April 20 Fort Collins, CA

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows April 20 Fort Collins, CA

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    Mr. Stoger has submitted the latest entry in his Marquee Series, in honor of tonight’s show. Hope it’s a good one.

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    Whew: sorry to keep hundreds (dozens? tens?) of you waiting, but . . The main set was the EXACT same one as Boulder. No variations. I can’t be bothered typing those titles again, so. . .

    16 Rock and Roll Shoes
    17 Righteously
    18 Joy

    I believe this was the first three-song encore of the tour, so there’s your novelty right there.

    A GA club called Washington’s called up a grungy edifice in my mind, but it was sleek, modern–and literally boasted stain glass of our first US president. Damn near cut down a cherry tree after that. Also, this was, by far, the most mask-insistent venue of the whole tour. I kind of thought things were trending in the other direction. . . .

    Lu dropped some lyrics during “Can’t Let Go,” but elements of the crowd kept singing!

    She started “People Talkin'” over midstream, mumbling something like “I’ll hear about my mistakes afterwards.”

    Lu pronounced the band a “tight little unit,” and she was right– more so than in Boulder.

    I cannot tell a lie, I will miss this tour after tonight’s Santa Fe gig. Parker in CA (or OK), you may have to step up and do the setlist here.


    Thanks for the report. Next man up!


    Stoger, I was worried sick!

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