Ann Arbor Show at The Ark March 2

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Ann Arbor Show at The Ark March 2

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  • #30563

    The last solo gig in the first leg of tour 2011.
    Let’s watch the album’s title song from The Ark until the reports filter in.



    Filter filter, singular for now

    1 W Without Tears [aborted after first 3 syllables but subsequently nailed]
    2 Side of the Road
    3 I Don’t Know How…
    4 Lake Charles
    5 Pineola
    6 Crescet City
    7 Ugly Truth
    8 Bus toB R
    9 Everything Has Changed [with talk of how “relevant” this song is to the political situation]
    10 Born to be Loved
    11People Talkin’
    12 Fruits of my Labor
    13 Well Well Well
    14 I Lost It
    15 Concrete & BW [“I don’t know how Steve Earle does it,” it being remembering lyrics without book or teleprompter]
    16 Buttercup
    17 Can’t Let Go
    18 Down the Big Road Blues [with pause to say “I know it’s nasty” during calf/cow sequence]
    19 Honeybee [robert Johnson lauded]
    20 Jackson [with Dylan L]
    21Get Right w god [Rev. G Davis and Fred McDowell shout-outs]
    22 Changed the L

    23 Joy

    24 Blessed


    Great set list .
    Did you encounter any trouble from the “Townies” in Ann Arbor ?

    quote=”stoger”]Wow, now I’m wondering what to expect when I hit the pavement in front of the venue Kasey Chambers has called her favorite in the States to play: scalpers waving three-figure tickets aloft? Sidewalk brawls pitting “townies” against blue-collar urban types with “motown” user names? A further division in which the “gownies” from the university form common cause with the Detroiters to beat the town yuppies–if not bodily, at least to the front spots? And what of those cryptic twin seats easily overlooked in the rush–what if a single like me from another part of the country gets to one first and throws his coat over the other? “Attitude” indeed! I’m getting off the Greyhound from Erie (connection through Detroit!) armed for bear. Let’s rumble.

    See you in Toronto tomorrow.



    LWJ, you forget nothing from this Forum, obviously. I will elaborate briefly on my Ann Arbor setlist–and sorry for the typo on song six title. A sharp Forum moderator would have corrected that by now 😀 😀

    No sidewalk brawls, though when I arrived circa 7:20 asking if will call line was separate from doors line, the Ark staff members (volunteers?) on the pavement with clipboards could not answer the question. So I proceeded to the Alley Bar on Liberty and Main, deciding to take my chances on a single seat later in the evening, as my friend from East Lansing was not able to attend after all. Beverage-imbibing at the Alley Bar did not involve a five-dollar minimum up front, as I later found out was the Ark’s policy. Something about license to sell booze requiring each patron to sign up and make this minimum donation; maybe that was what the clipboards were for all along. Anyway, I don’t begrudge the venue this amount, but ended up as a popcorn-only Ark concessions patron as it happened. When I was ready to enter just before opener, a volunteeer usher intercepted me and led me to an empty, three seats from an aisle. It was a fine spot, fourth row stage right as it happened, but I kind of felt perfectly capable of roaming the room myself and eagle-eyeing any singles remaining. I would call the staff attentive. I would call the venue insular. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty to admire about the folks who have maintained a room like this through the years, moving it a time or two I believe. Lucinda enjoyed playing there. But I must say I’ve got a certain jones for the more impersonal houses down the line on this tour, e.g., DC 9:30 club, where a man can enter and exit at will, can skip or listen to the opening act without notice taken, according to his whim. I’m saying this about Erie and Ann Arbor both (though the spaces couldn’t be more different in most ways): way too much hands-on staff focus. All I need is that wild man with a dozen body ring piercings to handstamp me on V Street as I enter the 9:30 club and let the evening unfurl from there, really. So now I will hear from Ann Arborites defending their haunt, and that’s OK. As for any Detroiters last night, didn’t meet them. . .


    They announced that the show was being video taped…future release TO?


    Too early to say -just had the opportunity to do it with the same person who did the album shows, and I had a feeling these shows could be very unique, so I really wanted to get one on film. Our guy said he got some really great footage. We got some great after show footage also. One of Lucinda’s teachers from her Fayetteville college days in 1971 was there. She had told Lucinda back then not to pursue a music career, and they were talking about that last night. Pretty hilarious.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Too early to say -just had the opportunity to do it with the same person who did the album shows, and I had a feeling these shows could be very unique, so I really wanted to get one on film. Our guy said he got some really great footage. We got some great after show footage also. One of Lucinda’s teachers from her Fayetteville college days in 1971 was there. She had told Lucinda back then not to pursue a music career, and they were talking about that last night. Pretty hilarious.

    Ha: they advised Einstein to stay away from quantum data and particle theory too, before he dropped out of high school–think I glimpsed this very woman in the wings myself.


    Special shows indeed. Congratulations on a fabulous solo acoustic run. Now, let there be rock! If Ann Arbor’s Joy was any indication, I do believe that Lu is primed to hook up with the band in Toronto, and crank it up to 11.
    On a side note… have you ever considered an album of Delta Blues covers? Lu’s smokin’ hot version of Down the Big Road Blues from the other night was one of the many highlights.

    ps…Thank you, for all you do.


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