Asheville, March 16th

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Asheville, March 16th

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    Great Setlist! I will post the sets from the OKC BlueDoor shows next week.
    I’m really hoping for “Memphis Pearl” on one of those nights. Such a great song.

    Stoger, are you going to make it to the Fayetteville show?


    @stoger wrote:

    I will compliment sir tntracy for nailing 17 out of the 18 main set songs.

    Honesty compels me to admit that, after remembering about half that main set purely from memory, I did bring up ITunes to scan the track listings of all of Lu’s studio albums as an aid… 😳



    Just had the best time last night at the show! Us Asheville folks do like to hoot and hollar for good music. and Lucinda did not disappoint!

    Anyone wanting to check out a few photos from the show, feel free to take a peek at JBird Photography. She is a real fan from way back and was so honored to be able to shoot a few…was a memorable experience for everyone!


    @youbettie wrote:

    Anyone wanting to check out a few photos from the show, feel free to take a peek at JBird Photography. She is a real fan from way back and was so honored to be able to shoot a few…was a memorable experience for everyone!

    Nice photos! If she was the lady up front w/ the photo pass who said she was taking some photos for a local newspaper as a freelancer, I talked to her in the “doors” line, as well as up front before the show. Nice lady…


    P.S. Welcome to the Lu forum, youbettie!


    @stoger wrote:

    And a shout-out to raindayman, my fellow ASU alum (not Arizona St. either)…

    Thanks stoger. Small world, huh? It was great meeting you and the others.

    On another subject, this was the first time I’ve seen Val with the band. Wow, he is an awesome guitarist and fits in well with Lu’s songs. He did some blistering solos.

    West Words

    Hi Guys! Sorry for the delay in posting in. I had a giant dog barking in the room next to mine last night, and had some work-related errands to tend to, as well as a 9-hour drive home. But I made it! 😀

    WOW!!! What an incredible show last night! It had to have been in my top 3 favorites. I can’t imagine anything ever topping the never-ending show in Baltimore several years back – at the Ram’s Head – with no curfew – on the last night of the tour – show lasted till about 1:30am. But last night’s was right up there! It had to have been as much fun to be on stage, as it was for us in the audience. 🙂

    Set list:

    1. I Just Wanted To See You So Bad

    2. Happy Woman Blues – ‘This is an older song from the Folkways Album…’

    3. People Talkin’ – ‘It sounds really good in here.’

    4. 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten – ‘I initially got the idea for this song on New Year’s Day after a wild night out in Knoxville, and from the books “Juke Joints” and “Appalachian Portraits” by Shelby Lee Adams.’ Lu messed up the lyrics at the ‘leaning against the railing’ part, laughed and said ‘I looked over at Val and I got distracted – that’s what happens’. The genuineness of the moment just added to the fun.

    5. Crescent City – ‘This is a song I was real honored to have Emmy Lou Harris record.’

    6. I Lost It – ‘This song I got the idea for when I was living in Houston about 30 years ago, and I kept seeing these bumper stickers on cars that said “I Found It”. ‘

    7. Right In Time – ‘Off the Car Wheels album’

    8. Buttercup – ‘I wrote this song about the same guy as Jailhouse Tears – the last chapter, the only bad boy song on the new album – which is pretty good. I still had a little bit in my system.’

    9. I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’ – ‘ I wrote this song about my younger brother, who I also wrote Are You Alright? about. He doesn’t even know how famous he’s getting!’ Again, it was stunning and beautiful with its authenticity and simplicity.

    10. Something About What Happens When We Talk – tour debut

    11. Born To Be Loved

    12. Convince Me – This song consistently seems to be one of the biggest crowd-pleasers, with lots of hooting and hollering.

    13. Essence – one of the skull heads flew off Butch’s drums; he had to find it and re-connect it

    14. Come On

    15. Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings

    16. Righteously

    17. Changed The Locks – ‘Dylan LeBlanc and I just got done contributing to Steve Cropper’s new album, along with Betty Lavette.’

    18. Honey Bee – ‘We really appreciate y’all coming out and supporting us, especially during these tough economic times.’

    ‘Thanks, you’ve been a great audience – God bless you – Love, Peace, & Revolution!’

    1st Encore:

    19. Blessed – ‘This is the title song off the new album.’

    20. Get Right With God – Dylan LeBlanc came back on stage and joined in playing guitar.

    21. Joy – Dylan LeBlanc vs. Val McCallum in dueling guitars.

    Crowd ROARED as Lu & crew left the stage.

    2nd Encore:

    22. For What It’s Worth – ‘This is a 60’s protest song, by one of my favorite bands, and it’s still very relevant. People marching on the capitol, trying to get their voices heard. Power to the people! They’re trying to get their voices heard; they’re mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it anymore!’

    The girl shook the rafters, and brought down the house!


    That’s a great setlist/review West Words. Thanks.

    West Words

    It was nice getting to meet you and Anna, Raindayman. Great show!! 🙂


    Thanks West Words. We had such a great time, and you and Tom and stoger were all so gracious. I am also impressed that you took such good notes. I would have, but you know, it’s hard to hoot and holler and drink beer AND take notes. Ha ha… on.


    Glad to hear you made it home safely, West Words. Lafayette & I were starting to worry a little bit when we hadn’t heard from you by late last night. You can ignore my text message… 😉


    P.S. Rainydayman, that’s a better excuse for not taking notes than I have – I was just being lazy… 😳 :mrgreen:


    First, great note taking and report, West Words! I, too, am glad you made it home. A 9 hour drive is pushing it for me…my limit is 8 these days.

    Rainydayman, I regret not meeting up before the show. Next time, I hope. I love meeting fans, especially FF member fans. My issue was a late start, thinking I had a 5 1/2 hour drive, only to go into slight panic mode when I hopped in the car, plugged in my destination, and an extra hour I wasn’t counting on appeared on the GPS. It all worked out though as I arrived at the venue just shortly after doors opened.

    The show, as reported, was absolutely smokin’. Lu & the band were firing on all cylinders. Even with the flub during Lake Charles, Lu laughed it off and just started the verse over. She was smiling from ear to ear with the audience response. It was my best show to date. They’re all good, this one was exceptional!

    We, as in tnt and I, had an issue with some crashers. TNT was on the rail and I was standing slightly back from the rail, basically at a second row status. There was room between TNT & another girl to be a rail leaner, but I decided I liked the room so I could jam a bit. At one point, TNT offered his spot to some friends of West Words and he stood beside me and somewhat behind. At this point, some drunk girls came up and stood right in front of me/us. I was somewhat miffed but I could still see so I tried to let it roll off my back. At this point, drunk girl #1, standing right in front of me, kept shouting “I love you, Lu” and proceeded to start dancing and bumping into me full throttle. I couldn’t take it so I shoved her back with my body and she turned around and gave me some lip service and I told her she was bumping into me while she was dancing. She said “I’ve worked all night to get up here, I love her, blah blah.” So not only did she jump in front of me she felt like she could dance and body bang me, and it was constant. Truly aggravating. So we had more words and she said “I want to dance, do you want to get in front of me ?” I jumped in front of her, apparently she poured beer on me. I didn’t feel the beer but was told afterwards and sure enough, wet in the back. Then, tnt had words with her, he got in front of her, and he had a whole cup of beer poured on him. It was quite the night.

    So, I’ve had one girl bumping into me (at the Columbus show) standing behind me, and now this one absolutely banging into me in front of me. Aaaahhhh…general admission shows. I love them, though, the energy of live GA show is unparalleled for me.

    After the show, we met Bill Rouda, the photographer behind the book of the revitalization of Lower Broadway in Nashville, where Lu is the premise of the book and the subject of several photos. Lu also wrote the foreword.

    Copies of this book available on Amazon:


    Yes, Asheville was great. I love the standing room floor much better than the seated theaters and the Orange Peel can’t be beat. Good to see all you “regulars” there. It was a long way from Birmingham but we were headed to Kingsport, TN to see family anyway. The energy from both the stage and the crowd was fantastic.
    Gotta tell this..
    This morning in Kingsport, driving my Mom to the grocery store, she decided to stop at Mac’s Medical for a prescription. As we were leaving, I glanced up to see Stoger behind the counter! I was dumbfounded and for just a moment, I was speechless. I stared a moment and said “Roger?” He stared a moment and said “Randy?” What an unbelievable coincidence! We rehashed the Asheville show a while and traded a story or two.
    Still hard to believe this million-to-one chance meeting. The Lu family ties will pop up at the most unexpected times.



    Lafayette, you and Tom each got a free beer!


    @Railroad wrote:

    Yes, Asheville was great. I love the standing room floor much better than the seated theaters and the Orange Peel can’t be beat. Good to see all you “regulars” there. It was a long way from Birmingham but we were headed to Kingsport, TN to see family anyway. The energy from both the stage and the crowd was fantastic.
    Gotta tell this..
    This morning in Kingsport, driving my Mom to the grocery store, she decided to stop at Mac’s Medical for a prescription. As we were leaving, I glanced up to see Stoger behind the counter! I was dumbfounded and for just a moment, I was speechless. I stared a moment and said “Roger?” He stared a moment and said “Randy?” What an unbelievable coincidence! We rehashed the Asheville show a while and traded a story or two.
    Still hard to believe this million-to-one chance meeting. The Lu family ties will pop up at the most unexpected times.


    Hi Randy, it was great bumping into you and is it Cathy or Kathy (?) again, even if I didn’t quite remember ya’ll 😳 from the Atlanta show, where I’m happy to say, no bumping and grinding at that show from women standing in front or behind me. I also met WW, stoger, and tnt that night as well!


    Yep – I remeber your funky hat from the Tabernacle. Too cool!

    Randy (& Kathy)

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