She’s always saying how “happy” she is but she looks and acts like she’s miserable. Her last two studio albums have not sold many copies, and she may be feeling the pressure with the new one. (It’s already been pushed back twice). I’ve seen her audiences decline over the last two years; let’s hope she’s not relegated to just playing clubs soon. As far as her not touring; she has to tour. Her records do not sell enough for her to stop; this is how she survives. I just hope that we’re not seeing the beginnings of a self-destruction. Take care, Tom.


    I haven’t been to any of these shows on this current tour, and so you’ll have to take my comments with a grain of salt or two. We have no clue what else is going on in her life. and what pressures may be prompting these “meltdowns”. I do agree that she HAS to tour in order to survive. Most musicians do. There may be things going on within her family that are stressing her out. I do know that her sister has a chronic illness that will likely end her life early (chronic pancreatitis), and I also know that Lucinda has helped her sister out financially over the last several years. I have no idea if what her audience is seeing is related to something of that nature, but my point is this: We have no idea what else is in Lucinda’s mind when she walks out on stage every night. We don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. From dealing with a loved one with a chronic illness myself, that can stress you out beyond belief. Of course, I have no idea if this is contributing to some of the problems people are talking about, but I thought I would toss my two cents in nonetheless. As I’ve said, take the above with a grain or two of salt, and if my comments come off as seeming like an apologist, then so be it.


    I enjoyed the Atlanta show! As long as Lu sings those beautiful songs of hers- I’ll be there. That was my 14th show and I plan on being at many more.
    It is hot and humid in Atl. in July and I’m sure the lights (heat lamps) made it totally unbearable. I was hot just sitting still in the audience.


    This isn’t the main point of the arguments being thrown around here, but one I find interesting. I’ve been reading this forum for a long time, but this is the topic that finally got me to participate and write. I’ve been to see Lucinda many times, including twice so far this year. I’m one of those that tend to believe she can do no wrong. I think she’s a genious and think her body of work is strong enough to accept the “meltdowns” that go along with her live performances. I’ve never seen it destroy a show of hers before.
    One thing I would like to point out, respectfully, is that both sides seem to agree that there are certain things out of Lucinda’s control. For example, the audience or some overhead lights. However, I agree with the annoying curfew rule. There are some things that ARE within Lucinda’s control and if there’s going to be an 11:00 curfew, start the show before 9:00. They don’t find out about the curfew 20 minutes before it happens. Plan ahead for it.
    I respect that others might be thrown by her outbursts. It doesn’t bother me, but I recognize that others may not appreciate it. She may lose fans because of it on any given night. That doesn’t seem to bother her, which gives me more respect for her, actually. I may get blasted for this comment, but I think if anyone gives up on Lucinda because of a quick rant or a few f-bombs, they probably weren’t her fans because of her genuine and profound artistry. These are the people who’ve been told they should like Lucinda because she’s the “alt-country darling”.


    Good post Roger. I don’t think you are going to get blasted. Or maybe Lucinda will.

    Just kidding.


    Shephers Bush London May 2003 Beth Orton played one of the longest support sets I had ever seen. She told us she had been asked to keep playing because Lucinda was not yet at the Theatre but was still ‘shopping in the West End.’

    When she eventually arrived Lucinda and the Love Band played a great show -which was plenty long enough – but Lu said they had to finish earlier than she would like because they needed to catch the ferry to Ireland…Hmmm Curfew? I don’t think so. Three years later same venue- Teddy Thompson had finished half hour ago and still no sign of Lucinda. Fractious show followed – bit short – but Bruce Springsteen joined her onstage and all was well…..

    Sorry Roger but I don’t buy it. I love Lucinda Williams and have followed her career for 12 years now. Bought everything she puts out and been a strong advocate for her work to other people. However some things are just amateurish -That is all.

    So no propoganda about profound genius please- bad behaviour from Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, whoever is not excused by their ‘wayward genius’ but may be a symptom of a pampered or cloistered existence where nobody is a naysayer and ‘you are an artist darling’ is the mantra so anything goes.

    Lu is not getting any younger and the road is tough, she is agreat artist and a gifted person but the ticket is a contract and I think it is a negation of the artist’s responsibility to blame extraneous factors for poor performance. Diva behaviour that accompanies it should not be mitigated in any circumstances. If you want to do a long show you start at a time to accommodate that- that applies in every walk of life. It is just planning my dear – just planning.


    Gretschman, I remember your wise “emporer has no clothes” posts on this theme from last year. Lucinda “warts’n all” is such a frequently recurring topic, it’s worth its own thread, so i posted one over in the “In General” area….Tim, Rachel, tntracy, DiscoStu, tony — all good observations about the paradox 😕 of Lucinda!


    What was the setlist for fu*ks sake? A three page thread and I don’t see a setlist.


    Oppps, my fu*kin’ fault. The setliest was under a thread called … well, I don’t fu*kin’ remember.

    @DreamingMan wrote:

    What was the setlist for fu*ks sake? A three page thread and I don’t see a setlist.


    Ughh if you read the passionate debate that emerged in the thread, I think you may have missed the point.

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