Ann Arbor Show, help!!!

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    I just heard this morning that Lucinda is playing the Ark in Ann Arbor in March. I have been a huge fan for longer than I can remember, and I ran right to the computer, only to find they were sold out. Someone, please, in the name of all that is holy, help me get to this show!!! I’ll take one ticket and go alone! If anyone has any leads…please help. Thanks so much. Contact at


    Did you try the venue directly rather than Ticketbastards? Here’s the link:
    looks like you can phone or go in person…


    The Ark handled “distribution” of tickets in a very haphazzard manner. First, they said tickets were on sale of Saturday Jan. 8th. Then, without notice they changed the sale date to Jan. 15. I’ve seen Lucinda everytime she’s played the Detroit area since the early 1990s and have never had this kind of trouble. I suggest she deal with people more reliable with the Ark and the favoratism they show to Ann Arbor “townies.” I doubt they are serious fans. It’s really a black mark agianst Lucinda and her management to be dealing with these A2 yuppies.


    BTW, the show was supposedlly sold out in 20 minutes. The had a Tickekmaster ppresale for Lucinda fan club members which I couldn’t find anywhere online. I’m signed up to this website and check it often, but didn’t know a fan club existed.


    @mrm717 wrote:

    BTW, the show was supposedlly sold out in 20 minutes. The had a Tickekmaster ppresale for Lucinda fan club members which I couldn’t find anywhere online. I’m signed up to this website and check it often, but didn’t know a fan club existed.

    There currently IS NOT an official Lucinda fan club, so I don’t know to what club they were referring…

    Sorry you had problems getting tickets. And, welcome to the forum…



    Looks like scalpers got some of the tickets – no real surprise there. How much they are charging for GA is surprising though (IMHO)…



    There was nothing haphazard about how the Ark handled the tickets, they did it the same way they’ve been doing it for years. Tickets for Ark shows usually go on sale Saturday at 10:00 AM on ticketmaster. If that’s the case, you can buy the tickets starting at 9:00 in person at the Michigan Union ticket office (all of us townie Ark supporters know that). The tickets never made it to ticketmaster as they sold out long before 10:00. On a typical non-sellout show, some of the remaining tickets are distributed the following Monday to the Ark box office and Herb David Guitars, you can buy them in person at either of those locations with no service charge. The Ark only holds 400 people. I walked over there Friday to purchase tickets for a different show, they told me that the password presale on ticketmaster was allocated 200 for Lucinda including ALL of the reserved seats, and those went quick.

    Oh, there are other things we know about the Ark as well, including what time to line up for GA based on a number of factors and where those 2 really good seats are that the first 100 through the door will walk right by.


    “I walked over there Friday to purchase tickets for a different show, they told me that the password presale on ticketmaster was allocated 200 for Lucinda including ALL of the reserved seats, and those went quick.”

    Like I said, the ticket distribution process favored A2 “townies.” Ann Arbor isn’t known as the “attitude capital of the world” for nothing (why, I’ll never know). Also, those who are on the Ark’s mailing list were mailed faulty information prior to ticket sales claiming sales were going to begin on 1-8-11 instead of 1-15-11. Nothing was ever re-emailed to clarify that this was not true.


    With all due respect, I really don’t think the “townies” were favored in any way. We did a full week presale that was posted in this forum on Jan. 7th under the Presales topic. In hindsight I wish we had posted it as a separate topic, and we will make sure we do that in the future. But in addition to this website, I decided to treat Lucinda’s Facebook fanpage as a pseudo fanclub, as we don’t have a real fan club yet and all of the info -including how to buy tickets directly from the venue as well as the presale password – was posted there a week before the tickets went on sale to the public. The info was also posted on the Ark website.
    I am sorry you feel as if it wasn’t fair, but i’m not sure what else we could have done. If you would like please send me a private message here or email me at and I will put your name on a list in the event that we have a few tickets to release from our hold backs. I can’t guarantee it but there is a reasonably good chance that we will have a small number of tickets to release. In the meantime I apologize for the confusion with this on sale -these are the first pre-sales we have done and we hope to be a little smoother with how we communicate the info in the future.


    Gracious, but unnecessary…the presale was posted well in advance for all to see. I wasn’t going to make the trip, but tix were so easy to get (thanks to your presale), I couldn’t resist. See you on tour.


    For those looking for Ann Arbor tickets, if cost is not an issue, here are 2 reserved seats on row C, for “only” $425



    @tntracy wrote:

    For those looking for Ann Arbor tickets, if cost is not an issue, here are 2 reserved seats on row C, for “only” $425


    N’mind. They’re already sold…



    Wow! That makes the $57.25 I paid quite a bargain.


    @fuji81 wrote:

    Wow! That makes the $57.25 I paid quite a bargain.

    Yeah, I love Lu as much as any one else, but the prices on these scalped Ann Arbor show tickets on eBay are surprising me. Must be a heck of a place to see a show… 😉



    I’m betting Lucinda will come back through later this year with a full band and probably play the Michigan Theater which seems to be where she has played most of her Detroit area shows recently. I’ve seen her at the Majestic Theater, the inaugural year of Arts, Beats and Eats on top of the Phoenix Center in Pontiac, at Clutch Cargo’s in Pontiac (the show was moved from the Phoenix Center), opening for Neil Young at DTE, and the Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor a couple of times (one time was a just weeks after I was stranded in NOLA during a vacation when Kartina hit). That year was especially poignant since Hurricane Rita had just hit Lake Charles. I wish artists would follow Neko Case’s lead and refuse to play venues that have any association with Live Nation associated venues. Artists used to have more of a social consciousness.

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