Any Laura Veirs Fans?

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    Anyone like Laura Veirs? We are going to see her day after tomorrow at a small club (The Star Bar) in a cool intown Atlanta neighborhood called Little Five Points…



    Laura Veirs is terrific. But more important is the idea that Big Sandy, Chuck Prophet, and Charlie Louvin are playing The Star during the next few weeks… Now that’s some good lookin’ music.


    All artists worthy of anyone’s attention indeed, DiM, although, because of a built-in bias for female vocalists, as well as a limited budget, I lean towards Ms. Veirs. However, a soft spot in my heart for Mr. Louvin would tempt me in that direction as well…



    [attachment=1:xw5ozv18]big-sandy-his-fly-rite-boys.jpg[/attachment:xw5ozv18]As my taste in music cuts across both gender and genre, I find the straight ahead dieselbilly that Big Sandy and His Fly-Rite Boys offer simply irresistible. And in another direction, Rupa and the April Fishes create an Americana World Music tapestry like no other.[attachment=0:xw5ozv18]Rupa-April-Fishes-375-txt.jpg[/attachment:xw5ozv18]


    How was Laura’s ( pregnant? ) gig last night at the Star Bar?
    I’ve checked out her music and I like.
    Being Canadian, I saw that she played Vancouver last December.
    Here is a neat ( underwater ) interview article on Laura from Vancouver.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    How was Laura’s ( pregnant? ) gig last night at the Star Bar?

    It was kind of a strange evening, LWJ. Taking the stage first was Eric Anderson, the sole member of the band Cataldo in attendance who gave a short, but very good performance – just him on guitar and singing. I really liked his voice & his songwriting (I’m assuming here he performed original material).

    Next up was a band called Old Believers which featured Eric again (this time on bass guitar), a young guy on lead who’s name escapes me, and the merch guy on drum machine / keyboards / “tape loop” machine & vocals. They started off OK with some Americana-style stuff, but finished their short set with two strange numbers that had this kind of R&B vibe (not a bad thing, mind you, in and of itself) & rather mundane lyrics. I’ll cut them some slack & guess it was an off night, but looking around at some of the rest of the audience’s reaction, it seemed that those around us felt as I did & leave it at that.

    Finally, a very-pregnant (due in mid-April, she revealed to an audience member’s question mid-set) Ms. Veirs then took the stage with a female violinist, the lead guitarist from Old Believers and Mr. Anderson yet again. They played a fairly short set – about an hour & 15 minutes – that was pretty good, if not a wee bit uneven. The highlight for me was a rousing rendition of a traditional song – I believe the title was “Red Freckled Hen” (I did not recognize it from any of her albums I have).

    All in all, not a bad night, but not one of the better shows I’ve seen, truth be told…



    @tntracy wrote:

    Finally, a very-pregnant (due in mid-April, she revealed to an audience member’s question mid-set) Ms. Veirs then took the stage with a female violinist, the lead guitarist from Old Believers and Mr. Anderson yet again. They played a fairly short set – about an hour & 15 minutes – that was pretty good, if not a wee bit uneven. The highlight for me was a rousing rendition of a traditional song – I believe the title was “Red Freckled Hen” (I did not recognize it from any of her albums I have).

    All in all, not a bad night, but not one of the better shows I’ve seen, truth be told…

    Thanks Tom for the report. Sounds like a real pot pouri of musical talent on stage.

    p.s. Good old Team USA beat us Canucks last night. Congratulations, -It was a really fast-paced hockey game.


    Here is a very pregnant Laura singing from her new album”July Flame”
    A full 45 minutes of live in studio video with interviews from KCRW Radio in LA aired yesterday.


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