Asheville, March 16th

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Asheville, March 16th

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    @tonyg wrote:

    Lafayette, you and Tom each got a free beer!

    Yes, we did! I’ve never had beer poured on me before. I love road trips. hehe


    One added note or two to Lafayette’s retelling of the “drunk big chick bumpin’ & grindin'” story. They (there were three of them, but the one pouring the beer was by far the most obnoxious) not only literally wedged themselves in front of Lafayette & me (& behind Sandy’s friends who had been directly in front of us on the rail), they not only insisted on dancing in those close quarters (poorly, I might add) once there, but they also were all drinking large cups of beer that they all insisted on holding high aloft (I suppose so Lu could see & appreciate they were drinking beer 🙄 ) as they swayed about. The cups were nearly full (they must have come straight from the bar to position themselves in front of us – so much for their “working all night” to get up front) & I was worried that they were going to slosh beer on us even before the altercations occurred.

    When Lafayette objected to the biggest girl bumping into her, she looked over her shoulder at Lafayette, scowled and yelled, “move back!” (you must not have heard her, Lafayette). Now, that’s what sealed it for me. It is one thing to be excited & drunk (been there, done that), another to physically insert yourself near the end of the show in front of people who have been standing up front since 7:00 PM (when doors opened) or shortly thereafter (haven’t been there, done that), but to then be extremely pissy & rude to someone who objects as if you are “entitled” to be there was just too much. That’s when I got angry.

    I’ll admit I used some colorful language and hand gestures to the most obnoxious one after I forced my way in front of her & after she poured the beer down my back. But, I resisted the urge to smack her (trust me, it was difficult), and ignored her the rest of the show. I felt bad afterwards (only because I hate confrontations, especially when I am trying to have a good time), but felt better when some strangers standing near us thanked me for saying & doing what they were all feeling at the time.

    Despite this incident, I had a great time & enjoyed the show immensely. And oh yeah – stoger – the reason “Honey Bee” was the only song I didn’t remember & therefore left off of my cobbled-together set list above? Lu & the boys were playing it while this altercation occurred. Anger clouds the memory… ;o)



    @tonyg wrote:

    Lafayette, you and Tom each got a free beer!

    Yeah, but unfortunately, I quit drinking two months ago. That’s what made it even more aggravating. I don’t mind smelling like a brewery when I am drunk, but hate it when I haven’t gotten to enjoy the “source of the stink” (so to speak)… 👿



    @Railroad wrote:

    Gotta tell this..
    This morning in Kingsport, driving my Mom to the grocery store, she decided to stop at Mac’s Medical for a prescription. As we were leaving, I glanced up to see Stoger behind the counter! I was dumbfounded and for just a moment, I was speechless. I stared a moment and said “Roger?” He stared a moment and said “Randy?” What an unbelievable coincidence! We rehashed the Asheville show a while and traded a story or two.
    Still hard to believe this million-to-one chance meeting. The Lu family ties will pop up at the most unexpected times.


    Now Railroad, I know you are from Birmingham – what were you doing in Kingsport, TN (as if it’s any of my business)? Visiting your Mom, I presume? Is that where you are from? If so, you & stoger are “homies”! 😆


    EDIT: N’mind, Railroad – just saw in your post where you said y’all were in Kingsport “to see famiy”… “Reading (comprehension) is fundamental”… 😳


    @Lafayette wrote:

    After the show, we met Bill Rouda, the photographer behind the book of the revitalization of Lower Broadway in Nashville, where Lu is the premise of the book and the subject of several photos. Lu also wrote the foreword.

    Copies of this book available on Amazon:

    And, I saw Lafayette’s copy of this book & read Lu’s forward while I was staying at Lafayette’s home a couple of weeks ago in Cincinnati.

    As LWJetta likes to say, “connecting the dots…connecting the dots…” :mrgreen:



    Nice setlist!

    Can anyone comment on what kind of merch is being sold at the shows and what the prices are? Shirts, vinyl, posters…?? Thanks.



    Tnt your recount of the night’s events are so much more colorful than mine. No, I don’t remember her telling me to back up. Thanks for having my back.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Tnt your recount of the night’s events are so much more colorful than mine. No, I don’t remember her telling me to back up. Thanks for having my back.

    Anytime, anytime… 😉 Besides, you’ve had my back before… 🙂



    @sstevens75 wrote:

    Nice setlist!

    Can anyone comment on what kind of merch is being sold at the shows and what the prices are? Shirts, vinyl, posters…?? Thanks.


    Sam, I didn’t notice the merch table Wednesday night. I’ve seen vinyl, CD’s, and T-shirts for sell at other shows but unfortunately this time I wasn’t looking and didn’t notice. Wish I could help.


    @Rainydayman wrote:

    @sstevens75 wrote:

    Nice setlist!

    Can anyone comment on what kind of merch is being sold at the shows and what the prices are? Shirts, vinyl, posters…?? Thanks.


    Sam, I didn’t notice the merch table Wednesday night. I’ve seen vinyl, CD’s, and T-shirts for sell at other shows but unfortunately this time I wasn’t looking and didn’t notice. Wish I could help.

    Yeah, I didn’t go by the merch table either, but I did see t-shirts hanging on the wall behind it from where I was standing for the show up by the stage. Lafayette, you bought a cool “Blessed” t-shirt IIRC – what else did they have?



    There were two Blessed tshirts. I purchased the one that had Blessed written (in black) across the length of the shirt 6 times in succession and Lucinda Williams (in white) written up the side of the shirt. It’s a woman’s cut, V neck on blue/gray blackground. LOVE it!

    Another Blessed shirt, in black, had Blessed written similar to the CD.

    I’m sorry, I don’t recall seeing any vinyl, but I was in a hurry to purchase the shirt. I did purchase a CD as well.


    Not sure if this has been posted already:

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