Angela Easterling

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    Well, Ella’s Good Music-Good Food of Greeneville, TN [the only such named town in the US with the middle vowel intact, so I’m told] isn’t exactly the greater New York City metropolitan area, but last night I and about a dozen others enjoyed the music of former Los Angeleno Angela Easterling, one day after the official release of her third CD Beguiler (pluralize that and you have her band’s name, though she had only one sideman, the estimable Brandon Turner, last night). Angela now lives in South Carolina but was certainly in the orbit of Lu and the Shilah Morrow Sin City crowd when she lived on the west coast.

    Last night she played four songs off her first record Earning Her Wings, a half dozen from Blacktop Road, and ten out of the 12 featured on Beguiler. Will Kimbrough produced it, with bass work from Byron House of Robert Plant’s band. The evening also featured a Johnny Cash cover plus a couple of others.

    I felt bad for her, since the venue’s website didn’t even have her gig listed. After recently playing the main stage of Telluride to some 20,000 (Angela won a songwriters’ contest for “Maria, My Friend” to gain that honor), our desultory group of diners and talkers must have seemed quite a comedown. But she gamely gave it her all.

    After Lucinda’s 2009 wedding, I flew back to Nashville on Saturday rather than making a whole weekend of it in Minneapolis, to see Angela on a bill with the Bottle Rockets at the Basement.

    One final note: earlier in the day I was praised by an east TN retailer for my Little Honey t-shirt. This person went on to affirm that “Concrete Angel” was her favorite Lucinda song.

    Perhaps I should have been in Jersey after all.


    Concrete Angel…thanks for the chuckle.


    Stoger & I are heading to Birmingham this afternoon to see Angela Easterling at Moonlight on the Mountain. Should be a great evening to cap off last night’s wonderful Lu show in Macon, GA!



    Very, very nice, albeit short, set from Angela Easterling at Moonlight on the Mile in Birmingham Friday night. First, a few words on the venue: I LOVE this place! It is small (capacity 50 or so), intimate, and located in a storefront suite in a little shopping center across the street from an incredibly beautiful view from the top of Shades Mountain. They appear to me to be emulating Eddie’s Attic (the guy taking money at the door asked me if I had ever been there when I mentioned we drove from Atlanta for the show), complete with the “no talking please – this is a listening room” admonition at the beginning of the show (I LOVE it!). However, unlike Eddie’s Attic, they serve no food or drinks; instead, you can bring in whatever you want! Coolers, bottle of winef, food from home, the the cafe next door, whatever. I thought that was so cool – however, we did not expect this, so we arrived empty-handed. Next time!

    A talented young singer-songwriter named Hannah Miller opened with a 30-minute or so set which I enjoyed very much. Angela played about one hour. After the show, I purchased, and she signed, copies of her first CD, Earning Her Wings & her third, new CD, Beguiler. We drove back to North Georgia immediately after the show, wanting to have heard more from Ms. Easterling but, at the same time, grateful for the earlier start home than anticipated, as we were both quite tired from our excursion to Macon the night before to see Lu & the boys.

    If you ever find yourself in Birmingham, AL looking for a show, check out Moonlight on the Mountain. It is a really cool venue with the right attitude about the singer-songwriter… 😉


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