Atlanta #2

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Atlanta #2

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  • #31820

    Fantastic show. It has to be up there with the very best I’ve attended. Much more of a high-energy crowd than night #1 and Lu loved every minute of it. She says all through the night a variation of “Wow, you guys are great!”

    She starts with recognizing Variety Playhouse for their 25th anniversary and states how she truly loves “this real rock-and-roll venue”. She recollects her shows here long ago.

    1. Protection
    2. Real Life Bleeding Fingers…
    3. Can’t Let Go
    4. Pineola
    5. Drunken Angel
    6. East Side of Town
    7. Ghosts of Hwy. 20. (Lu) She mentions the bluesmen and other history along this road and the places she used to live, and that “you guys know where all those towns are”.
    8. If There’s a Heaven. (Lu) Intimate new song about death and a “before you let go of my hand” request to let me know what’s on the other side. I noticed some tears in the crowd. Chilling.
    9. Lake Charles (Lu and Stu)
    10. Side of the Road. She refers to how much she likes the 1994 cover by Dave Schramm. Said that was a bit of “song trivia for you”.
    Said she was going to pick up the pace a bit, tips her hat to her “great band”, and heads into…
    11. Are You Down

    Now the real fun starts…
    12. Seeing Black. Starts by tying the song to the late Vic Chesnutt. All good for the first half of the song but she notices the lyric sheet is missing! With the four on stage looking wide-eyed at each other and Lu with that “Oh shit, what do we do now” expression, the band ably covers the impasse (stalls?) while Justin is frantically flipping through the off-stage lyric book. He looks up to Lu with a negative head nod. The decision is made to just kill the song right there. The crowd erupts with lots of laughs and applause. Great support to Lu which she soaks up in a positive way.
    13. Come On

    Flipping through her lyric book, stumbles across the page for…
    14. Those Three Days. This was #4 alternate on the set list but was subbed because of the misplaced lyric sheet. She said “I’m going back for this one.” A real crowd pleaser.

    Again flipping through the book she finds the missing page for…
    15. Seeing Black. Tells the band “let’s do it again.” This time, all the way through. Great version.
    16. Foolishness
    17. Unsuffer Me
    18. Essence
    19. Righteously. By now there’s red wine and beer on the stage. She dances like I’ve not seen before. Finally, she needs a partner. She pulls Justin from the side stage shadows and they cut a rug to a wild audience reaction. A fantastic, unexpected moment. Lu is grooving.
    20. Honeybee

    21. Stop Breaking Down (Lu and Stu)
    22. Joy
    23. Should I Stay or Should I Go. The alternate to #21. We got it anyway. She just didn’t want to quit tonight.
    24. Keep On Rocking…

    Leaving the stage so obviously appreciative of the crowd enthusiasm. Multiple bows before she stole away.

    I have to tip my own hat to Stuart. He gets better and better every time I see him. Sutton told me tonight that “Yeah, he’s really owning it.” I heartily agree. I’ve never seen him with a banjo until tonight and he’s killer at that as well. Imagine a banjo through Stu’s floor of pedals! I think he just invented something!

    PS. Had a nice chat with Matt Blake after the show. If you’re not catching his music yet, shame on you. He’s a great musician and lyricist. Check him out today!




    @Railroad wrote:

    Fantastic show. It has to be up there with the very best I’ve attended. Much more of a high-energy crowd than night #1 and Lu loved every minute of it. She says all through the night a variation of “Wow, you guys are great!”

    She starts with recognizing Variety Playhouse for their 25th anniversary and states how she truly loves “this real rock-and-roll venue”. She recollects her shows here long ago.

    1. Protection
    2. Real Life Bleeding Fingers…
    3. Can’t Let Go
    4. Pineola
    5. Drunken Angel
    6. East Side of Town
    7. Ghosts of Hwy. 20. (Lu) She mentions the bluesmen and other history along this road and the places she used to live, and that “you guys know where all those towns are”.
    8. If There’s a Heaven. (Lu) Intimate new song about death and a “before you let go of my hand” request to let me know what’s on the other side. I noticed some tears in the crowd. Chilling.
    9. Lake Charles (Lu and Stu)
    10. Side of the Road. She refers to how much she likes the 1994 cover by Dave Schramm. Said that was a bit of “song trivia for you”.
    Said she was going to pick up the pace a bit, tips her hat to her “great band”, and heads into…
    11. Are You Down

    Now the real fun starts…
    12. Seeing Black. Starts by tying the song to the late Vic Chesnutt. All good for the first half of the song but she notices the lyric sheet is missing! With the four on stage looking wide-eyed at each other and Lu with that “Oh shit, what do we do now” expression, the band ably covers the impasse (stalls?) while Justin is frantically flipping through the off-stage lyric book. He looks up to Lu with a negative head nod. The decision is made to just kill the song right there. The crowd erupts with lots of laughs and applause. Great support to Lu which she soaks up in a positive way.
    13. Come On

    Flipping through her lyric book, stumbles across the page for…
    14. Those Three Days. This was #4 alternate on the set list but was subbed because of the misplaced lyric sheet. She said “I’m going back for this one.” A real crowd pleaser.

    Again flipping through the book she finds the missing page for…
    15. Seeing Black. Tells the band “let’s do it again.” This time, all the way through. Great version.
    16. Foolishness
    17. Unsuffer Me
    18. Essence
    19. Righteously. By now there’s red wine and beer on the stage. She dances like I’ve not seen before. Finally, she needs a partner. She pulls Justin from the side stage shadows and they cut a rug to a wild audience reaction. A fantastic, unexpected moment. Lu is grooving.
    20. Honeybee

    21. Stop Breaking Down (Lu and Stu)
    22. Joy
    23. Should I Stay or Should I Go. The alternate to #21. We got it anyway. She just didn’t want to quit tonight.
    24. Keep On Rocking…

    Leaving the stage so obviously appreciative of the crowd enthusiasm. Multiple bows before she stole away.

    I have to tip my own hat to Stuart. He gets better and better every time I see him. Sutton told me tonight that “Yeah, he’s really owning it.” I heartily agree. I’ve never seen him with a banjo until tonight and he’s killer at that as well. Imagine a banjo through Stu’s floor of pedals! I think he just invented something!

    PS. Had a nice chat with Matt Blake after the show. If you’re not catching his music yet, shame on you. He’s a great musician and lyricist. Check him out today!

    Great stuff, Randy, especially the dancing with Justin bit and the specifics on “If There’s a Heaven,” which I’ve only heard once. I found that Schramms record a few years back in a used bin at Antone’s REcords of Austin: mighty fine. And I’m glad the great late Georgian Vic Chesnutt was honored in full with my favorite song among the Lu live rocker-set choices.


    From the Tom:
    In the comments on Facebook from the first night someone mentioned that as good as night 1 was, the 2nd may have topped it. I would say that is a pretty accurate assessment. It’s aways hard to say this night was better than that night etc., but occasionally their are shows that go to a different place -they just find a different level and this became one of those nights. Things started off right from the top with a real energy and Lu did another new song, If There’s A Heaven -it was solo and is a very personal song and you could’ve heard a pin drop. But shortly after that is where things started to hit a new gear. After starting Seeing Black she discovered that the second page of lyrics was missing in the lyric book (and its a song with a lot of words) and the song came to a grinding halt. The crowd completely came to her rescue and gave her a huge applause. The ice was now completely broken and it was off to the races as the whole band just…well something clearly had happened. After a scorching version of Come On she decided to go back and play Those 3 Days which was supposed to be earlier in the set. When she went back to find it, there was the second page of Seeing Black so after Those 3 Days she went back and played a ripping version of Seeing Black. From here it was pretty much pandemonium with Lu being very animated and eventually dancing with her guitar tech. By the time she came off for the encore the crowd was so loud she was having trouble hearing onstage. Two encores later it was all over. Over the past few years Atlanta has become one of Lu’s best markets and after the shouw Lu was talking about how much she loved the energy at the Variety (celebrating their 25th Anniversary) and how amazing and supportive the audience had been on a night when it all could have gone wrong. This was one for the ages.

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