Arab Times Review

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  • #30577
    West Words

    Review from a land far, far away –

    New Williams CD a blessing

    Lucinda Williams, “Blessed” (Lost Highway).

    Lucinda Williams built her reputation in the 1990s with a series of stunning albums that detailed, with tender insight, a turbulent life filled with reckless men and a rambling search for meaning in the heart of modern America.

    Now happily married and in her 50s, Williams has sometimes struggled to bring the same passion and clarity to a life more settled. With 2008’s uneven “Little Honey,” she sang of personal fulfillment in terms both spiritual and sexual, while ramping up the blues-rock component of her ragged, roots-based sound.

    The title of her new album, “Blessed,” may suggest more songs of bliss. However, Williams now looks outside her own heart and experiences — and proves she can be just as moving when singing about others instead of herself.

    She keeps the music rough yet tightly arranged, juxtaposing raw guitar rockers with gentle acoustic tidings, similar to Neil Young’s eclectic Americana style. Williams still focuses on characters living outside of society, as in the heartbreaking “I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’,” but now it’s with a maternal concern rather than as a fellow traveler.

    What “Blessed” brings back is the charitable grace with which Williams sees the world — an openhearted yet unflinching honesty that continues to make her music a sweet blessing in a tough world.

    Check Out This Track: “Seeing Black” isn’t the first time Williams has written about a friend’s suicide. But this time she’s joined by Elvis Costello on guitar (but not vocals), for a seething rocker that’s as angry as it is mournful.


    Almost more heartening than the peoples’ rebellions in Libya and Tunisia to hear of this focus, WW. . .


    WW, I appreciate your enthusiasm but would it be possible for you to contain Blessed reviews to one thread?

    West Words

    ripley said:
    WW, I appreciate your enthusiasm but would it be possible for you to contain Blessed reviews to one thread?

    I agree! I was swept away with over-exuberance for the new album, and never anticipated the vastness of the press coverage it would get. I will contain myself to only the show reviews for the New York and New Orleans show, which I’m thinking might be extra special. 🙂


    @ripley wrote:

    WW, I appreciate your enthusiasm but would it be possible for you to contain Blessed reviews to one thread?

    I will combine them…


    UPDATE: Here is a link to the new thread. For clarity’s sake, I created it by merging all the previous “Blessed” review threads that had no comments (which was the majority of them).

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